Site Meter Mauberly: August 2017


An unwise owl has a hoot. All work herein copyrighted.


Mauberl*y- A critical ‘*’ I oft*n I lack- So I can’t sp*ll ‘r*st’ too w*ll; My b*at may tak* anoth*r tack- As I cours* away from h*ll. Hoo hah. (S*lah) Thus my nam* falls short, As do*s my n*arsight, And my rhym*s do oft abort.

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Down to words (344)

Down to verse (860)

Angular momentum

The facts,
At this point,
Mattered not,
For they would be spun
Until those undone
Would not know them.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Down to words (343)

Down to verse (859)

The radical

Was the denominator
In his fractional parts
That would leave him
Never whole,
Forever to rationalize.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Down to verse (858)

The losers

They could not reconcile,
Instead, in chaos domiciled
Were antinomians at base,
With but themselves to face.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Down to verse (857)

Storm relief

He wanted a view
That he could not see,
Which would not be his,
But which he would know,
Yet he could not say,
But with which he could go
To the finish.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Down to verse (856)

New day

They traded insights
At the time,
Each happy,
Neither, it turned out,
The following day
When at morning
The sun did shine.

Friday, August 25, 2017

Down to verse (855)


That was that,
He thought,
As he finished the talk,
Only to find it was not.
Seminal or dead end,
More would be said. 

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Down to words (342)

Down to verse (854)

Hard Teaching

A withering look
Sufficed for her jumbling
And gave coherence
To it all.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Down to verse (853)

Word fugitive

His foes, who’d know
The spot he’d go,
Of course, he fled,
And left them
To the one they left
And given him instead.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Down to verse (852)

Night claimed

The claims were crossed,
No sides were clear,
The truth was lost,
No peace was near.
The sun had cover,
Then all was bright.
Yet was no lover
Of aught but night.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Down to words (341)

Down to verse (851)

Heroes and tropes

Heroes and tropes
Had come to burden
Everything they saw,
Yet they kept pushing up,
Loading up,
As Sisyphus with them.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Down to verse (850)


He had repaired
To the figures
And symbols
Of his early discourse,
Where he had been lost,
Then found himself again.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Down to words (340)

Down to verse (849)

Paradox of the New Poet

He looked at things
And mixed some feelings
With them,
Pronounced them real,
Then fiction
Just the same.

Friday, August 18, 2017

Down to verse (848)

Known shoe

Never would she start
On the wrong foot
When she walked,
But always managed
To walk in wrong
When she talked.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Down to verse (847)

The event

The event of three minutes
Was a few words between the two,
Which swept across three families,
Multiple goods and uncertainties,
Outright unknowns,
And palpable forces at hand.
There were three exchanges,
Nods of gratitude therewith,
A promise for the coming week
And a brightness, 
Not hedged or doubted
In their shine of concord,
All in a walk through a wintry compost
That seeded weather warnings
And spotters elsewhere.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Down to verse (846)

No return

Though he had friends,
There was no return.
His friends, by known foe
Blinded, did yearn
To extend him hand,
Yet not for him would stand.
Confused in such company,
He would but earn
What chaos left to see.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Down to words (339)

Follow the street art.
Part of us all,
Like it or not.

Down to verse (845)

The cramp of poesy

The cramp of poesy
Had crossed him.
There was no form to haunt,
Nor verse, blank to eternity,
To fill his want.

Monday, August 14, 2017

Down to verse (844)


The gun was pointed,
Waved elsewhere,
Yet brought their ribbing to a halt,
Its heart at fault.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Down to verse (843)

The Father

He was the Father.
He ran his con here,
Then, in time,
Across the street,
He ran it there.

He would never fold it.
He would run it
‘til they did not come,
Then move down the street,
Move from corner
To corner,
Until some came,
Came to forget
He had run it
And came again.

He was the Father.
He ran his con here,
Then, in time,
Across the street
He ran it there.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Down to verse (842)


Seeking hope in comity
He found one, false,
In standup comedy.

Friday, August 11, 2017

Down to verse (841)

Begun in 1920

It skimmed ears
Of Belle Lettres.
It lifted sheaves
Of little weight.
It thought wine
Was wine.
It lost strings
To bind wreathes
For honor.

It was the way
They were
And we became.
Grimaced, then later
Fat sassy clowns,
Full in magnitude
Of make up.

Yet we went on.
To conquer sin,
By crouching next to it
Pouncing on it
Before it crept and leapt.
And we had pictures,
No time in lines.
All for a prelude
To a third wide conflict
In which no sleek bodies would be found.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Down to verse (840)

Hollow man

His promise was not hollow.
He would have helped the fellow,
But for the trouble of the cleanup
To follow.

Wednesday, August 09, 2017

Down to verse (839)


The room
Presumed a loyalty
Of those who sat
And voted
For the future
Of its plumbing.

Tuesday, August 08, 2017

Down to verse (838)


It happened,
At the end of the term,
That the vines,
Now past first leaf,
Grew only for the larks.
For the board
Did not know the seasons
And had leased the land
To an absent banker
Who was having
His substance
And attention bled
By examiners.
The vines bled red
For years, in silent spurts,
As the suits wore on,
Leaving the larks
To their winebibbing
With each continuance.

Sunday, August 06, 2017

Down to verse (837)


Had lived right there,
On the south side,
Off the lake,
When it was lofty
To have its wind.

Saturday, August 05, 2017

Down to verse (836)

From above

Preacherly right,
He stroked his demon
Into an angel of light.

Friday, August 04, 2017

Down to verse (835)

He knew

He was a fraud
For he lived
As though
He would be here

Thursday, August 03, 2017

Down to verse (834)

Young miss

She missed the dance
And hence the chance
To be a part.
And so she sulked,
And then she bulked
In troubled heart.

Wednesday, August 02, 2017

Down to verse (833)


Once again he snored,
Roared to a world
In which he scored
Few points of intellect
And did not care.

Tuesday, August 01, 2017

Down to verse (832)


He had shown an ass
They did not care to see.
Instead of walking past,
They closed his company.