Showing posts with label funny. Show all posts
Showing posts with label funny. Show all posts

Monday, 10 February 2025

No longer tight. No longer mean.

This still makes me smile, 16 years later, and 33k views. Warning. . . scenes of nudity. 
Crafty Club this morning. A good laugh with the ladies. Raining all day so I stayed in. 
Hope it's better tomorrow. Toodle pip.   ilona

Sunday, 2 February 2025

Start the day with a titter.

Has anyone found Celeste Barber? She's an Aussie lady, a stand up comedian, a Micky taker, and she has millions of followers. I'm surprised I haven't found her before now. Watch how she recreates model poses and dance moves, and puts her own interpretation on them. Slim and glamorous she ain't, but she is one funny lady. 

Check out her facebooook page.  It's hilarious. 
Enjoy your Sunday. Toodle pip.   ilona

Tuesday, 21 January 2025


It's time I went to bed. I've had a mug of caramel latte, with a slug of Baileys in it, and a couple of bickies. And I've been watching BGT and AGT. I've picked this one out for you. What a crazy guy. So funny. 
Goodnight. Sleep tight. Catch ya tomorrow.    ilona

Sunday, 5 January 2025



Thank you Aunty Acid. 
It's been snowing here in North Lincolnshire. Stopped now. Birds have been fed, water bowls filled. Cats indoors, breakfast eaten. Coffee drunk. Have a nice Sunday. 
Toodle pip.   ilona

Thursday, 2 January 2025

We need to laugh

What day is it? 
I have a million and one ideas in my head for blog posts, and need to get them in some kind of order depending on which topics are most urgent and which can wait. It is obvious that things are brewing on the political front. After all the pretty fireworks on new years eve, I think we should be aware that more fireworks are to come, and they won't be pretty, in the run up to Mr T being signed in as president. The fanatics will do anything to stop that happening. They know they will forfeit their own lives as they go about causing maximum carnage and murders of innocent people. 
The fight for world dominance continues. We, as insignificant little people, cannot do anything to stop the relentless push for the demographic changes to come. 
What we must do however is recognise what is happening and why, then get on with our own lives. 
Last night I watched this video. It gave me 55 minutes where I switched off from the doom and gloom, and had me ROTFL. OMG, it was hilarious. 
Tent boxes are becoming a thing, and these three pals had the idea of cutting costs and constructing their own. I have watched their previous videos. They always have crazy ideas. They do things which any sane person would not attempt to do. They very much remind me of Boys from the Blackstuff. Remember the the TV comedy drama written by Alan Bleasdale, set in Liverpool in 1982.  
Hell on Earth have created their own brand of hapless humour. The perfect antidote to the other hell on earth. Grab yourself a beer, or a coffee, and be prepare to pee yourself laughing. Don't forget, entertainment on yoootooob is free.  
A sunny start to the day today. I must get some washing in the machine and out on the line. 
Thanks for popping in. Thank you to all those who have taken the time to send me supportive comments. I appreciate that. We, the Wide Awake Club, stand together. 
Toodle pip.   ilona

Here's another Hell on Earth, when you have finished this one. Three lads stealth camping in an old beat up campervan in the middle of London. 😂😎😅

Thursday, 22 August 2024

Giles says sit still

You will never get back the six minutes you lost while watching this video. 
See ya later. Toodle pip.   ilona

Thursday, 4 July 2024

Another Election Special.

Just to even things out. . . . . . . 
Ha ha. Jonathan does it again. 
Toodle pip.   ilona

Tuesday, 2 July 2024

Election Special

Good morning. Jonathan Pie has done it again. I don't know how he gets away with it. It's a wonder he hasn't been banned from every social media platform on the internet. One thing's for sure, he will never make it to main stream media. OMG no, can't have him spouting such garbage on the Beeeeeb. 
He is funny though.
Catch ya later. Toodle pip.   ilona

Thursday, 13 June 2024


 If you are bored with my holiday snaps, take a   look at this. The parrot knows what's going on. If you can't laugh out loud, or giggle, or even raise a smile, there is something wrong with you. Beware filthy language. 

More pics coming soon.  ilona

Thursday, 9 May 2024

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

 Chuffin heck. I seem to have gained a bit of weight. 

Fun at the park today. I found a wobbly mirror in the wood. 

More pics tomorrow. Bed time. Toodle pip.  ilona

Thursday, 4 April 2024


Is this offensive? Will I be arrested? 

Toodle pip.   ilona xxx

Thursday, 29 February 2024

Colourful fun

Don't know who to credit with this, it's AI generated. There are lots of similar floating around on the internet. I think it's wonderful
Ilona. 29.2.2024

Wednesday, 31 January 2024

Mega rant.

LOL. ROTFL. I nearly peed myself. I'll leave you with this one, I'm off to the Coffee Morning. 
Catch ya later. Toodle pip.   ilona

Tuesday, 19 December 2023

Day off

 I wonder if Traveller the Troll will take a day off on the 25th ?  😑😏😆😵😮😃😁

Toodle pip.  ilona

Monday, 13 November 2023

Well dodgy ;o)

I had to play this one more time. Go Dennis. 
Dodgy Dave is back.  
Made me laugh anyway. 
Toodle pip.   ilona

Thursday, 5 October 2023

Meet Mr Pie

I blame Mr Pudding for this post. Now look what you have done, got me hooked on Jonathan Pie, AKA comedian Tom Walker. 

Satire like this puts it all into perspective. My tiny mini rants are a drop in the ocean compared to Jonathans mega explosions into stating the bleeding obvious. 
Oh how I want to let rip with a load of expletives, but have now curbed my language and mostly manage to zip my mouth. I used to swear a lot when standing my ground as a trucker. I was fearless back then, nobody was going to stop me from doing the job I loved. 
Now I am going to watch all of Tom Walkers videos. They give me hope that eventually people will start taking responsibility for their own lives, and join forces with those who can see right through this bullshit smokescreen. 
Here is a link to a Tom Walker interview. Meet the man behind the character of Jonathan Pie. 
Time for breakfast. Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona 

Monday, 17 July 2023

Another titter, but it's not funny.

The nudge unit is busy. Change the colours and change the perception. 
REVEALED: Sky News is working with pandemic nudge units to now push climate crisis propaganda. The climate fear porn seen across UK broadcasters is being orchestrated by the very same Behavioural Insights Team that nudged people into hiding behind their sofas during the pandemic - and Sky News is working with them to push it. Here's a 2021 pledge from Sky that "behaviour change on climate can be driven by TV." They boast: "Using behavioural science techniques, Sky and BIT set out ten new behavioural science principles to guide broadcasters on helping their viewers to take action.
Make your own mind up. Catch ya later.   ilona


 This made me titter. If you are in the wide awake club you will titter. 

Thank you Mr Tremain for sharing your cartoon.
It's quite difficult to find humour at the moment, but if you take a sideways view of the current situation, you will see little gems popping up. Not explaining it, try and keep up. Crafty Club this morning was a laugh. 
Catch ya later.   ilona

Wednesday, 5 July 2023

Man in a frock

A picture of Jamie Farr popped up this morning on my screen, it prompted me to gooooglie his name. I remember M A S H from years ago, it was funny. Jamie played the cross dresser, Klinger. He was desperate to get himself discharged out of the army so he so he put on this act in the hope that they would think he was a little bit nutty. He didn't get a discharge and carried on in the part until the series ended. 
It was Jamie's birthday on the 1st of July, 89 years old. 
This was from the days when cross dressing was so much fun. It has now become very ugly. 
photo credit Black Wax Cafe

Happy 89th Birthday, Corporal Maxwell Q. Klinger!!
Jamie Farr (born Jameel Joseph Farah; July 1, 1934) is an American comedian and actor. He is best known for playing the cross-dressing Corporal turned Sergeant Maxwell Q. Klinger in the CBS television sitcom M*A*S*H. Farr has been married to Joy since 1963 and has two children.
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona 

Friday, 30 June 2023


I see the Unknowns have been busy overnight. Two comments probably from the same person. Sad really. Gotta feel sorry for them. If anyone else is bothered by trolls, banish them to the bin. Don't put up with the shit they spout. 

What a lot of nonsense, why don’t you just refuse to make eye contact and keep walking. These people are probably on very low wages and this is one way they can earn a bit extra, do of course they are going to be trying very hard to engage you

Stop complaining and just keep walking .

I’m not surprised to find out you don’t believe there is a climate crisis, considering all the nutters you follow on social media. Looking after yourself and living the life you like is a good idea, but believing in and promoting misinformation about global warming tells me you don’t really care for anyone.

Strawberries and yoghurt for breakfast. Need to eat them now. 
Catch ya later. Toodle pip.   ilona