Most fourth of July's we try to go boating, play in the water and relax. This year we decided to try a little bit different agenda since we have a lot of foster kids around and playing in the water isn't always an easy task. We headed up to the Mountain house and had a bbq, played, celebrated Logan's Birthday and chilled.
It took a few of them to figure out that the gas wasn't hooked up to the BBQ. One little thing can ruin a bbq if your not careful.
Ambria and I tried to sneak up on Saige and her cousins. We tip toed down under the camper bed and listened, until we were bored. The girls weren't talking about anything good so instead we scarred the beegeebies out of them.
Some of these cute girls on the fourth of July-Ambria, Saige, Isabella and Kennedy.
The younger kids had a good method going of how to get wet. Rylan would stand on top of the porch and kick water out of the mini pool and than the other kids would stand under it, as if they were taking a shower. Perfect solution to cool off.
Later in the evening we headed down to the port to watch the fireworks. The wind was blowing so it kept the chill factor in the air. The kids made due with running around playing TAG and duck, duck goose.
Rylan ended up hiding in her sleeping bag for a little bit because she was so cold-but in the end she sweet talked her Dad to going back up to The Brennan's to watch the fireworks.
Kaedra has a style of her own-reminds me of when my kids were young. My favorite part of the evening was listening to her sing America the beautiful. She had most of the words down, and what she didn't have she made up. Kaedra would sing and wave a small American Flag in the air.