Monday, May 17, 2010

Marvalee loves Gordon

He makes me smile!!!
Marvalee, Corbin, Gordon

Left to Right: Dave, Shalyce, Leisha, Corbin, Danielle, Tyler, Marvalee, Gordon, Barbara & Newell, Riley, and Libby.

Riley, Gordon, Tyler (Handsome Men)

Right to Left: Cody and Beth, Greg and Debbie, Sally and Rob, Linda, Lacee and Dave, Shalyce, Corbin, Leisha, Tyler, Danielle, Marvalee, Gordon, Libby, Riley, Craig and Laurel, Jim, Kathy. (in front) Barbara and Newell

Family and Friends

I reallllllly like him... Can you tell????
I married Gordon Lynn Anderson, from Layton, Utah. He's a wonderful man. He teaches school, too. He has 3 children, Chase (married to Lauren), Riley, and Libby. We were married in the Provo Temple, April 1, 2010. The reason we married that day was so Tyler could leave the MTC and attend our sealing. Tyler and Gordon's dad Newell were our witnesses.

Tyler Leaves for the Mission Field

Tyler left for the mission field MTC February 24, 2010. It was so hard to see him leave.. But yet sweet! He is now in the mission field, Vancouver Canada. He is speaking Spanish. Yahoo! He's wearing the yellow tie!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

lots of kisses

and hugs, and kisses, and hugs, followed up by a HUGE hug & a wet passionate slobbery kiss!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Gleave Reunion

Dave & Tyler, master fire builders!
Corbin and Lacee getting warm.

Corbin decided he needed two flashlights.

Shalyce discovers a beautiful flower.

I had some great visits at the Gleave Reunion. It's so nice to see your cousins without a funeral. Lacee, Dave, and kids, Sisalee and her boys and Tyler camped with us. Linda camped the next night.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Tyler Swims with the Dolphins

Ty swims with the dolphins. Catchin' a ride!
This is way better than kissin' girls! Anyway that's what I think. Tyler said they felt like rubber.

Little Visits!

Corbin had a little swimming lesson with Tyler. Tyler is life guarding at the pool this summer.

Corbin is so full of joy! Anyway he makes me happy!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Kanab High Graduation

Tyler gives his Studentbody President welcome speech. It was short and sweet, but no funny jokes this time.
Emily and Tyler keep the graduation song beat!