Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Beach, Painting and Birthday Preparations

We had our family vacation  last week in Orange Beach and decided to have the boys two year pictures made while we were down there. We did get some great shots, but needless to say we will wait to have beach pictures made again until they can follow directions and be still :)
They L-O-V-E-D the beach! Ethan kept telling me the water was "told"-which means cold. Zac had no fear of the water or sand. Ethan was a little more reserved and wasn't too crazy about the sand sticking to his feet, which if you know Ethan he has a slight obsession with his feet :)
Now that we are back home we are painting our dinning room which I'll put some before/after pics once we're finished. I can't wait to see how it turns out since I got the idea off of pinterest! We are trying to get it finished before their birthday party next weekend. I still can't believe my babies are about to turn 2!!

Monday, June 11, 2012

I've been wanting to get started blogging for awhile as a way to keep a more up to date account of the boys- funny things they do and say and current photos that go along with that. I haven't been the best at keeping up their baby books since after their 1st birthday, so hopefully this can help me out!