Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Greetings to All

May we accept Christ in our homes & our hearts. A blessed Christmas to everyone!!

Monday, December 15, 2008

I Love Black

.......Chipboards, that is.

I've just added Cosmo Cricket's Blackboard to my all-time favorite scrap items. I just discovered this at my favorite LSS, Lasting Impression, and I must say that for P250 per pack, it's a real deal! The pack contains 4 (yes, 4!) sheets of beautifully designed patterns & figures to suit your layout. The instruction says that you can distress, paint, spray, color as you wish, add stickers or do whatever else your "craft-y" heart desires. Me? I'm busy with the mad Xmas rush (or just plain lazy - lol!) so I just used it as is. Boy, I'm mighty pleased with the results.

Here are 2 layouts I made, including my latest for Lasting Impression, using the Fleuriste Blackboard. Guess I'll have to make a lot more!

All materials available at Lasting Impression. Please check out their store for details. Happy (Mad) Xmas Rush to all!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

I've Been So Busy Lately

.... that I've neglected this blog. It's an annual mad dash for me to the finish line every December. Party season officially started and I cringe at the thought of gaining unnecessary pounds from all the eating I'll be doing. Arrgghh!!!

Just would like to show you what I made as gifts for Christmas. I got this super neat idea from the very talented and super nice April Lim. The only thing I bought are the 3x5 unlined index cards that I used as pages & the wires for binding. Good thing that I was able to go through my existing stash, scraps and all to complete the assembly. Best of all, I used my favorite Bind-it-All! I thoroughly enjoyed making all of it!

Have to go now.... Need to make at least 10 more.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Cosmo Cricket Mr. Campy

Here's my latest DT work for Lasting Impression. My DS wanted to ride a white horse with a pink mane in Baguio so we went to Camp John Hay to check out the riding trail. No pink horse there so we just settled for a less flamboyant but sturdy & handsome brown one. It was a big horse with beautiful shiny dark brown mane. DH & DS got on it and off they went for a 30 minute ride.

When they were done, DS couldn't hide his excitement and chattered happily about the ride. He amused us as he tried imitating the snorting & neighing sound of the horse. We all broke into laughter when he started complaining about how bad the horse smelled and how his butt hurt. Despite all these, he said he'd love to ride again.

All materials are available at Lasting Impression. Please check out their site for further information regarding the layout.