Friday, May 16, 2008

Peace Beyond Measure

Sorry my friends for the lack of posting.  Life this week has been. . . challenging.  The truth is most days I wake up and can't believe that this is my life.  I know that my trials bring me closer to my Heavenly Father (boy is that an understatement).  They also strengthen my testimony in ways nothing else can, and for that, someday I am sure I will be grateful for them. (Just not so much right now.)   The point of this post is not a pity party for yours truly, but to tell you about the amazing experience I had at the temple this week.  How blessed we are to have temples here on the earth.  God's holy house where we can find peace beyond measure.  I am so thankful for that much needed peace that I found there.  And who of us couldn't use more peace in their lives?

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Ok, So This is not Meagan, This is her mom. 

 I had to wait until she went to bed because I wanted to leave her this surprise post to say Happy Mothers Day Meagan.
I honor you Meagan this mothers day because you are such an amazing mother.   
  You are mature far beyond your years.  You always have been.  You are really a natural Mother.
Lizzy is so blessed to have you as her mom.  It is so fun to see how much she adores you, how she lights up when you come into a room.  You seem to think of all her needs and are so on top of everything.
  You know how much I LOVE being a mother.  It brings joy beyond words. 
When I watch you with Lizzy I think you might be able to understand how much I love and care for you.
Megan you are Amazing in so many ways.  Thank you for your goodness.



P.S.   I wish I knew enough to make this a cute post, I will learn for the next time.

Happy Mothers day to ALL you amazing Moms out there. It gets better and better. 

Friday, May 9, 2008

Talking to Tally

When I think of my little brother Talmage this is how I picture him in my head.
I know this is not reality but as his big sister he will always be the innocent little boy with a mischievous grin,  my little Tally Man.  Today mothers day came early, Talmage call!  He is doing so awesome in Costa Rica.  It was so good to hear is voice.  We all laughed and joked, thanks to speaker phone, and when we asked if he had any questions for us he said, "Um I don't know, I don't really think about you guys all that much." LOL!  So that is good, he is really busy.  He and his comp have been opening a new area and teaching 20-30 discussion a week. He spoke some spanish to us, I don't speak spanish but it sounded like he knew what he was saying.  I really miss him!  But knowing that he is happy and that he is bring the good news of the gospel to the people of Costa Rica makes it a little easier.  I once saw this sign that said a missionary is someone who leaves their family for two years so they can teach other families how to be together forever. 

Monday, May 5, 2008

For all the Twilighters

I am so excited for the twilight movie, I can not even tell you!! I came across this trailer and had to share it with my fellow nerds.