Saturday, August 10, 2013

A Thought From Algodones

By Natalya Yamshchikova in St. Petersburg, Russia

An Underlying Truth

Life imitating art imitating life:
While these days we hear more about heroin and prescription drug abuse in New Mexico, meth is still huge in this region.

...In 2008, the year "Breaking Bad" started airing, officials seized 2,241 kilograms of meth in the Southwest region. In 2012, it was 10,137 kilograms. The DEA credits better enforcement.

But Kevin Abar with Homeland Security Investigations here in Albuquerque today says they're seeing an increase in something really concerning.

"We're seeing a high grade, pharmaceutical quality meth that's coming into our communities. We're seeing meth with purity rates anywhere from 98 to 99 percent pure meth, which is just unbelievable that we're seeing those qualities," Abar said.

That pure, potent meth is exactly the kind of product Walter White or "Heisenburg" make in his Albuquerque lab.

In real life, it's coming into the United States from Mexico. They're doing it in labs, with white coats, as if they're making Viagra or anything else.

A Simpler Time

By Brandon Bidleman in Sterling Heights, MI Web site / Instagram / Society6

Friday, August 09, 2013

Prepare Your Bids Now!

Mike Faris, auto dealer on Albuquerque's North Fourth Street, just called! The two Breaking Bad cars he's been holding off the market until the Season 5b premiere (Jesse's and Mike's cars), will go sale on E-Bay on Monday, August 12th. A big portion of the proceeds will go to charity. Since AMC saw fit to crush the rest of the cars used on the show, these two cars will be particularly-loved in the future as mementoes of a remarkable moment in television history. Consider your bids now!

Two More Days!

Image by James Bousema in Las Vegas, NV.

Friday Train

Team-Building Exercise At Work Whereby We All Bring In One Bottle of Beer

I don't understand this workplace stuff. That's why they put me in hidden corner, I suppose.

Candy explains the rules of the random drawing. The Chili Pepper beer I brought in is on the right. I hope some random person likes chili peppers.

Kate prepares us to hold up banners wishing Josh a speedy recovery.

Dennis McClement Retirement Party

Dennis & Diane heading to Gilbert, AZ.

Breaking Bad, Jr.

Walter White's Hometown

Along with a tidal wave of press celebrating the final eight episodes of the best TV series ever, a wonderful article in the New Yorker!:

When I spoke with Ball, the Candy Lady, about the influx of interest in the state’s more sordid affairs, she told me that she doesn’t see a downside to it. She also told me that last year, just as her sugary narcotics made national news, her daughter-in-law died from a meth overdose. The reality of her life and that of the show are constantly in collision, in a way that might make other people turn away and look forward to its end. But she doesn’t want “Breaking Bad” to be over. She’ll keep selling blue rocks as long as the people arrive. “The whole world can see Albuquerque now,” she says. “They see us with all our problems. We’re not shy about it, just as I’m not shy about mine. But the people … they also see the sky. They never knew!

Lauryn Hill - "Everything Is Everything"

Bitcoin Is Currency

As fraud-prone as it is:
It is clear that Bitcoin can be used as money. It can be used to purchase goods or services, and as Shavers stated, used to pay for individual living expenses. The only limitation of Bitcoin is that it is limited to those places that accept it as currency. However, it can also be exchanged for conventional currencies, such as the U.S. dollar, Euro, Yen, and Yuan. Therefore, Bitcoin is a currency or form of money, and investors wishing to invest in BTCST provided an investment of money.

There's A Skunk Around Here Someplace

Along with Bailey the Rabbit, I obtained from Giorgio and Karina an accordion-like, portable, knee-high fence. I used the fence to complicate any possible entrance or exit through the back gate, whether by people, dogs, or rabbits. Since Bailey's passing, the fence is used primarily against people wandering in from the alley.

Tonight, I think the fence complicated a skunk's entry into the back yard. I saw the skunk clearly within the yard, but tangling with the fence. When I went to get a camera, the skunk had vanished. I don't think it quite succeeded entering the yard.

Mission Romance, With Joe The Plumber

(At a dark intersection, far away, in southeast Sacramento)

M.: How did it go?

J.: (carrying large box back to car) She didn't want it. She's too medicated to accept it. There are other people at the house, too. I don't know who they are. It's a really beautiful carousel too. It's the last thing of value I really have. It's worth $500.

M.: I've seen similar carousels on the Internet for $50.

J.: It's worth $500 and she didn't even care.

M.: All women are like that.

J.: She never takes my feelings into account, the clothes she wears.

M.: She's not obliged to you with respect to her clothes.

J.: People are such hypocrites with their Bible. I know I'm right. The Atlanteans were here first.

M.: Was that a pistol I saw you flash back at the van?

J.: No, that's a pellet gun. Remember?

M.: Oh, yeah. It looks like a pistol, though. I once nearly shot my mother in the eye with a BB gun. Fired at a dishwashing soap bottle, and the BB bounced back and hit her on her lower eyelid.

J.: Wow! I wish I had fired at the girl bike thieves yesterday. They were blondes. Laughing blondes. Bastard white people. First they take our land then they take our bikes. Worthless people. I'm going to have to walk to Senior Gleaners tomorrow so I can eat. It's, like, six miles. No jobs, either. The motel owner asked my bid to trim six palm trees. I said $500. It's worth $2,000, but sure enough, he hired a Cuban to do it for $200.

(pulling into motel parking lot near the decrepit van with Bella, the Labrador Retriever, waiting inside)

J.: Let's look at the palm trees. Ha! The Cuban just finished one. They're just getting what they deserved. Serves them all right.

{Voicemail Update this evening:

J.: She called back. She said she really appreciated the gesture.}

Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Tickling The Dragon

I'm gleeful I'm wasting someone's time in Fortress Kansas:
Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries.
Or, as E.: might say:

I Knew This Would Happen

Two weeks ago, someone stole Joe the Plumber's bicycle. So, he asked to borrow back the bicycle he sold me last year for $140, in order to have transportation (since his van is all but incapacitated).

So, today's 8:30 a.m. phone call was inevitable:

J.: You won't believe it. They stole the bicycle. Took it out right from me!

M.: How did it happen?

J.: It was this family of girls. They've been hanging around. The girl who took it looked like maybe she was ten. Some of my friends thought she looked older, and one even said: 'Boy, she's hot!' She stole it. A friend was close enough to stop her, but he was too slow. I found the place where they hid the bicycle. Then her mom and her sisters drove past. They picked up the bicycle, put it on their vehicle, hopped in and took off before I could catch them. They turned the wrong way onto the freeway. I called the cops and described them, but they didn't believe me. They're in on it too. You trust cops to be good people, but they don't even know the concept. The Bible and Christianity are nothing but a conspiracy against people. I just wish I had a baseball bat. So, sorry about your bike.

After the call, E. approached:

E.: Who dat?

M.: Psycho II.

E.: I HATE him! What does he want?

M.: Someone stole the bicycle he borrowed back from me.

E.: MMMMMAAAARRRCCCC! When will you ever learn? No one stole that bike!

M.: Well, whatever, it's gone.

People Have Different Ideas About What 'Purity' Means

Saw this the other day, and thought it's a remarkably bad idea.

Get Well Soon, Josh Willter

Hospitalized with pneumonia.

Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Holy Crap, Are The Koch Brothers Going To Sic Dogs On Me?

For the sin of mentioning Koch Industries on the Web, I notice CounterPoint Strategies is snooping around a bit on yours truly. What do they do?:
“When you include their name in the search, it draws attention to it and lets the reporter know that you mean business and you’re going to hold them responsible,” McCarthy told me over the phone. For another seafaring client, the National Fisheries Institute, he bought Google ads against the names of three Vogue reporters — and their editor, Anna Wintour — who wrote about high levels of mercury in fish.

...Targeting reporters where they hang out online is McCarthy’s grating specialty. He went after ABC News, on behalf of the Formaldehyde Council, with ads ... on Mediabistro’s TVNewser. “It was virtually a guarantee that they and all their competitors were going to see it,” McCarthy told me with more than a little relish.
Holy crap, if they distrust me enough, they'll buy ads on the Internet saying I'm a sniveling, lying, unreliable blogger.

Well, like they say in Hollywood, there is no such thing as bad publicity. Can I parlay this into something bigger? Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries, Koch Industries....

Clowns Going To Syria?

Tyehimba recently went to Clown Camp, and he says he's on the short list of people ready to go Syria in October.

Here is a wonderful interview on BBC Outlook where they discuss the efforts of Clowns Without Borders in Syrian refugee camps.

Are the two things related? They have to be right? The challenge is keeping tens of thousands of idled kids focused on education and away from gangs.