Sunday, February 26, 2012

Cooking Club week #5

I really wanted to make some homemade fruit leather for cooking club this week, but when I tried it earlier, it didn't quite set up all the way, so I was scrambling for an idea. My mom sent me this recipe we liked as kids, We called them elephant ears.  Jaden didn't look very happy about Kyler doing an egg. :)

 They were very nice to share in the mixing,
 They are kind of like a mix between pancakes, and crepes.  Spread 'em with applesauce, sprinkle on the cinnamon and roll up.  The boys loved them!
Here's the recipe:
3 eggs
1 cup milk
1 ½ Tbls. Shortening (melted)
¾ c. whole wheat flour
½ tsp. salt
1 ½ tsp. sugar
Put the eggs in a large bowl and beat them.  Add milk and shortening and beat again.  Add flour, sugar and salt and mix well.  Heat some oil in a skillet.  Pour batter onto skillet in 3-4 inch circles.  Cook until browned.  Turn and brown other side.  Spread with butter or applesauce.  Roll and enjoy.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Playing at the gym

After the afternoon in Kolob Canyon, we had our own private gym time in the Southern Utah Gymnastics Gym!  Thanks Kari for opening this up for us to play!
Christian had a hard time getting out of the pit.  He just kept sinking!
Kyler was LOVING the pit!

Jaden and Kyler dug to the very bottom and found the trampoline!
Beckam had a great time hanging out with his buddy Cruise.

Looks like my toes still remember how to "grab" the beam! :)
I really wanted to see if I could still do a squat on.  As I got on the bar I imagined the worst, swinging my legs up and tripping my toes on the bar...
luckily it ended up better than I thought!  I'm glad my body can still do things I see in my mind!  If only that were true for everything!  What a fun evening!  Christian even climbed the rope all the way to the top and rang the bell!  The boys never wanted to go. But after 2 hours of hard playing we convinced them we better get home and make some dinner.  Boy did they sleep well!
We woke up to several inches of snow and it didn't look like it was letting up at all.  So we cut our trip a bit shorter and headed out right after church.  Thanks for a GREAT weekend Kari, Dave, and Cruise!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Trip down to Cedar

We decided to take advantage of the holiday weekend and go visit my friend Kari in Cedar.  It was so great to finally see their home and hang out at their place!  We decided to visit Kolob Canyon Saturday afternoon as well since the forecast said it would be snowy Sunday.  I took a TON of pictures, so I'm sorry they may all look the same to you, but I love them all!

This is one of my favorites!


Kyler was so proud of his huge snowball!  Kari loves that she is still taller than the least for a little longer!:)

Sadly, once we decided we better take a family picture Kyler's hands hurt from the cold snow! :(
Of course Jaden enjoyed throwing snow balls off the cliff.  He LOVES to throw balls!
Kyler enjoyed kicking the snow!
Hey Christian, does this look familiar?  Hiiiii....ya!

Good thing we had a basketball in the van.  When we got to the top he just wanted to practice his dribble.
Daddy and he had a great time shooting the ball to each other.
Kari took some great photos too!  Glad I could steal them from her Facebook.

Cruise and Beckam are just 2 days apart.  Great picture of Kari and Cruise! Beckam was finally sleeping in the car so I decided to keep him there.  Otherwise it would have been so great to get a picture of the two together here!
I LOVE this picture and that we are all looking at Cruise smile!
This was a great little drive to see some amazing Utah scenery!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Date with Jaden

Jaden has been doing great with his reading at school!  They gave him a gift card to Wingers.  So him and I got to go on a date! (I think that the basketball game on the TV's there were just more exciting than being with Mom.)

At least I got him to look at me for a half a second! 
What a HUE french fry!  The game was still more exciting than looking at me to show it though.  It was still a fun date!

Bean Museum

Just another animal reptile show at the Bean Museum.  They got to touch a turtle.
What a neat looking spiky turtle!
It was actually pretty neat to see him walk around too.  Not near as slow as I thought it would be.
Here the kids were all holding a snake skin as long as the stage!
The lizard didn't want to walk around!:(
But the boys were excited to touch a small black snake!

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers