Join us on Masonic Central this Sunday, February 8th, as we speak to Maja D'Aoust who is the Librarian of the
Philosophical Research Society in Los Angeles, California.
Our program will cover a range of topics including Hermetics, Freemasonry, the occult , astrology, religious and scientific disciplines and her unique role as caretaker of the libraries massive collection of more than 30,000 items collected by the society and its founder Manly P. Hall.
The Philosophical Research Society is a nonprofit organization founded in 1934 by for the purpose of providing thoughtful persons rare access to the depth and breadth of the world’s wisdom literature.
This will be an excellent program and one not to miss as we delve into the esoteric of yesterday and the role of the philosophic in the future.
For more information on the Philosophical Research Society visit
www.prs.org The program will record live Sunday, 6pm PST / 9pm EST on the only radio program for Freemasons by Freemasons,
Masonic Central.
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