Promised comment (98)
The underlying mindset referred to herein is not a conspiracy. It is just a way of thinking. In it, the honor of the heroic narrative (Dakota or Greek) is useless. Courage, justice, beauty, the bulk of traditional notions that held peoples together are useless. They are being and have been unwound in order to bind us into something digital, in which there is to be no voice. Courage did not simply belong to the whites. Nor did forked tongues. All have (had) voices.
Derrida’s white mythology is to remove the soul from the Dakota Stone-Boy as well as from us all. We have had permissive societies before. Traditional moralists have wrung their proper hands. But here their fight is not against the libertine. Nor is it against the communist. Deconstructionism is quite different in its goal. We are to gain nothing like freedom from it. Its goal is to make us like machines.
And, finally, whether it has essential limits or not, the entire field covered by the cybernetic program will be the field of writing. If the theory of cybernetics is by itself to oust all metaphysical concepts-including the concepts of soul, of life, of value, of choice, of memory-which until recently served to separate the machine from man, it must conserve the notion of writing, trace, gramme [written mark], or grapheme, until its own historico-metaphysical character is also exposed. (Of Grammatology, 1967, (p 9))
We have institutionalized a way of thinking: it protects the individual through a kind of negative narcissism that allows one to cast blame on others of a different class. We need never examine ourselves. Nothing like this is a theme of it: I was born with a raging thirst and a hunger to be free. Anything like this is to be subsumed in class warfare.
Class warfare broadens. The whites are the first victims, cast as the first villains of it all. But many more villain-victims are to be generated, as virtue signaling varies from class to class. Women (sis, non sis, bulls(h)is) are now fighting over college athletics and who is a woman. Call it mindless. It seeks cybernetic mindlessness, right out of Derrida’s playbook.
The mindset cannot stop itself. It punishes all who try. You say it can stop. I say it has already corrupted money and thought, institutionally. We ossify ourselves in the name of it. We even toss our sexes away like the castrated priests of Galli. There is a reason why I started the verse with the thought of old money and medallions.
So I sit on Macadam Alley as far off Fed’s Broadway as I can. With my small pair. A poet of average heart, ghosts of greater hearts surrounding me, we fashion an epitaph of a wider grave. No thanks to Larry M.
Meanwhile, the Fed and its partner central banks fund a bankruptcy of us all: heart, mind, strength, money and soul.
Even the enlightened French are awash in conspiracies. These are unfathomable, but not entirely fake. They are narratives that hope against hope to prevail against an overriding trend to digitize us all. The trend is there. The narratives assign personal motives to it.
There do not have to be any. There need be no conspiracies, although there is no doubt that certain persons (who may or may not be pedophiles) may benefit in the short term from the trend. Epstein uber alles? That is rather doubtful. For that is even better than where we are going.
In the US there is a narrative that is being used by the current ascending powers. It is the 1619 narrative. It will cease as the mindset proceeds. In France, there seems to be no such effective narrative. To their credit, the French seem concerned about maintaining a fact-based, democratic order.
Vive la France. In the last days, I have turned to reading their press rather than ours.
Daddo’s game:ïcité-france-s-special-brand-of-state-secularism