Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The annoncment of a New Blog. . . .

My dear friends,
If any of you wonderful people still visit this lonely little blog of mine I am here to direct you to my new blog The Stonehocker Family Blog
. I have loved this Meagan and Lizzy blog so much! It was a big part of my life and I hope to make the new blog even better. Hope to see you there!!
Love, Meagan

Friday, May 29, 2009

April and May

It's hard to believe that we only have one more day left in May! Where does the time go? I have decided that I need to take more pictures! Now whether they make it here on this poor neglected blog of mine is a whole other story.  

May brought Lizzy's first real hair cut. She was so good and I love her new do! But mostly I'm just happy she has hair. Ha ha!

On of Lizzy's favorite things to do is blow bubbles!  You can't even say the word with out her flipping out that she wants to do bubbles. Also you can see that her hair is in pig tails.  She calls them "tails". She asks for them all the time, she is such a girly girl, I love it!!

Happy Easter!!  We had such a wonderful Easter complete with easter egg hunt and dinner at Grandma's. 

Lizzy was so excited about the easter egg hunt. She loves candy so when she found out that there was candy in the eggs, oh man!  She had to stop and open each one to make sure it had candy.  Then she would close it back up and put it in the basket.  Several times when carrying the basket she got so excited that she shook all of the eggs out.  She is so much fun!!

My mom got her this cute easter dress.  She loved it and wouldn't take it off all day. Man she is getting so big!

This is a random picture but it tells you some things about lizzy.  She loves to color.  She alway says "color pen, please color pen" You can't have a pen and paper out and her not want to color.  I love the way she holds her pencil like an adult. Also she colors with both her right and her left hand! Ambidextrous? We will see I guess.  She loves to play on the stairs. And most of the time when I tell her I'm taking a picture she looks away and refuses to look at me, but she laughs because she thinks it's funny.  She has such a sense of humor!

Sunday, March 29, 2009


Look out bloggers, this is an actual post!  That is to say if there are any of you still checking this poor neglected blog of mine.   So, I had the awesome opportunity to visit a friend of mine in Chicago this last month,  for a much needed vacation!  My good friend Dave (And lets just avoid any questions by restating that Dave is in deed just a good friend :) Showed me the time of my life!  We went to the Aquarium, the Field Museum, the Science and Industry Museum, the Sears Tower,  Navy Pier,  the Bean, the zoo, two killer comedy clubs and of course did some some amazing shopping on Madison Avenue.  I got to see Dave do stand up the first night I was there at a club down town.  He was hilarious! Also they were celebrating St. Patrick's day which meant a big parade and the famous dying of the river!  It really is that green, it's crazy!  The trip was a blast!  I am totally in love with Chicago!  It is an amazing city!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Living in the 801

So this is my friend Dave's new music video.  It's good for a laugh for sure!  Let me know what you think.  

Friday, March 6, 2009

What Blog?!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

So I Am Like The Worst Blogger Ever!

It is true and I 'll be the first to admit it. I really enjoy visiting all of your blogs so I guess it is only fair that I post every now and then. I would love to say that I'm going to be better and post more often, but I don't know if that is a promise I can make. LOL! So lets at least get you caught up on Christmas . Talmage called Christmas morning so we all got to talk to him! He is doing so well and has been out almost a year now, crazy! It was really great to talk to him! I miss that boy! Lizzy spent Christmas eve with her dad and came home around noon. She was lots of fun, I think her favorite gift from Santa was a stuffed penguin. The day after Christmas we all headed up to the cabin for some rest and relaxation. It was so nice to get away and be with the whole fam.
Oh and Lizzy is in love with the snow! (Sorry the video is a little shaky!)

Well that is our Christmas in a nutshell! We love you all and hope your holidays were as magical and full of love as ours!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

"It's Coming On Christmas. . .

They're Cutting Down Trees."  I love this time of year! The music, sounds and smells bring back floods of memories and warm feelings of love and joy!  There is nothing quite like it. I just wanted to wish all of you a very merry Christmas! And say a heartfelt thank you for all of your love and support over this past year. I love you all, merry Christmas!

Monday, December 1, 2008


I have some big exciting news!!  My little baby sister Tori is engaged!!! His name is Ben Olson and he is such an amazing guy and is so perfect for my little Tori-lou! I am so happy for both of them and I am so excited to have Ben as a brother.  He fits so well into our fam.  They are getting married February 18!  Congratulations Ben and Tori!! 

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I am always saying that I have nothing to blog about, that my life is uneventful. Well from now on I am going to be grateful for that! Because yesterday was a blog worthy event for sure. Lizzy took her first tip to the emergency clinic! She had a little spill during a shopping trip at Nordstrom, and landed on the corner of a mirror. I tried hard not to panic when I got the call to meet Matt at the emergency clinic. We both waited nervously for the doctor, while Lizzy was much more interested in the fish and why I wouldn’t let her climb all over. She was seemingly unaware of the bleeding cut on her forehead that was quickly swelling to the size of a ping pong ball. She is my angel baby! Luckily no stitches! Just some butterfly bandages and a dumdum sucker. She was so brave and so sweet, she even blew the doctor kisses as we left. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful healthy little girl!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Plug for Pixar!

  This movie took me totally by surprise!  This brilliant robot love story has completely stolen my heart!  I saw it this weekend and can not stop thinking or talking about it.  It is my new favorite Pixar movie. Loved it!! 

Monday, November 3, 2008

Gardner Village

Us girls took a trip to Gardner Village to see the witches.  It is a tradition that I love!  We had so much fun together. Lizzy loved all the witches and pumpkins.  

We tried to take this picture like 5 times, Lizzy would only look at the witch!

All my best friends in one spot!

I forgot the stroller, I think that Lizzy had lots more fun that way. Ha ha!

She is getting so Big!!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

This is Halloween

The girls and I threw an awesome halloween party this weekend.  It was a lot of fun!  Dancing, food, and fun! I love getting all dressed up!
We dressed as Rouge, a mermaid, and an indian.  I made my mermaid costume, and yes I was crazy because all of my scales are individually stuck on there.  It took a lot of time, but was totally worth it. 
I am so grateful for my two sisters who just happen to be my very best friends!!  I love them so much!! 

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Happy Early Halloween

Lizzy and I went to a halloween birthday party for our dear friend Gram.  I was so excited to get Lizzy all dressed up.  I thought it was only fitting for me to be a cat and she be a mouse, since my day mostly consists of chasing her around. Ha ha! We have so much fun together!  And she is the cutest mouse I've ever seen! 

Friday, September 26, 2008


Lizzy and I just got back from a fun filled, much needed vacation to Oregon.  We had such an amazing time!  We went to visit my dear friend Michelle and her family.  They have a beautiful house with lots of open space for the kids to play in. Lizzy was in heaven with all of the cute kids and fun new toys to play with.  We spent the weekend in Sea Side, a beautiful beach on the Oregon cost.  Lizzy's rode the carousel, played on the beach, and ate the best corn dog ever! We also got to visit the Portland zoo, it was awesome, and the weather was so beautiful. It was one of my favorite vacations!  Thank you so much Michelle, Violet, and all of the Foushee family!  We love and miss you guys so much!  

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Mmmm Cake

Lizzy's first birthday party was a blast!! Good food, friends, and lots of fun!!  And of course a giant cupcake cake.  She was so adorable! I still can't believe that my little girl is one!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Happy Birthday Lizzy!!

Today my little girl is one year old! I can hardly believe it! I love her more than words! This past year brought some unexpected events all of which I could not have made it through without my little angel. She is the love of my life! Happy Birthday Lizzy!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Today was a very big day for me!!  I bought a car!! Anyone who knows me knows that I have a problem making decisions and I hate to spend money.  So like I said today was a big day for me! Ha ha!  I have been looking for a car of my own for some time now and this beautiful PT Cruiser turned out to be a perfect fit.
2003 PT Cruiser
I Love it!!

Friday, August 22, 2008

It's Official...

My little girl is growing up so fast!! 

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Workin' it

I am a working girl once more!  Today was my first day at my new job, I am so excited about it!! Being a mom is the best, and I love Lizzy so much, but lately I have been needing a social outlet, and a pay check.  My prayers were answered my my good friend Michelle Franzonie, and orthodontist Dr. Christopher Berg. It is really part time so it is perfect. Today was so much fun!  I know that sounds crazy but it really was!  I am just so grateful to my mom for taking care of my little Lizzy when I am at work.  Today when I got home Lizzy got so excited, then she just laid her head on my shoulder and sang me a song.  I love her so much!!  And I am so excited for my new job! 

This is me in my new HOT pink scrubs and lizzy in her PJs

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!

I am now 24 years old! CRAZY!!  Yesterday was my very happy birthday!!  And thanks to amazing family and friends it was such a great day!!  I went shopping and to lunch with my mom and sisters in the morning,  then cake and ice cream with family and friends, and then Tori and Tasha threw me a supper sweet birthday bash!  The party was so much fun! Water balloon fight, piñata, roasting hotdogs, a good movie, pin the tail on the donkey, and great friends, what girl could ask for more?

Make a wish!  Thanks to Andrea and Richelle (my awesome friends in the ward) I had two birthday cakes.  I totally had chocolate cake for breakfast today!

I haven't played pin the tail on the donkey in I don't know how long.  It was actually really funny!! Tasha was way off!

I think that us girls got the wettest!  So much fun! We had over 400 water balloons, and no rules.

Nothing says party like piñata!