Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The weekend haps

What is better than a long holiday weekend? Not much! Not even the crappy winter weather put a damper on it.
  • We hit up the movies a couple of times, one flick of which was Kung Fu Panda 2.
  • Shopping at Gateway and Belgium waffles with friends, twice! I adore this place. They have a cute rooftop patio if you are into al fresco, which I am! Rob had the vanilla with speculoos (a graham cracker spread that is amazing!!) and Noah and I had vanilla filled with Belgium chocolate and topped with whipped creme fraiche. To. Die. For.
  • Amazing Sunday dinner with grilled filet mignon topped with chimichurri made by a friend who hales from Argentina. We fell in love with chimichurri at a fancy restaurant in Vegas and are always craving it.
  • Park City for a scenic drive and new summer duds for Robster.
  • Lots of sleeping in.
  • Cafe Rio.
  • Rob and I watching DVDs with the fireplace ON!
  • Getting the pool ready for TODAY since it is now warm and sunny. I love that my second job is to take care of the neighborhood pool.
In duck news the ducklings hatched right on schedule!! Noah told me they hatched and that he saw them (I don't really know how much he saw??)

We went and looked together and he showed me the broken egg shells and the mama was still sitting on the nest, I guess keeping the ducklings warm while they dried out. I think I saw something yellow sticking out from under her??

She was a little hissier than usual and we kept checking on them until finally they were gone.

This is all that was left, some feathers, egg shells, and an unhatched egg.

I walked up and down the river outside of my neighborhood unsuccessfully looking for them. Next time we deserve to see them and get some cute little pictures. I am still hopeful they will come around as we usually see ducks in the mornings (and they love the pool).
The only thing that could have been better was if I hadn't been sick. Ugh! The plus was that Rob waited on me hand and foot, I hardly had to lift a finger, yet I was still well enough to pretty much go and do everything we had planned. My husband rocks!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Outdoor Living

I love outdoor living spaces, they are such a relaxing and fun extension of your home.

I adore my lilac bushes, day lilies, and I potted a star jasmine this year which smells AMAZING!!!

I'm going to be better at lighting up my tiki torches this year. I got four of them years ago at Home Depot. They create the perfect tropical ambiance.

The latest addition is this patio table I picked up last week from Lowe's. I love the clean lines and the scale is perfect for the space. I've been wanting a patio table/chairs every summer since we moved in years ago but never found the right thing. I'm so glad I found this one and brought it home!

We are dying to enjoy breakfast, lunch, and dinner out here...as soon as the rain stops, hopefully it is sooner than later!

These patios are awesome too...they look completely serene. I could lounge around all day long with some mags, a good book, and something cold to drink in a frosted glass! I wish my back yard looked like any one of these! I would be in heaven!!

Provence from the Four Seasons
Santa Barbara from the Four Seasons
Pottery Barn- overlooking the beach

Crate and Barrel- 15% off if you want to purchase. That ruined my pretty picture. Love the infinity pool overlooking the ocean!
More Crate and Barrel- rooftop patio(SL is FINALLY getting a C&B this summer- I am STOKED!!)
More Pottery Barn- love the hanging lanterns

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Better than sex on the beach....cake!!!!

We all know and love Better Than Sex Cake right? (Chocolate cake, sweetened condensed milk, caramel, whipped cream, garnished with toffee) So good you have seconds and thirds and lick your plate clean!

I have a summer version of that cake, I have no idea what the name is so I think it should be called Better Than Sex On The Beach Cake since it also has sweetened condensed milk and coconut. Yum!

My mom whipped one up for my sister’s birthday last week and it was amazing. So I had to make one too when we had Rob’s cousin Amy and her new hubby for dinner on Sunday. It was delish and the whole 9x13 is already gone, already!! And it is super easy!!

Better Thank Sex On The Beach Cake
  • White cake- make as per box directions (or from scratch, whatever)
  • With a fork poke holes all over cake
  • Drizzle a large can of Coco Lopez (cream of coconut) over cake
  • And a can of sweetened condensed milk
  • Cool
  • Spread with whipped cream or kool whip
  • Sprinkle with shredded coconut
  • Garnish with sliced strawberries

t is heaven! Anything with coconut is my instant best friend!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Today is a great day for a party for someone special

Today is my older sister Jenny’s birthday. She is FABULOUS FORTY! She looks beautiful in this picture, my mom emailed it over to me this morning.

Jenny loves celebrating her birthdays and if she could have it her way it would be a national holiday. Luckily she is pretty much a local celebrity in the neighborhood and gets loads of well deserved attention. I can’t wait for her party tonight with my family, it will be a blast!!

A few Jenny-isms…

Jenny is a hopeless romantic. She can’t wait to get married and always has a crush on the hot boys at church, seriously, this girl has great taste. There have been a few boys at her special mutual that have liked her over the years, but she isn't interested, she always goes for the leaders. How funny is that? She loves going to her dances and dreams to dance with a handsome boy.

Jenny is amazing with kids. She is so sweet and kind with Noah and her other nephews and nieces. The last couple of years she has worked at the neighborhood elementary school and the kids love her to death. Yesterday all the kindergarteners made her cards, gave her balloons, treats galore, and a peach pie. So sweet!

Jenny loooooves the spotlight. One time in church the young women were singing in sacrament meeting when Jenny was one of the leaders. She was towards the back of the pack and well before the song was over she had pushed her way through the crowd and was right behind the mic. It was like she was singing a solo and had the rest of the young women as back up. It was hilarious and we were dying with embarrassment, but it didn’t matter because everyone loves Jenny.

She also loves to bare her testimony. My parents had to limit her with the twice a year rule. She could only get up during her birthday month and Christmas. If my parents were out of town she would strategically place herself next to the aisle so she could sneak up and bare her testimony. She is such a smarty pants!

Jenny loves to watch tv and she loves old shows- like Little House, The Brady Bunch, Family Matters, etc. She is like a walking talking tv encyclopedia. Instead of getting a regular summer tan we joke that she gets a tv tan.

Jenny loves to write letters and basically if you know her and are listed in the phone book you can expect to receive letters from her. If anyone wants a new pen pal let me know. She has impeccable handwriting and her letters always start with ‘it has been a long time for me to write to you’. Jenny answers the phone with ‘greetings’ and says ‘I am going to turn in’ if she is ready to go to bed.

Jenny is a homebody and does not like to travel, period. She tries to weasel her way out of any trip my parents are planning, even Hawaii. Hello?! Luckily she has fun once she is there.

Jenny is a neat freak, aka border line OCD. All of her tapes and cds in her room are organized in her own special order. If you were to go and re-arrange them you would find they would be put back in order the next time you went in there. She always makes sure everything is put away in its place, that the dishes are done, and that the beds are made. Pretty much she is the best ever house guest.

I love my big sister to pieces, she is the biggest sweetheart I know. She has taught me and so many others amazing life lessons about love and patience. I am excited to help celebrate her special day!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Muy delicioso

Last year I found a pretty good recipe then it was totally perfected after my cousin/friend Amy gave me her version. Tonight I made it again and remembered how delicious it is...

Honey Lime Chicken Enchiladas.


Life changing enchiladas, I am telling you! I am still dying by my superb cooking skills (ha ha) and I need to put this meal into high rotation.

Full of flavor with a hint of sweet. I have a food baby in my stomach tonight after having these with some Brazilian Limeade. I've been so good about eating clean and it was so delicious to indulge tonight!

Try them out sometime, and sooner than later, I am telling you they are to die for!! You can thank me later.

Honey Lime Chicken Enchiladas
1 lb boneless skinless chicken breasts- cooked and shredded (or use rotisserie chicken if you are feeling lazy and want some extra flavor)

1/3 cup honey
1/4 cup lime juice (about 2 large and juicy limes- don't use pre-squeezed lime juice)

2t-1T chili powder (I use 2t)
2 large cloves of garlic, minced

12 flour or corn tortillas

2 cups colby jack cheese, shredded
2 14 oz cans of green enchilada sauce
1/2 cup cream or skim milk works great too, which is what I use

In a medium bowl or small pan whisk the honey, lime juice, chili powder, and garlic. Stir in cooked shredded chicken, cover with saran wrap, and let marinade for 30-60 minutes.

Spray sides and bottom of 9x13 inch pan.

In a small bowl mix the enchilada sauce and cream/milk. Spread 1/2 cup-ish into the bottom of the pan.

Add a large spoonful (2 tablespoons-ish) of chicken mixture to the tortillas and top with a sprinkle (1 tablespoon-ish) of cheese. Roll and put in pan and continue with the remaining tortillas.

Top with remaining honey/lime marinade, enchilada sauce, and cheese.

Bake for about 30 minutes until bubbly and cheese is golden brown at 350*.

Lick your plate clean!! And you really will, they are divine!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Mellow Yellow

I've always loved the color yellow. It is happy, clean, and fresh.

I've been craving all things yellow lately.

Like the sun.

Lemon bars.

My polka dot yellow dress.

And when I play Candyland or Trouble with Noah I want to be the yellow guy.

I never thought I would have yellow in my bedroom
...but I'd had my eye on this for a while and a month ago I decided to take it home with me.

I. Love. It. So. Much! Yellow and gray is the pe
rfect combo.

I pulled a few yellow items from around the house to complete the look. Such a breath of fresh air! I want to hang out in my room all the time now.
It makes me so happy to have my summer bedding put together.

Now I just need to figure out what to do with my 'a
ccent' wall...

Monday, May 9, 2011

Being a girl

There are so many awesome things I love about being a girl (it would pretty much suck to be a boy)...

-Lipgloss and makeup
Shoes, clothes, handbags, and shopping
-Girls' nights out

-Cooking and baking
-Playing house
-Perfume and deliciously fragrant lotions

-Silky smooth legs

-Polished nails
-Chick flicks
-Jewelry, jewelry, and more jewelry
-Soft skin

-Trips to the day spa

-Being feminine

But most of all I love being a mother. I always expected I would have more babies but for some reason my body just doesn’t work that way. For now I have my Noah and he is the most amazing blessing in my life. I am lucky to have so many millions of great one on one experiences with him. I can’t imagine what life would be like without him.

-I love watching him sleep
-I love snuggling with him
-I love hearing him giggle
-I love making him giggle
-I love that he helps me bake and cook
-I love playing with him
-I love teaching him
-I love comforting him when he is scared, sad, hurt, or tired
-I love that he needs me
-I love that he is a momma's boy
-And I love that he loves me back.

When Noah was first born I rocked and sang to him and remember thinking that a long time ago my own mother did that for me, and felt the same way about me as I to him. It was an overwhelming sense of love. I am so grateful for my mom who gave me life and raised me well. She is also a strong, smart, beautiful, and independent woman. I love the traits I inherited from her.

I love celebrating Mother’s Day, I love the recognition and appreciation that is expressed to mothers and women. It didn’t start as the breakfast in bed kind of day I had expected (and after a little freak out on my part) but I had an amazing day with my two most favorite boys and ended it with my mom (and dad and sister) coming over for dessert.

-Angel Food Cake

-Chocolate Whipped Cream

-Chantilly Cream
-Pineapple Upside Down Cake

Me and my momma

And the funniest part of the day was Noah singing in sacrament with the primary. He forgot the words to the song and had a tantrum right there on stage, in front of everyone. He folded his body over the stage wall with his arms hanging down during the rest of ‘Mother I Love You’. He stood up shortly for the second song and caught Rob’s eye telling him to stay standing up. He thought he was in trouble so he ducked below the stage wall for the second song. His little head popped up a couple of times but quickly went back down. We were laughing so hard we were crying. It was awesome. It was all I could do to refrain from pulling out my camera and recording the episode.

I was surprised Noah forgot the words…two weeks prior when we practiced the song in primary he was sitting on my lap and basically sung it to me- with his arms around my neck looking into my eyes. It was the sweetest thing ever. I guess I got the best of both worlds, the love and the humor.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Sunny Get Away

Noah and I just got back from a fab little get away in St. George, (thanks to Francesco for a sweet rate!!) I thought it would be a great way to kill a few days with Rob still gone. We had the best time, there was no shortage of blue skies, sunshine, and fun.

We stopped at Zion on the way down; I've always thought it was gorgeous there and has been one of my favorite places. But it has been years since I've been there and it blew me away all over again by how amazing it is. Other than that we were pretty much poolside during the day, had a few picnics, fun dinners out, and watched movies in bed. It was heaven...just me and my Noah cat!! As much as we missed daddy it has been fun to spend loads of time together.

Emerald Pools Trailhead

Do you see what is above Noah's head? We've never had lunch with a deer before!
Monday night after dinner we decided to check out the temple.

Noah is always telling me he is going to marry me when he grows up- how sweet is that? He wanted us to climb the stairs and pretend we just got hitched. Ha ha. I'd think it were a little weird if he weren't four.

The flowers were so pretty!!

Noah pretending to be Moroni since he is missing from the temple.