Tuesday night was so strange knowing we would be having our little baby girl in the morning. Though we really wanted a surprise it was really nice to have the house in order and be mentally prepared and ready to go.
40 Weeks!! On the way out the door...dropping off Noah at school and me to the hospital. |
- 8:00- My doctor broke my water and contractions instantly started five minutes apart
- 8:15- The nurse started my pitocin
- 8:45- I was expecting my labor to be about 4 hours since labor with Noah was 7...my doctor thought it would be quick but set the expectation that it could be late afternoon. That being said I told Rob to run home and grab some snacks and DVDs. (We live just a couple of miles from the hospital.)
- 9:00- My contractions started getting closer and were more painful. I set the goal to wait until 10 to have the epidural, wanting to go as long as possible.
- 9:35- I called Rob and told him to hurry back that I needed his help with the contractions...and that I was ready for the epidural.
- 9:45- I told the nurse I was ready for the epidural- and she was going to check me right after, not thinking I was as far along as I was.
- 10:20- The anesthesiologist finally arrived and right after prepping my back for the needle I had a PUSHING CONTRACTION!! The nurse told me not to push which was insanely hard to hold back. Had I realized it was baby time I'd of kicked the anesthesiologist out so we could get the show on the road. After a few more pushing contractions, one epidural in a vein (oops), and one in my back it was time.
- 10:34- My doctor rushed in and got ready, the nurse transformed my bed, and the baby nurses were ready to go.
- 10:36- Elle came out in a push and a half!!! Shocked!!! (I pushed for nearly two hours with Noah and he still needed the forceps!!)
- 10:40- My legs started to go numb from the epidural. So ironic! But honestly IF we were to have a third I think I would go naturally knowing that one I labor fast, two that apparently I have a high tolerance for pain, and three the pushing part made so much more sense with Elle than with Noah (even if he was a full pound bigger).
3.21.12 at 10:36am
6 pounds 2 ounces
19.5 inches long
More to come later...it's time for a nap for Elle...and me!!