Thursday, August 28, 2008

Beach Escape

Spent the weekend with my family at the beach. The rain fell softly last Sunday afternoon but this did not dampen our spirits. It left the water cold though so the kids decided to go up into the house after just a short swim. The rest of the lazy afternoon was spent watching a movie. We had an early dinner and watched another movie. Hah!

Good thing the weather was fantastic the next day. There was no sun but it was just perfect! The kids spend the whole morning on the beach! They frolicked on the beige sand, swam in the warm sea, built sand castles and generally had a grand time.

It was an absolutely great weekend for all of us!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Knock-out Punch

...not the one that Manny Pacquiao delivers but the punches that scrappers like me would love to have.

Yesterday, I had the great opportunity to try out 2 very hot punches that came out fairly recently in the local market: Fiskar's Threading Water Border Punch & Paper Studio's Elegant Multi-Punch. Oooh!! was I excited to try out these babies.

Please let me say beforehand that my review of these 2 punches is based solely on my initial trial. Others who own these babies may have different ideas or experiences. Just let me share with you what I discovered.

To level the playing field, I decided to use the same paper for both punches:
a. red bazzill cardstock (heavy)
b. fancy pants patterned paper (medium)
c. autumn leaves/daisy ds patterned paper (light)

a. Punching Effort: Effortless punching for both the medium & lightweight papers. For the Bazzill cs though, I had a hard time with the Fiskars punch but it was a breeze with the PS Multi-Punch. Oh, and by the way, I had to stand up to get it going.

b. Design Detail: Excellent for both, although I'm very much impressed with the more intricate details on the Multi-Punch. However, I do adore the scalloped effect on paper so I guess tha makes it even.

c. Learning Curve:
Fiskars - Trying to make a continuous border was tricky for me at first. Being a newbie, I over-estimated the guide dots (there are 3) which resulted in a gap between the scallops (a below). When I tried to punch again, I failed to shoot it exactly and ended up with uneven scallops and holes (b below). arrgghh... eventually, I got the hang of it. I'll share the tip on how I did it at the end of this post. So please read on.

Paper Studio Multi-Punch - The multi-colored "bead designs" on its body initially caught my eye. Little did I know that these are guides which you should follow to make a successful punch. A must is to read the lengthy instructions at the back of the packaging. I had to go over it several times before I finally got it. Btw, the upper portion of the punch is just held on to the lower part by a very, very strong magnet. This reduces mistakes because you get to see where the next punch is going... you see the whole thing!

d. Versatility: Fiskars can only punch out a straight line while the Multi-punch can do borders, 4" & 6" circles, squares, ovals and corners!!! Wow, talk about multi-tasking.

Fiskars - At any one time, 5 scallops are made with a single punch. To ensure a continuous border, all you have to do is count! Punch, pull out the paper, then using the 3 dot guide, make sure that the last 2 dots slide back inside the covered area. 3 dots forward, 2 dots back. (hmmm, something like Paula Abdul's song??? lol!!!) Try it and let me know it it works for you.

Paper Studio Multi-punch - Two features ensure that you punch a perfect design all the time: the "bead" guides and the strong, removable magnet. I have to admit though that I got frustrated at not getting an impression at all at my first try. If you're having this problem, here's one sure tip: Make sure you hold down the heel of the punch (the one which has a center marker) and punch away.

Which is the better punch? I leave it up to you to decide. Boy, would I love to have both these babies!!!! And I would appreciate tips and ideas from you too! Cheers!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Raindrops of August

Summer days are really over as we meet August with what else but rain, rain, rain!!! It's been raining cats & dogs the whole week and there seems to be no let up.

PAG-ASA expects the country to experience at least 4 typhoons this month alone. Oh, I wonder if we'll ever get to dry our clothes this month!

August, which usually falls on the 7th month of the lunar calendar, is also around the time when Chinese all over the world observe the Hungry Ghost Month. They say that during this time, ghosts & spirits wander the earth and of course, give their relatives a "friendly" visit or two. That being said, many Chinese postpone or slow down on major activities such as getting engaged or married, buying a house, investing on a new business, opening a new shop, among others.

Just sit out this month, supertitious folks would say and just hope & pray for the best!!!! And by the way, don't forget food offerings & prayers for our dearly departed kin.