Monday, July 14, 2008

Funny Sayings

Malia makes us laugh, everyday she is talking more grown up. We wonder where she gets these things. Here are a few funny things that I actually remembered to write down:
We were talking about buying a swing set or play structure and how it costs a lot of money and she said "If I had a blowey wish (what she calls the dandelion seed thing that her and Gunner love to find in our neighbors grass) I would wish that all the trees in our land and all the trees in Grandma Brackens land grew pennies."
We were riding in the car and out of the blue she says "Mom, is this a Unicorn?" We turn around and she is flipping us the bird.
She had a balloon and she wanted it tied onto her hand, so I tied it loosely but so she could get it off, and she said "But mom, can't you do any better?"
All of Gunner's talk right now is pretty much just bathroom talk, so I will spare you on that. One thing he said that was really cute, I can't remember what we were doing, but just out of the blue he went up and gave Ian a hug and said "Daddy Best Friend". Also, I can't imaging why :), but every "Ouwee" Gunner has is "broken".
Malia has been taking a gymnastic class and has learned a lot in these few short weeks. She has almost perfected the cartwheel, which she has been trying to do for months before. And her favorite now is the back roll. She does really good in the class, and for being one of the youngest, she is by far one of the most athletic and has the most energy, it's just nice to channel it into something. She loves to teach Gunner everything she learns too. And yes, he will hardly ever let me put pants on him. But I think his underwear bum is really cute.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

We have Green!!

The grass did grow! :) This is after just 2 weeks. More seed germinates after 30 days so we are halfway there! We had a few problem spots, but have adjusted sprinklers and now they are growing in. We have tons of weeds, but hopefully they will be overtaken by the grass. Ian is also coming to the realization of how much grass we really do have and how long it is going to take to mow it all! We have really enjoyed just sitting on the back patio and not have dirt everywhere. Yeah we have just sat out there and pretty muched watched the grass grow. Kind of funny, but we like watching the sprinklers when they automatically come on too. Just can't wait to get a good game of croquet going! :)

Sunday, July 6, 2008

4th of July

This is how we celebrated the 4th, we started by going to the Hillsboro Parade. Ian's grandparents came up from Salem and we had some friends sit by us. It started raining toward the end of the parade, yeah wouldn't be an Oregon parade if it didn't rain. It was still fun, and we had saved places under a tree, so didn't get too wet. This is Malia and her friend Matthew. The joys of potty training! This is how Ian and Gunner spent half of the parade. Poor kid needed to go really bad and was holding it, but would not go in the porta potty, Ian said he kept saying "Gross Potty". We then had a BBQ with his grandparents at his parents house then went home and took a nap. Then we had some friends over for another BBQ, but they decided to bring KFC and it tasted so good! Then we went back to his parents house to do fireworks with some of their friends who are actually in our ward too. Gunner enjoyed the popits and the girls Malia (another one) and Olivia. And Malia enjoyed the sparklers and just being with her friends. The funniest part was Gunner. He was so scared of the "noise" The only way he would stay with us and not run into the garage is if someone covered his ears for him. Silly kid!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

First Day on the lake this year

Yesterday Ian's dad got the boat out and we headed to Hagg Lake for the first time this summer. It was beautiful! The water was really high and really warm for the lake. The water was almost 78 degress. That is way warmer than I remember it from last year. I didn't even use my wet suit which says a lot. It was a little bittersweet because I cannot wakeboard. Probably not for 4-5 more weeks. We will see... It was the same story with the kids. Malia wanted in almost immediately and was a little fish, and every time we stopped she wanted to jump in. Gunner was Gunner, and was "scared". After we got Malia on the tube and he saw her swimming, we finally got him to put his feet in off the end of the boat. He kicked for a little while making bubbles, then Ian just kind of pulled him in. He screamed of course, but after a few minutes he kind of calmed down. We even got him to ride on the tube too. But you can tell by the look on his face, he wasn't quite sure of it all, especially when he got splashed in the face. But once he was back in the boat he said it was fun. He will be used to it by the end of the year. Check out Ian! Poor Gunner, it was a long afternoon, and his nap time, and he didn't make it.
Sorry I am not the best at videoing with one hand while on a boat, but you can get the gist.