Monday, June 9, 2014


Grace came home with from her last day of preschool with this darling little book. She has grown so much in the past few years in preschool. We LOVE LOVE LOVE her teacher Ms. Sarah. I feel so blessed to have such great teachers helping Grace develop. 


Thursday, April 3, 2014

Check Ups

Peter had a 2 year check up, and Charlotte had a 2 month check up. Both are growing and developing on track. Love these faces.

Fun Run

Today Grace was involved in a FUN RUN at her school. She ran 44 laps. She had such a fun time. 

 So proud of my little missy. GO DESERT SAGE Geckos !

Meeting baby chicks

The Glenns got a few new pets! Two baby chicks!! Peter and Grace were Heaven last week when they met them for the first time.

Friday, March 14, 2014


This cutie pie turned TWO this past month. He is such a active little rascal. He keeps me on my toes ALL THE TIME, he is full of love and has a charm about him that I cant resist. 
We had a little family party. Grace was VERY worried Peter was not going to have a PARTY! So we made it happen. 
 Games, Cupcakes and balloons....

I am so lucky to be his mommy. He challenges me every day to be more like Jesus and be patient and loving. He is full of life and is a giver. Our life these past two years have been amazing with him in our home. He is a great and loyal brother to his sisters. We love you Peter boy!! you are TWO! 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Valentines Day

We had a very mellow Valentines day since we had a 2 week old in the house. Michaels mom was here to help with Charlotte and the older two kids. Here are my cuties on Valentines day. 
Grace had a valentines party at school in the afternoon. She was so excited they made strawberry milkshakes...
Crazy Peter in his spiderman costume...... 

Dad came home during lunch so we had a picnic outside in the amazing weather.

 Grandma took the kids to a trampoline fun house called jump street. The kids loved it!

Sweet Grace LOVES crafts and LOVES to decorate for any holiday. She is so creative. 

LOVE LOVE LOVE my sweet Valentine Michael. He is my rock and my best friend. He builds me up and always makes me feel so loved and appreciated. Happy Valentines day to the sweetest man I know. So blessed he is all mine! xoxo

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Newborn Photo Shoot

 My very talented friend Julia came over and took some pictures of our sweet Charlotte. She captured such AMAZING moments.

 This is the blanket that Michael Grandma made for her.

JOY. This is what this babe brings to me and my heart. I am so blessed to call her mine.