Thursday, March 28, 2013


I'm so glad we saved up for this trampoline!  It's played on practically non-stop! Here's Jaden with his buddy Ian.
Corbin came over too and he and Kyler were having fun inventing things to do. (Going up and down the driveway like this...giggling the whole way! :)
Kyler one morning on his way to school.  It was class picture day so they didn't have to wear their uniform.  His hair is getting crazy long!
He's still our silly Kyler!
As long as he has a ball, Beckam will pose for a picture...sometimes! :)
Not usually long enough for me to snap one before he moves and it turns out blurry though.
Beckam also loves the trampoline!

Handsome Jaden in his new Sunday pants!  Will you please stop growing!?
What? Who's this?  Someone got about 3 inches cut off his hair!
They are such brothers.  Kyler wants to put his arm around Jaden for a picture, but Jaden refuses.

CHEESE!  Who came up with that "picture taking" word anyway?...
That's probably as good as it's getting.
Always time for a sad face!
And a goofy photo!  Wonder what they are trying to do...
Kyler practices his splits almost daily!  He actually getting pretty good at them!  I love how Beckam is trying right behind him too!  Brotherly love!
 And it never fails that right after he sits back and says "ouch!"
We love our boys!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Weekend with Grandpa

Grandpa was able to come on the best weekend ever!  Since I was sick with strep throat, I wasn't going to be very helpful in setting up the trampoline.  Luckily Dad was there and the boys did a great job helping.  I took some pics though. 
They all wanted to be such helpers.

After the screws were all put in, it was time to hook on the springs.
Christian and Dad did a great job getting it all set up so quickly!

Beckam got the 1st jump, because he had to go in and take a nap! :)

He knew what to do right away, and LOVED it!
The easy part was done.  Now it was time for the enclosure.

That part took a little bit longer, but Kyler remained a helper!

Lots of in and out with the shoe string to hold the net in place! (Thanks for teaching your son to sew Shenna!:)

Jaden broke it in with a few back flips!

They were beyond happy it was done.
Later that afternoon Jaden had a soccer game, which grandpa was really excited to go to.  Sadly, I didn't get to go.  But I heard the game was pretty tough.  Jaden still had a great time!
That night the boys picked up Fadi's for dinner and we watched a movie, and grandpa even brought ice-cream!  Beckam had his first ice-cream cone.

Didn't take him long at all to figure it out.
Thanks for spoiling us all grandpa!
Grandpa had given Jaden Super Mario Galaxy for Christmas, so it was only appropriate that they played a bit and Jaden showed him how far he'd gotten!  Grandpa was really impressed!
The boys had a fun time working on a hard level together!
Sadly, the weekend went very quickly.  The boys sure wish that grandparents lived closer!  I was SO GRATEFUL for grandpa coming, and giving me a weekend off to get better!  It's nice when life just "works out" sometimes.
Look at those handsome boys! Thanks for visiting Grandpa!  We love that you have to travel through Houston!
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers