Monday, January 20, 2020

Everyone Likes The Dog

"Give me back my dog!" The fellow came rolling up behind me on a Jump Bike as I walked Jasper. An odd sort of fellow. Seemed to have a wobbling head and odd eyes. It looked like he had eyeliner on. "I'm just joking with you, man. I just like dogs."

I relaxed and said, "Doesn't everyone? Yes, Jasper's a very cute dog. Will be two years old in April." Jasper reluctantly sniffed the guy.

"Jasper! Where did you get him?" he asked. "Through friends, in Placerville" I said. "Placerville. Placerville? Where is that? Is that towards San Jose?" he asked. "No, no, it's toward Tahoe," I replied. Even though Placerville is just forty miles away, he looked like he had never heard of the place.

"I'm not going to ask for any money. Do you like, maybe, have any work for me to do?" he asked. "No," I replied, unnerved by his head wobble. "Well, we need to be going," I said, as Jasper and I began sauntering off.

The Californians/Buh-Bye

Somehow missed this one. Love them all!

This stuff slays me....

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Up To Their Necks in Emus

This doesn't sound like a problem to me - more like paradise:
The big, flightless birds have always lived in the bushland that surrounds the town of Nannup, which has a population of around 1,300 people. But the emus began showing up in the town center in the middle of last year, and haven't left since, said Tony Dean, president of the town council.

Standing up to 1.9 meters tall (6.2 feet), the emu is Australia's tallest native bird and one of the world's largest bird species, according to conservation group Birdlife Australia. Emus are related to ostriches and another native Australian bird, the cassowary.

There are about three families of emus roaming the town, a total of 20 to 40 birds, Dean said. The emu parents laid their eggs about eight to nine months ago, and led their chicks -- only a few inches tall at the time -- into the town. Now, the chicks are impossible to miss, standing around 6 feet tall (1.8 meters).

With Lights Out, More Fun Ensues

Side effect of last week’s crash into the light pole in the alley behind my house: the darkness is now host to a social gathering at 3 a.m.

Lights Out In The Parking Lot

Heard the crash in the alley Wednesday evening, January 8th. A fellow drove into a telephone pole and No Parking sign. Flattened the poles, with live wires down, and everything. There used to be guardrails here in the late 90s, but they were removed after a neighbor with drug issues drove into those early one morning. I guess people will eventually drive into everything, if they get a chance.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Home Sweet Home (VII) (2012)

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Last updated: January 15, 2020

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Notes on Individual Scenes

Convenience market - (Crazy Jonathan's Discount Chainsaws) - Probably La Luz Market

17 West Mitch St., Santa Fe, NM/Workplace - apparently Spring Park Apartments, 5801 Eubank Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87111

Remote highway

La Luz Market Ltd Co., 27 Alamo St, La Luz, NM 88337

House (wonder where this is?


Satellite Inn
916 N White Sands Blvd
Alamogordo, NM 88310??????? - can't confirm

Probably instead the current Rodeway Inn, since it's across the street from the Dollar General with the arched sign, visible in the background of Inn scenes. Address:
2224 North White Sands Boulevard Alamogordo 88310 USA

As the Call, So the Echo (2005)

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Last updated: January 15, 2020

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Presbyterian Hospital, ABQ

Day Surgery sign


NB I-25 (35.106706°, -106.628800°)

NB Tramway? (but where?)

NB I-25 - Jefferson Blvd. exit sign (35.139163°, -106.598943°)

NB I-25, just short of Odelia (35.097034°, -106.632317°)

NB I-25 frontage road, Montgomery exit



Back in ABQ again - reversed image

Hot Coffee (2011)

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Last updated: March 12, 2020

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Notes on Individual Scenes
Stella Liebeck case

Reactions to lawsuit

The Big I - Looking south, from EB I-40 to NB I-25 onramp - from about (35.107003°, -106.626995°)

Satellite Coffee - which one??

McDonald's - Gibson & San Mateo Blvds.

Courthouse Annex - 415 Tijeras Ave. NW

State of NM Metropolitan Court House - NW corner of Lomas & 4th


Saturday, January 11, 2020

"Atlas of Albuquerque Filming Locations" Milestone

After discovering a cache of Albuquerque films (those films that last an hour, or more) and making a big push, I've now got Atlas entries for 281 of 377 films - roughly 75% of the total.

It will be very hard to push further, though. The remaining films are just hard to find. I'm hoping that I can find a few films by prowling Albuquerque used video stores, but some of these films are very obscure, so I'm not hopeful. Further progress from this point will be slow and halting.

The Speed of Orange (2012)

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Last updated: January 11, 2020

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ABQ Downs

Sunray Racetrack in Farmington, NM

Disappointment Valley, CO


South Valley pix

La Mesa Park (Raton)

Uranium Downs - Grand Junction, CO

Thunderbird Downs, Las Vegas

Los Alamitos Track, CA


Santa Fe Downs

She's Missing (2018)

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Last updated: March 6, 2023

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Notes on Individual Scenes

White Mesa, near top, west side

Aerial images

Rodeo images


Shorty's BBQ, 1204 Route 66 (apparently in Moriarty)

Shorty's Bar-B-Q - Restaurant
1204 Rte 66
Moriarty, NM 87035

Near burned house

Road to mountain on horizon, with utility poles



Outside Casino

Lariat Motel - Hotel
708 Rte 66
Moriarty, NM 87035

Seaside images

White Mesa - about (35.528970°, -106.818083°)

Old Church, Corrales, NM

Reception hall

Shorty's BBQ


Whiting Brothers Gas Station - Gas station
500 Central Ave
Moriarty, NM 87035


House - 800

Lariat Motel

Bosque Farms Rodeo Association, 1040 Arena Rd., Bosque Farms, NM 87068


Rodeo Grounds

800 House/Walking



View of Moriarty Central Ave. - (35.008917°, -106.061995°)

View of El Comedor Restaurant
El Comedor de Reyes - Pan-Latin restaurant
1009 Highway M
Moriarty, NM 87035

El Comedor.

Whiting Brothers Gas Station.

Under power lines

Mrs. Ruiz

Gypsum Mines

Shorty's/Aerial Shots/Lariat Motel

Bend in Road

Drive Up on the West Side - Package to go


Gun Shop

Bulletin Board

Road to Clay City - South of ABQ. Probably Bobby Foster Rd.

Bar/Dance Club

Fancy Home - Sandia Foothills?

Shooting Yard/Fountain

Plot hole - how is she driving again?

Room...9? Lariat?


Gas Station (Fillup)/laundry/Room

Ocean/Paradise Motel

Absent (2010)

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Notes on Individual Scenes

Movie link:

Park (w. palm trees)


Johnny Tapia Story - Interview site


The Pit

(Wallace Park Community Center was where he started boxing as a kid - not pictured)

ABQ Streets - Outwest Auto Corral (near La Barca & McDonalds)

Cafe Da Lat, 5615 Central Ave NE, Albuquerque, NM 87108

Pioneer Motel

Big Texas BBQ

A Quality Inn (which one?)

Cafe Da Lat - Vietnamese restaurant

Caravan East, 7605 Central Ave. NE

Pinon Motel.

Fulton Motors Truck Sales

ABQ's mass grave on West Mesa


Johnny Tapia round II

Ohkay Casino in Espanola

The Garden (III) (2017)

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Last updated: March 8, 2023

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Movie link:

Forest (moss on trees - not NM)



Shift of Urban scenes

Knifepoint - Alley entrance just north of Central on 5th Street NW - E. side

The Garden - seashore


Small plaza - where is this?

Blackbird Buvette, 509 Central Ave NW, Albuquerque, NM 87102/ Walking outside on Central Ave.

The backyard garden again

Driving in Country Club neighborhood - 16th & Los Alamos, turning right on Los Alamos

5th & Central, NW corner, and nearby


SW Sunset

Brief glimpses of Library from SE corner, Copper between 3rd & 4th, south side


Yard/kitchen/field - where is this?


Aspen woods

Roosevelt Park

House, Etc.

Driving in Country Club neighborhood


5th & Central, Ramp - behind Copper Garage?

4th & Copper, just N of intersection, E side

Walking under promenade, E side of Hyatt Regency

Back yard

Wedding reception/plaza again/bubbles

Streets in Country Club neighborhood - Los Alamos & 16th St.

House with candles

Hilly field, etc.

Alley again, then the Desert Sands pool!

Central & 6th., NE corner, looking west; Desert Sands

Nice - Valle Caldera? Yellowstone? (Maybe Durango)

Old Town Bandshell. Old Town Plaza - small plaza, south side, bandshell, SE side

ABQ Street/alley/Room 110

Outside 519 Central Ave. NW

Looking out house - ABQ neighborhood, but where? Looks like Fruit & 10th neighborhood.

House w. stairs


Driving east on Tijeras; right onto 3rd St.

Fields - down around Belen?

Thanks given to Prop House, Flying Star, Olive Garden, Garcia's Kitchen, Blackbird Buvette, Pizza 9, Applebee's, Desert Sands, and Magic Lantern

Friday, January 10, 2020

Walter White Funeral (2013 Video)

Jackamoe Buzzell's family is from Maine, as are most Buzzells in the United States, and since my mother is a Buzzell, it is likely I'm a distant relative to Jackamoe.

The beautiful and effective eulogy is by Michael Flowers, Breaking Bad Set Dresser.

My sister is here somewhere.....


Sunset Memorial Park

Thursday, January 09, 2020


Interesting movie.

Icebox (2018)

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Last updated: March 11, 2020

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Notes on Individual Scenes

Classroom - 7th & Mountain?


Truck yard

SW of ABQ - fences


Crossing fence/Bike/Walking/Transport

Big Holding Facility - probably the place used in Sicario, off Jim McDowell Road

Driving down road - Shooting Range Access Road?

Upper Curve on Bobby Foster Road

Fields - southern NM?

Driving/Courthouse - Bernalillo Co. Annex

Upper Curve on Bobby Foster Road

S. NM again

Bobby Foster Rd.

Bus station

Menaul School/ City of Watsonville (35.109982°, -106.638012°)