Site Meter Mauberly: May 2019


An unwise owl has a hoot. All work herein copyrighted.


Mauberl*y- A critical ‘*’ I oft*n I lack- So I can’t sp*ll ‘r*st’ too w*ll; My b*at may tak* anoth*r tack- As I cours* away from h*ll. Hoo hah. (S*lah) Thus my nam* falls short, As do*s my n*arsight, And my rhym*s do oft abort.

Friday, May 31, 2019

Down to verse (1380)

Techne on shipped coffins

We love our defenders.
They made the choice to be so.
It is what they wanted to do.

We regret their loss,
Their falling in our uniforms.

We now share it with their loved ones
Who know it was a life’s reward
That we gave them.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Down to verse (1379)

Agnostic Titleist

Loft me just so
I may levitate
Twixt earth and ether,
Laid well
Between heaven and hell,
Wanting neither.

The contumely
Of those who call
‘Yes’ or ‘no’,
Would swing me
To tree-bound blunder
Or glorified green.

Let me find
Neither rough
Nor grassed fluff.
Let me keep my coin hard.
Let me ne’er sign my card.

Daddo's game:

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Down to verse (1378)


The shrieking priest,
Ayeee of Galli,
Had lost his coins,
They’d cut him from his obols,
So he could join his mother’s cult,
Love her and beg from all us.
True mother she, O Cybele,
Of rocks from distant Lydia,
Mothered Midas and his gold,
Who brought her loins
To Attica, which stamped its coins,
Drachmas, then thirds.
But his were going,
Going, going,
Auctioner’s words, 
Were sold.

Daddo’s game:

Two late Greek sources record that King Midas of Phrygia married a Greek princess. Aristotle[1] calls her Hermodike and says she "cut/struck the earliest coinage of Kyme." Pollux[2] names her Demodike, the daughter of King Agamemnon of Kyme, and he notes that she was but one among several others who were alleged to have been the first to strike coins. Both sources cite Kyme in Aeolis, on the west coast of Asia minor, as the princess's home and Pollux specifically identifies her father as being king there. Given the late date (albeit derived from earlier sources) of the accounts, the fact coinage is mentioned, and that there were presumably 7th century, as well as 6th century Phrygian kings named Midas,[8] it remains uncertain that the Midas-Mita of the 8th century BC, and not a later one...[9]

There are many, and often contradictory, legends about the most ancient King Midas. In one, Midas was king of Pessinus, a city of Phrygia, who as a child was adopted by King Gordias and Cybele, the goddess whose consort he was, and who (by some accounts) was the goddess-mother of Midas himself.[6]

(I can think like you, my Daddo)

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Down to verse (1377)

Love and money

“Follow the love and the money,” he said,
And I so pursued till I came up dead.
Flowerless, fruitless
As the priests of Galli,
Dead now, I see what the eye can see.
I can think like my Daddo,
So might have he.

Daddo’s game:

These are the famous mysteries of Tellus and the Great Mother, all of
which are shown to have reference to mortal seeds and to agriculture.
Do these things, then,--namely, the tympanum, the towers, the Galli,
the tossing to and fro of limbs, the noise of cymbals, the images of
lions,--do these things, having this reference and this end, promise
eternal life?  Do the mutilated Galli, then, serve this Great Mother in
order to signify that they who are in need of seed should follow the
earth, as though it were not rather the case that this very service
caused them to want seed?  For whether do they, by following this
goddess, acquire seed, being in want of it, or, by following her, lose
seed when they have it?

Book 7, Ch 4,  City of God
Also, see Book 2, Ch 7, on the castrated priests of Galli.

As to money(pecunia) , which derives from agriculture and the Great Mother, see
Book 7, Ch 13,  City of God, there the editor's footnote:
Pecunia,that is, property; the original meaning of pecunia being
property in cattle, then property or wealth of any kind.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Down to verse (1376)


O Porphyry,
Not your five,
Your predicables,
Your logic,
But your demons,
For through them 
And ether I must fly
For the holy coin 
Of heaven.

At least for the day
Of my flipping,
I shall read you
Against the Saint.

Daddo’s game:

For the Saint: see Augustine on the Platonists, City of God

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Down to verse (1375)

Which temple?

Mite of the widow,
Put in the offering
Or the pocket
Or the locket of love
For the daughter,
Or for the bid of it,
The ask,
The little task 
Of what to do with it,
The cleaning
Of the old can,
Or drawer,
Or garment.
O what the hell,
Let the bank have it,
No, let me bank it 
Here for the while of it,
The wile of it,
The guile of my heart,
The pagan felicity of it.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Down to verse (1374)


O the coinage
Of the heart,
Its trade
Of the head,
The tail of it,
The troubled edge
Before the flattening
Of the flip,
The spinning,
The wiggling,
To end by no means
As a binomial of the soul.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Down to verse (1373)

Ars gratia…

A few crowded about her,
Her paintings,
A troubled beauty now,
Nestled in rich crucifixes,
Colors of Santa Fe,
Priest pulling thin coins,
Of eternal worth,
Yet comestibles
From a humble purse,
Each dabbed with wine,
Couched in incantations
For one of her days
Shut in at home.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Down to verse (1372)

Traffic stop

There they were,
No saints, surely,
But camp worn,
Revelation drawn,
Shivering for a last hit
Toward eternity.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Down to verse (1371)

Dumb waiter

What was lost…
He was unaware,
Knew his words
Did not fit right
With theirs,
Some such,
Or worse.
He knew his words
Were the same,
Same speech,
Same lexicon,
Same grammar,
Yet somehow
He was not heard
To serve.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Down to verse (1370)


She had agreed
To work with him,
That’s all he wanted,
To set about, really,
And then ask
For the day’s review,
Dressed, addressed, 
Thus rest on one
Who’d give it.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Down to words (508)

Down to verse (1369)

Wrong shore

Hard stung, he’d taken a hit,
Yet on went the work
Of his head and fired hell.
Fired he was,
And fired he did, 
Alone, braced,
Set uphill,
Faced the charge below, 
Shouting Springsteen’s Born,
Ne’er do well
From a wrong home shore, 
He took his high place out o’er the rest,
Who now lay there,
Tones of odd measure, 
Also, on a wrong home shore.

(reworked #62)

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Down to verse (1368)


O Daddo, 
Cut such a figger
In the day,
Posted it,
In his old way,
Gaudier-Brzeska drawn.
Then GB died
A pawn, trench fallen,
And EP crumbled
With him.

I know, Daddo,
I know.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Down to words (507)

Down to verse (1367)

Dos Passos transferred

Folks had turned old,
No gifts of little worth,
No greased street lives,
No Apple Annie miracles,
No vendors clinked,
Nor shoes for kids to shine,
No need for proverbs of thin dimes,
No headlines for the change of hands.
The streets were silent,
Sparked cars moved
With muffled whines,
Not to pay this day, 
Street fines.
There were no quick get outs
Or runs to little victories round corners.
The dope had dried, 
Reupped to morning teas,
Rebranded sunny names
On tattoed knees.
But look another way:
They’d all turned young,
Repeated endlessly of having fun.

Daddo’s game:

Friday, May 17, 2019

Down to verse (1366)

Dressed up

In a way,
They were all kids,
Some meaner, 
Some nicer,
But all kids,
Dressing up
For how it worked.
So how was this bot
To be today?

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Down to words (506)

Non art dog:

 She mournfully describes him watching videos all day while she was reduced to conversing with the dog

Down to words (505)

Down to verse (1365)

Full grown

His father had no father,
Thus, his uncle.
The father urbane,
Kept a twenty with license
For traffic matters.
The uncle fought, 
Had gold gloves,
Corrected traffic,
Yanked those 
For faulty lefts 
Without thought.
Both knew Halstead,
Just different compasses.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Down to verse (1364)


Railroader, he was,
With a museum about him
In Cheekako, as he said it,
The roads he’d known,
The build-out grown,
(then the conflation)
The Dually he drove,
The billiards he played,
Rail shots he’d made,
Seed moneyed pension loans,
(then the oblation)
Sweet honey, sweet home.

Daddo’s game:

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Down to verse (1363)

great one

he raved, 
the man of forty years
that night: 
the greatest game
and greatest love
and the greatest film.
my God,
the greatest film
was not Lebowski,
but The Last Dragon.
now what to know
about this man,
this greatest lover
of all time and passion?

Daddo’s game:

Monday, May 13, 2019

Down to verse (1362)


Handles they’d there
For water,
An outhouse that stank
For peace 
And other bother
In that little curve of a road.
Bert knew his Greenleaf
And Hornbook, 
And Bible,
And carried
The weight of God’s load.

Daddo’s game:

Benjamin Greenleaf, The National Arithmetic, Robert S. Davis, Boston, 1874.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Down to verse (1361)

His poems

His poems were rhymes,
Country tunes of times
That dug no deeper
Than a gone dog,
Inner life left sleeping
Somewhere with it,
And laugh at that
Reality at nap.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Down to verse (1360)

Dakota grave

There was a field
Some miles north,
Would still be there,
No longer set forth 
With the old tables
For a family meal
Of 50 plus ‘Stroms and ‘Vags,
Odd Norge handles to remark,
Odd for most, not her,
Who’d known them in youth,
Each uncle, in some great truth,
Odin of his own forge,
When it came to ploughing,
Otherwise, mostly quiet,
As a Quaker at a meeting,
When it came to eating.
Rude to conclude much more.

Daddo’s game:

Friday, May 10, 2019

Down to verse (1359)

Sonny Boy

He held his vision,
So much the same
They thought him dazed.
Most did hold him crazed. 

Time applied silence.
He grew quiet. 
Why should he talk anyhow?
Why not say nothing
In an empty time
Where no feed of his kind
Would serve anyway?

But he cracked it wide on 49, 
Geared his ride way past a whine,
A big bore, synchromesh straight 8
Left God above to call his fate.

Daddo's game: 

with the Yardbirds:

We gonna move, Down the highway 49
She got her head in my chest
O Sonny, ain’t this fine?

Thursday, May 09, 2019

Down to verse (1358)

Blue Rima

She had her day, and he had gone to hell,
A poet’s place to which he‘d gone to play,
Eternity to witness his poor dell,

A kingdom come of words to fill his day
To last, her beatific, narrowed eyes
So false, of course, to all he’d meant to say.

Que lastimas, non sequiturs and cries,
His new establishment of barroom red
And colors to comply with malt filled flies.

He’d known her and her full uncovered bed
Of risen roses, poses they would be,
A sonnet to her love of self, instead.

Her love to prove her own rich mystery
To take her place for none save her to see.

Wednesday, May 08, 2019

Down to verse (1357)

Blue note

His Perigord:
Not the chord
Of a woman
To complete 12 bars
Or cross them.

His chord:
He could hear it,
Him playin’ mean
With Walter and Muddy,
Years before in time,
Then with BB,
Playing fifths and thirds,
Helping the poor and all,
Livin’ the words.
He would leave it there.

Daddo’s game:

E.P wrote Near Perigord (1915)

Tuesday, May 07, 2019

Down to verse (1356)

Easy jammer

He had been that way
With women.
Jam with ‘em
Just enough 
To make ‘em
Clear the day.
He’d had a horn
Of such expression.

Monday, May 06, 2019

Down to words (504)

Down to verse (1355)


He hid beneath a grid 
Of parts once played,
Approached the lead
Beneath it, 
Moved from under,
Went to silence
For a while or two,
A few bars…
Then came back again
To track the sax,
A tone below.

It was his life,
Sweat from a boiler
That gave him heat
Not so intense
To cause misapprehension,
For never came the day
He’d blow the tune away.

Sunday, May 05, 2019

Down to verse (1354)


He turned his eyes,
Lowered them,
He thought, duly.
For the man would pass
Who would engage him,
And he wished no such thing.
For the man wanted all of him,
Although the man would not say it,

There would come a time
When the man would.
Then a simple averting would not do.

Of course, he might be ill that day,
Feigned or real.
Or a Marx Brothers fall
Might also suffice.
Then his eyes could shine from a smile
That kept him safe.

But there would come a time
The man would pass,
Who would engage him,
And he would get his wish.


Saturday, May 04, 2019

Down to verse (1353)

From the cart

The maid’s cart
& its soap
& body wash
& lotions…
What he could plunder
(When he was unwatched)
For his lady love back at the center,
& the sweetness she would give him
In the broom closet
When the attendants
Took their break for lunch,
& she would have her gifts,
In the dark wonder
Of mop bucket mystery
That would rattle and tap
In those few moments
Of a trustee corsair’s
Coming home in victory.


Friday, May 03, 2019

Down to verse (1352)

Loving sun

She shined much as a loving sun
Shone o’er an infant in a frame,
Above its crib to the acclaim
Of all four winds each blowing one,

In voice and spirit’s harmony,
Which as they sang to give their hymn,
Their corners so they blended in
To coos of one new melody.

Her grandchild’s photo in her hand,
She showed to all who wished to see
And glowed to each, for each would be
A friend to mirror her bright stand.

There as she shone as loving sun,
All corners of her heart were one.


Thursday, May 02, 2019

Down to verse (1351)

The beggars

Skid had run out of barrels and kegs.
His tiny place overflowed once again. 
His corner, with ordered cans, metal, other junk,
Could not span more scavenging.
He had time left merely to beg.

Rich in street simples,
His torn coat was dollar full, 
His beard without sweat.
He was a good sketch.

In the cold, 
Winter sun stared on his eaten wools. 
Years past, he had graded them.
He’d known his microns at one time.
Brother Moth had known them since.

City license posted anew, 
He had clipped it
Firm to bare jacket, 
Double breasted, multi stained.
He had stood stage before,
His Hamlet now bore poverty and want.

Knowing how to pose,
He looked to be striving-
Dancing for those driving.
He started singing in quiet couplets:

‘The lady loved her burning rum,
And coke to cool it on her thumb…’

‘I laugh in the bitter aft.
Folks drive by and think me daft.’

‘A union card I have to show
For work that I will never know.’

Song and coin shortened the day.
A surety about his way:
He might, but he never made change, 
However his verses might range.

Now he stood with faithful partner 
And stenciled sign,
Showing work conditions bleak
As the traffic lined.

So day went, into near dusk;
The struck six clock 
Gave an end to the day’s card, 
Hour unpunched, unblocked.

Free to cease his current begging,
His garbage love, pierced and leggy,
Had come to pull a wagon.

Deliberate, he slowly checked 
Its metal treasure,
While she copped another five
With her toothless smile.

The meth, dark,
Had got Slim years ago;
He found her,
Took her in up north.

Her hips worked well, very well,
As she held the homeless sign
That said ‘God Bless All’,
And they readied for the night
At their new motel.

(Somewhat reworked from early days, #107)

Wednesday, May 01, 2019

Down to verse (1350)


Beneath the concrete of a Wimsatt,
The diction of a Barfield,
The order of a Burke,
The resonance of a Fiedler,
Ah, yes,
The everyday lives of Sigmund
And the Jungerman,
Hiawatha was buried.

Daddo's game: