I didn't realize it until now but last week was unofficially friends week. The timing couldn't have been more perfect- it's been a bit of an emotional roller coaster lately and it was so nice to ground myself with wonderful ladies...and in some cases it was great to have a therapy session to sort through my emotions. I feel so blessed to be surrounded by ladies whom I admire and look up to, and they always seem to say just the right thing. Sometimes being a busy married lady with a family and career I feel like I'm missing out on friendships...then weeks like last week happen and I remember that I am always surrounded by great ladies- who are always there. My hub is amazing and always so calm and optimistic about things...and is always happy to take control of the home front so I can get out...because sometimes you just need your girl friends most of all.
...Tuesday was a birthday lunch with my sweet sister (in law) Candice. We had so much fun chatting and she showed me a stash of darling new clothes she scored for her birthday.
...Tuesday night was Red Mango with a couple of cute neighbor friends, Rachel and Kylie. Both of whom I adore and love getting together with.
...Wednesday night was dinner with Amy Y. (Rob's cousin) and Megan A. Amy and I have been close for years and I've just gotten to know Megan this last year- she is quite the adventurous hottie. I've had so many long conversations with Amy Y lately about all those crappy life things that suck and her positive outlook is always so refreshing.
...Thursday was lunch with Amy P (my cousin's wife) . We became good friends a couple of years ago and I love spending time with her, she is darling and we share a lot of common ideas and thoughts about life.
...Friday was a girls lunch with aunts and cousins on my dad's side of the family. It was a riot to hear stories about my dad, aunts, and grandparents from years ago. I forgot so many things about my great grandparents that I loved remembering. It is always great to catch up with family.
...Then Saturday night was dinner and a movie with Amy Y, and the Megans. Megan F is gorgeous with great taste and so hilarious. We try to get together once a month to have dinner and hit up a chick flick. It is guaranteed a fabulous time.
moi and megan a- cheesing it up!

megan f and amy y- their grandma's were sisters- cool huh?

all of us!