Wednesday, March 28, 2012

happy birthday elle

Elle didn't surprise us by coming early so on my due date (March 21st) I was scheduled to be induced.

Tuesday night was so strange knowing we would be having our little baby girl in the morning.  Though we really wanted a surprise it was really nice to have the house in order and be mentally prepared and ready to go.
40 Weeks!!  On the way out the door...dropping off Noah at school and me to the hospital.
Reader's Digest Condensed Timeline Version...
  • 8:00- My doctor broke my water and contractions instantly started five minutes apart
  • 8:15- The nurse started my pitocin
  • 8:45- I was expecting my labor to be about 4 hours since labor with Noah was doctor thought it would be quick but set the expectation that it could be late afternoon.  That being said I told Rob to run home and grab some snacks and DVDs. (We live just a couple of miles from the hospital.)
  • 9:00- My contractions started getting closer and were more painful.  I set the goal to wait until 10 to have the epidural, wanting to go as long as possible.
  • 9:35- I called Rob and told him to hurry back that I needed his help with the contractions...and that I was ready for the epidural.  
  • 9:45- I told the nurse I was ready for the epidural- and she was going to check me right after, not thinking I was as far along as I was. 
  • 10:20- The anesthesiologist finally arrived and right after prepping my back for the needle I had a PUSHING CONTRACTION!!  The nurse told me not to push which was insanely hard to hold back.  Had I realized it was baby time I'd of kicked the anesthesiologist out so we could get the show on the road.  After a few more pushing contractions, one epidural in a vein (oops), and one in my back it was time.
  • 10:34- My doctor rushed in and got ready, the nurse transformed my bed, and the baby nurses were ready to go.
  • 10:36- Elle came out in a push and a half!!!  Shocked!!!  (I pushed for nearly two hours with Noah and he still needed the forceps!!)
  • 10:40- My legs started to go numb from the epidural.  So ironic!  But honestly IF we were to have a third I think I would go naturally knowing that one I labor fast, two that apparently I have a high tolerance for pain, and three the pushing part made so much more sense with Elle than with Noah (even if he was a full pound bigger). 
Elle Hopkins
3.21.12 at 10:36am
6 pounds 2 ounces
19.5 inches long
It was pure bliss when they placed my sweet little baby doll on my chest, she was perfect and straight from heaven.  It melts my heart to think my Heavenly Father answered my prayers and allowed me to be a mama to one more little one.  She is such an angel and we waited a long time for her to come. I can't wait to love her to pieces every day of her precious little life, she is such a special little one and I can't express how grateful I am that she has joined our family.

More to come's time for a nap for Elle...and me!!

Monday, March 19, 2012

weekend of lasts

This baby of mine still has no interest of joining our family, quite yet...well that will change quickly.  I can't believe she will be here this week! 

Our weekend consisted of the lasts...last Friday night hanging out as a family of three watching a movie, last Saturday sleeping in and going to brunch, last Saturday of being completely lazy and pretty much doing nothing (heaven!!), last snuggle with Noah as an only child Sunday morning, last day of church for a's always strange closing one chapter and opening another.

We also headed up to my brother's for family dessert sister in law made the best homemade coconut ice cream with fresh almonds and coconut frozen in.  Delish!!

Noah loved this!!  He'd already flushed the green toilet water before snapping the photo
Corner Bakery for brunch...yum!  Noah and mama
Noah and daddy
I also made a couple of last minute freezer meals.  I opted out of a batch of red sauce because I still have some in the freezer from the last time around. But I made my fave ever freezer meal...Cheesy Chicken Bake (I discovered a long time ago it is so awesome made with a rotisserie chicken...yum!!) Below is the recipe, so easy and good.

Chicken and Rice Bake
2 cups chicken stock
2 cups water
4 t minced dried onion
2 cups uncooked rice (I use wild rice and cook according to the package since it is different than white rice but still add chicken stock and dried onion- just adjust the rest of the liquid and cooking time)
2 cups frozen peas
4 cups shredded cooked chicken or rotisserie chicken
2 cans cheddar cheese soup (undiluted)
2 cups milk
1 t salt
2 cups finely crushed Ritz crackers (about 2 sleeves)
2/3 cup melted butter

 In a large saucepan bring the stock, water, and onion to boil.  Add rice, reduce heat, and simmer for 15 minutes (or as per package).  Remove from heat and fluff rice.  Divide rice between two 9 inch square baking pans, sprayed with Pam.  Sprinkle equally with chicken and peas.  In a bowl combine the soup, milk, and salt until smooth and pour over chicken/peas.  Toss the cracker crumbs with butter and sprinkle over soup mix.  Cover and freeze up to three months.

Thaw in fridge for 24 hours and bake uncovered at 350* for 35 minutes or until golden brown.  Perfect with another veggie side dish and green salad!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

pink nursery

The nursery is donezo...minus pictures that need to be put into the frames.  Is it funny I replaced the pictures that come with frames with craft paper as placeholders?  He he. I got tired of looking at staged fake families.

I actually have two projects I want to do in the future but no rush...

1. Replace the tissue paper balls with fabric ones. Have you seen them?  They are DARLING!  (Circles quartered and glued to a styrofoam ball or round lantern).

2. Pennant flags to drape above the closet door (as long as it isn't too busy...not sure yet).

This nursery is PINK!  I originally didn't want pink because I wanted something less traditional for a girls' nursery/room...Rob begged to differ and talked me into the pink and I actually am so glad he convinced me because I love it!  It's bright, cheery, simple, and I really like how it turned out.

Entrance walking into the room...three little hooks so she can hang up her little sweaters and purses
'E' for Elle (from Amy's store...Jolley's boutique)
Glider, owl pillow from Etsy, darling lace romper from a cute friend
Need to add some pictures...block letters some friend's made for me...cute cow from a sweet friend when Noah was born
I so wasn't going to go with pink bedding either...but I love...and even better it's Dwell Studio from Target
Tissue paper flowers...want to replace with fabric ones when I have time to kill
Changing table...Etsy gray picture, ABC's from a cute friend, need to include my own pics in black frames

I adore this light, sigh!!!  Rob laughs at me because I turn it on every night and peek in the nursery every time I walk by!
Filigree frame, to die for booties my mama made, and a glass full of cute headbands, most homemade from me (thanks Pinterest) and a couple from my crafty sis-in-law

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

what is in a name?

Rob and I decided when we got married if we had a little girl we would name her Elle.  We have loved that name for years and are thrilled to finally use it.  The meaning behind Elle is that I served my mission in France and in French it means 'she'.  We love that it is so feminine, simple, and elegant.

Elle won't have a middle name because it's been a tradition for my mom, me, and now Elle to use our maiden names when we get married as a middle name.  Growing up I hated not having a middle name but now I absolutely adore using Perri as my middle name and it means a lot to carry it with me.  (Funny thing- I wish I'd of thought of Perri as a middle name option for Noah!!)

Most people 'get it' when we tell them her name will be Elle. 

Think culture...French (Spanish is Ella)
Fashion...Elle magazine and Elle Macpherson
Home Design...Elle Decor
Pop Culture...Elle Woods- Legally Blonde
Actors...Elle Fanning

Still don't 'get it' then I can't help you are probably old and need to get out there more.  Ha ha.  I swear some of the 'older folks' think we literally mean we are going to name her 'L'. Whaaa??? 

Family Shower

A week and a half ago my darling friends Amy (Rob's cousin), Megan, and Megan also threw me a delightful shower.  These are some of my favorite girls and we try to meet up once a month for a movie, dinner, crafting, etc.- we have the best time chatting and laughing.  I invited my aunts, cousins, mom, sister, sister-in-laws, aunt in-laws, etc. I don't know what the deal is but we don't get together often as we should as an extended family.  (I am already planning in my head some sort of a girls' lunch/brunch this summer...I adore my cousins, they are all such amazing ladies)

Aunt Stef (Amy's mom) is amazingly talented and came up with the creative invite playing on Elle's name, snapped a ton of pictures, and made the darling layout below.

Amy, Megan, and Megan put on a fabulous shower with seriously delicious food, pretty flowers/French inspired decorations, and a couple of fun games (how come if you put melted chocolate on a plate you would lick it up but if it is in a diaper your wrinkle your nose to smell it- ha ha).  These girls are so thoughtful and sweet, I just adore them.

It was really fun to get together with my family and in-laws for a great afternoon hosted by awesome friends!  I came away with so many darling and thoughtful gifts...adorable outfits, accessories, blankets, gear, and all things girly- it was really fun to show Rob and neatly put everything away in its place!