HELLO BLOG!!!!!!!!!!! Its been so long! How are you doing!? What have you been up to? I bet you were all wondering if The Thompsons were alive and well, and still had a pulse. Last time I checked, its still working. I can not believe that it has been since JULY since I exercised my fingers on the keyboard. My fingers are getting quite chubby. My friends and family, get ready to sweat with me as I type away about our exciting lives in SOUTH CAROLINA!!
I love South Carolina!!!!!!!!! I love it, I love it, I really really do love it. What do I love about it!? The friends that I have made, they are becoming my family. Love our ward. They put me in NURSERY! Yahoo! Ha! Did you know that I have been in nursery ever since I've been married? May be because I am still a kid and like to color, and eat snacks with the kids. I have enjoyed being in nursery, and LOVE that little Reece has joined me. Its fun.
What else do I love? My house! Its cute and perfect for our family. And I find myself easier to keep it clean! WHOO! Chase and I realized we don't like stairs and like having a one story. I vacuum all the carpet areas, then I mop all the floors that need to be moped, all the bathrooms, I can get it all done! My thinking in our house in Gilbert, (loved the house..but it was a 2 story) and I would always just clean the down stairs...no one comes upstairs...it was a bad thang that was going on. I am glad I have changed my thinking: EVERYONE is going to see this house! When they come over! :) Its good. The boys share a room and it has been nice that they are getting used to sleeping together.
I just love my boys. ALL THREE OF THEM! Here's an update with all three Thompson boys:
REECE is just a bundle of joy, and always makes us happy with his big cheeser grin. He is learning to talk, and seems to be learning new words every day. Some of his words are, "hi," "bye-bye", "poopy," and he usually pats his bum to let us know its time for a diaper change. "MOM!!" "Daddy," "choo-choo," "ba" (buzz lightyear) Our neighbor has dogs outside, and when he hears them bark, he runs to the window and tries to bark. Again, brings a smile to my face.
The other day, I think he tried to say Carter. He loves his big brother. They play together before and after his nap time, and hold hands in the car. (not all the time) Oh, his big word is "hot." When he hears the timer go off for his oatmeal or muffins, he says, "hot," and waves his hand. Then he begins to blow, so he can cool it off. One last Reece story. Sorry. One time he got in the bath, and said, "hot," and started blowing on the water. Just love that kid to pieces.
Next is CARTER! What do I say about my full of energy-always going-always learning-always talkative-SUPERHERO CARTER!? You all know I am a big super hero fan, may be you didn't..but now you know. I love them. And Carter loves them too. We got a special bond because of our superhero love. Sorry about that Chase. We are working on "calming it down." His latest is being the alter-ego of his super hero. He will be Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, Peter Parker, and his super hero is under his shirt. Then when he is the hero, his new thing is the wear underwear over his pants...because thats what Batman and Superman does. :) When he comes home from the gym, store, any where, he changes his clothes at least twice or three times a day. That's my boy. I have been working on the alphabet with him. He now knows letters A-H. He always tells me he wants to do the "ABC book." He loves to finger paint, paint, color, cut, (i help him with that) play with play doh, and use colored chalk outside. He plays with blocks, and is A-MAZING at doing puzzles. He knows his colors, basic shapes, count to ten, and can sing the ABC song. (I'm not trying to brag, but I am glad that I taught him this stuff--or may be the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse helped too..) We have put him in some activities since this summer.
July, he was in swimming for two weeks. He was scared to get in, but learned to love it. Once that was over, I took Reece and Carter swimming at the best coolest kiddie pool at our gym. I would bring our lunch, and eat.
Sept.-Carter was in a tumbling class for a month. He loved it. I could have done that for the whole year, but he was the only boy...it was good for a month. He got this Utility batman belt because he survived 2 weeks of swimming lessons.
Oct.-WE JOINED SOCCER! Carter is number nine for team CHEETAHS! He had his first game last week, and that was the best thing to watch three year old, run and kick the ball, and didn't have clue what was going on. Carter is a little shy, and I am sure he will warm up to soccer. He practices at home with Daddy when Chase gets home from work. Carter was the goalie for the first game. Carter is my little buddy. I am looking into putting him into pre-school. I am on the search, and I think Carter will love to go to school. :) Love that boy!
Chase!!!!!!!! Chase is great! Loves working on base and seeing the recruits. I love that Chase is home at four, and he is the BEST! He still doesn't have a calling, but I think our ward is a little behind. I make him help me in nursery when I need it. He loves his little family, his boys, and beautiful...gorgeous, smart, amazing wife. He really does. When he comes home, Reece will run to him and say, "hi! daddy!" (something like that) and gives him the biggest hug. I know Reece misses him when Chase gets home. Carter also loves his Daddy, and will want to play superheros, or run around the couch with Chase. I love to sit and watch them play or wrestle on the floor. I love my handsome Navy man!
In September, my in-laws came out to visit us for a couple of days. It was so much fun! I went shopping with my mother-in-law, went to Charleston and saw civil war sight, Fort Sumter, Savannah Georgia and took a tour bus downtown. We even ran into Forrest Gump there. True story. The picture below was at Paula Deen's restaurant. And it was cooked in butter. It was good, y'all. We also stayed in Hilton Head, SC in a town house that Chase's parents got for a few nights and we stayed with them. And what a little adventure that was. Everything that could happen with kids happened in three days. From pooping on the floor, to wetting the bed Chase and I were going to sleep in, to taking Grandpa's medicine and thinking it was candy, then calling the poison control, and having your kind mother-in-law do our laundry, and then finding a red crayon dried on all of our clothes, and red crayon all over inside the dryer. It sure was FUN! We also went to the beach, and swam at the pool while Chase and his Dad golfed. Oh, at the pool, little Reecer through up. At that point, Tanya and I just laughed and kept eating our breakfast. It was a nice vacation.
Well that is our HUGE update! Have a happy halloween!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!