Friday, September 23, 2011

Back To Normal

Noah has been loving kindergarten, loving it!  But last week he had a hard time being dropped off, he was clingy and had the saddest crocodile tears.  It took me a couple of days to get to the bottom of it...he was worried I would die and not be his mommy anymore.  Heartbreaking!  I insisted I would be fine and that Heavenly Father wants me to be his mommy and that I am not going anywhere.  It was slowly sinking in but he still didn't want to be dropped off.

Towards the end of the week Noah's teacher called before school to talk about a field trip I had volunteered to help with.  She also mentioned that Noah seemed sad and wanted to make sure he was liking school.  I explained his fear and she understood. 

That afternoon when I picked Noah up he was wearing a crown and told me his teacher made him King Of The Day...and that he had the best day ever!!  And he wasn't worried about me!!  Ever since his fear has vanished and he is back to his old silly self.  I love his teacher, she is the sweetest!

In other news Rob has been in Miami all week for work...and he got back last night just after midnight!  Yay!!!  I wish I'd of been there laying out at the beach/pool while he was working and wining and dining at night!  He was taken out on a speedboat around South Beach one night...I think I would have been drooling over all those homes.  Sigh!! 

Things have been out of control busy, cheers to a relaxing weekend!!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Labor Day

Our family adores Sun Valley, especially for holidays, it's always so festive!  Like I always say, ski resort towns have the best vibe.  It helps the cause that it's not too long of a drive and we can stay with my parents for a fabulous weekend together.  My sister and her crew flew in for a surprise visit from Virginia so we got to enjoy the weekend with them as well.

We swam, hiked, went to the parade, took a gondola/chairlift ride to the top of Baldy with the kids, played at the children's carnival, had a little John Wayne fest with El Dorado and True Grit, Rob rode up Baldy a few times of course, and we and ate like kings.

My parents are awesome chefs.  We had sour dough waffles and eggs benedict every was amazing!  I also finally watched my dad make his famous red sauce and meatballs because I wanted his secrets so mine would taste like his.  I think I figured out what a few of those secrets are!  I'm pretty sure I gained five pounds last weekend.

Lottie and Noah watching the parade.  Such goofs.  Noah would yell 'hi girls' to the cheerleaders as they passed, and they would all look back and simultaneously yell 'hi' back to him.  So funny.
The kids loved these miniature horses!  'Your horse is cute!'
These mules
 pulled this wagon train.  These wagons use to go to the mountains and bring back ore.
 My cute boys after church.  Who goes to church on vacation?  We rarely do...except in Sun Valley we always do...and the meeting is always AMAZING and totally worth it.  Elder Ballard was on vacation as well and attended the meeting.  Noah shook his hand and he told him he would be a missionary someday.  It was really cute.
 Noah tested out every log on our hike.
 The kids surrounding the bear statue at River Run.
 Heading up the gondola.
 Noah and I on the chairlift.  This kid wouldn't help me take any good pics.  Oh well.

Thursday, September 1, 2011


I can't believe it is September already, already?!  I'm not sure if I am okay with it or not.

Saying goodbye to the summer is completely depressing to me.  I'm never ready to be done with hot sunny days, the pool- soaking up the sun reading books and magazines, thunderstorms, shorts and sandals.  Summer is so relaxed and casual.  The last couple of weeks I've been trying to soak it up knowing it is coming to an end. I really do like fall...but I am just never ready to say goodbye to summer.

Me...enjoying the pool.  ha ha.

In an effort to be more exited I've been trying to think of things that will help ease the transition.  
What makes you excited for fall?

...crisp mornings and evenings
...going for walks with the leaves crunching under my feet
...watching the leaves change colors
...raking up fall leaves
...getting out the fall wardrobe
...skinny jeans/jeggings, riding boots, tunics, sweaters, and stylish hats
...decorating the house with fall decor cute pumpkin glass jars
...putting up a fall wreath on the front door
...discovering the decor i've totally forgotten about and adding a few new pieces
...having more time inside to organize and clean nooks and crannies
...baking and making comfort food
...pumpkin chocolate chip cookies apple cider
...caramel apple cider with whipped cream
...pumpkin pie
...homemade soups
...oktoberfest at snowbird
...wandering around gardner village
...frightmares at lagoon
...getting ready for halloween for noah
...still enjoying kindergarten excitement