Site Meter Mauberly: February 2013


An unwise owl has a hoot. All work herein copyrighted.


Mauberl*y- A critical ‘*’ I oft*n I lack- So I can’t sp*ll ‘r*st’ too w*ll; My b*at may tak* anoth*r tack- As I cours* away from h*ll. Hoo hah. (S*lah) Thus my nam* falls short, As do*s my n*arsight, And my rhym*s do oft abort.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

For the better (363)

Reading along for the gist of the disclosure we find that it is of something silent.

Conscience discourses solely and constantly in the mode of keeping silent.

Being and Time (274) (Macquarrie, Robinson, trans., 318)

Emerson in his Harvard lecture of 1838, talked about silence.

We have gone back to old Harvard. At least there Emerson spoke of silence in the first of a few pages of that text.

What do we say about silence? What is there to say?

At least Emerson puts it in a context.

And he does say that there is no account to be given of it.

Friday, February 01, 2013

For the better (362)

The word ‘authentic’ had a ring to it during heady existentialist days some seventy plus years ago.

One knew what an authentic 1909 SVDB Lincoln head penny was. He knew where to look to tell.

But the mint mark of an authentic self was another matter.

I have no notion where mine would be. It has to be somewhere in my conscience, I guess.

What happens if I cannot trust mine?

What happens if I am an alcoholic?

Could the fine writer Christopher Hitchens have had had one?

How about Faulkner, having finished his bourbon and The Bear?