Monday, August 29, 2011

first day of school

My little man is officially a big boy- today is Noah's first day of kindergarten! He is one excited kid!

Noah has been patiently waiting for school to start for weeks....and weeks. We have done a lot of school drive by's and counting down the days on the calendar. The Star Wars backpack stocked with a Yoda pencil case and Transformers folder have been hanging in his room ready for the big day. New shoes and shirts have stayed crisp, clean, and unworn in his closet. He completed his first 'All About Me' homework assignment over the weekend. Now it is game time and today is the big day!

I wish I could be a fly on the wall and watch every reaction to his new environment. I can't wait to hear all about it. I am so proud of my sweet boy!!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

avocado lime salsa

Yesterday at work we had a little bbq/potluck lunch. But there was a twist, we all voted on our favorite side dish and dessert. There were so many yummy things and a recipe should have been mandatory. Seriously, chowing down never tasted so good.

Yours truly won for the side dish... and the award was a new carry-on, which I can always use!

I didn't bring anything super fancy, just something I have been craving...and in my opinion you can never go wrong with something including avocados or limes. Have you had or made this? We love it at our house!! CPK has one similar.

Avocado Lime Salsa

Mix together the following:
1 package Italian dressing, prepared as directed
1 can black beans, rinsed and drained
1 can sweet corn, drained (would be awesome with fresh corn)
4-5 tomatoes, chopped
2 avocados, chopped
1/2 bunch cilantro, chopped
7 green onions, sliced
2-3 limes, squeeze juice all over salsa

So easy and so good!

Picture from Google images...why bother taking a picture when I can just snag one from there. Ha ha.

Monday, August 22, 2011

favorite bouquet ever

A couple of weeks ago we bused out the paints for Noah so he could do an art project.

He painted a few flowers and insisted that I hang them up in my room because, they were for me. Ha ha. He is such a sweet little mamas boy!!

I cut them out and let him tape them to my wall.

I actually have a few more that hadn't dried yet but he has forgotten to hang them up. Isn't this the funniest/cutest thing?! I just love my little man!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

twelve years

Over the weekend Rob and I celebrated our twelve year anniversary!! Twelve!!??!! I still can't believe we have been married so long, it has gone so fast. We weren't exactly babies when we got married...but we still both feel so young. I guess that is what love does, it keeps the spring in your step and a smile on your face. Ha ha.

Normally we have our special day all planned out in advance with dinner reservations, a little trip, or something of significance. This time we hadn't planned anything except the babysitter. We honestly didn't decide on where to go to dinner until we were backing out of the driveway. It totally made me laugh, because you'd think we would have given it more thought, and because had this been an earlier anniversary I'm sure I'd of been ticked off that our 'so called' special day was totally ruined. Ha ha. I guess a few years mellows you out.

We went to one of our favorite little Italian restaurants, Fratelli's. We love the ambiance and the food is awesome. I am still dying over my dinner, beef shoulder medallions encrusted in espresso, gnocchi made with mushrooms and polenta then flattened and browned on both sides with a creamy mushroom sauce and arugula drizzled with a balsamic reduction. It was amazing. And since we were stuffed but still had to have dessert we opted for the panna die for!!! The plate was drizzled with raspberry puree, chocolate sauce, and caramel. I absolutely love going out to awesome dinners!!!

It was fun to reminisce about all the things we have done and accomplished...and day dream about what the future holds. Nothing is better than being truly happily married to someone who can be your best friend and still give you butterflies all at the same time. I'm so lucky to be married to Rob and look forward to many more years to come!

I dug into the archives to get a pic of the two of us alone... I think we need to step it up with the photos of the two of us. (Okay there were some others...but I didn't love the ones I saw) I was prego here with Noah and we were at Rob's brother's wedding.

Thursday, August 4, 2011


I didn't realize it until now but last week was unofficially friends week. The timing couldn't have been more perfect- it's been a bit of an emotional roller coaster lately and it was so nice to ground myself with wonderful ladies...and in some cases it was great to have a therapy session to sort through my emotions. I feel so blessed to be surrounded by ladies whom I admire and look up to, and they always seem to say just the right thing. Sometimes being a busy married lady with a family and career I feel like I'm missing out on friendships...then weeks like last week happen and I remember that I am always surrounded by great ladies- who are always there. My hub is amazing and always so calm and optimistic about things...and is always happy to take control of the home front so I can get out...because sometimes you just need your girl friends most of all.

...Tuesday was a birthday lunch with my sweet sister (in law) Candice. We had so much fun chatting and she showed me a stash of darling new clothes she scored for her birthday.

...Tuesday night was Red Mango with a couple of cute neighbor friends, Rachel and Kylie. Both of whom I adore and love getting together with.

...Wednesday night was dinner with Amy Y. (Rob's cousin) and Megan A. Amy and I have been close for years and I've just gotten to know Megan this last year- she is quite the adventurous hottie. I've had so many long conversations with Amy Y lately about all those crappy life things that suck and her positive outlook is always so refreshing.

...Thursday was lunch with Amy P (my cousin's wife) . We became good friends a couple of years ago and I love spending time with her, she is darling and we share a lot of common ideas and thoughts about life.

...Friday was a girls lunch with aunts and cousins on my dad's side of the family. It was a riot to hear stories about my dad, aunts, and grandparents from years ago. I forgot so many things about my great grandparents that I loved remembering. It is always great to catch up with family.

...Then Saturday night was dinner and a movie with Amy Y, and the Megans. Megan F is gorgeous with great taste and so hilarious. We try to get together once a month to have dinner and hit up a chick flick. It is guaranteed a fabulous time.

moi and megan a- cheesing it up!
megan f and amy y- their grandma's were sisters- cool huh?
all of us!

Monday, August 1, 2011

snacks for lunch

Saturday morning I stopped by Harmon's to pick up some quality produce...I love Harmon' is like a zen shopping experience, the esthetics, quality food and produce, music, and gourmet samples make me so happy.

One of the samples was crumpled Gorgonzola cheese on a fresh baguette slice drizzled with honey.


It was seriously so amazing. I resisted taking more than one sample and bought a baguette and some cheese to throw together a fruit and cheese plate for lunch.

Seriously the best snacky lunch ever!