What day is it?
I have a million and one ideas in my head for blog posts, and need to get them in some kind of order depending on which topics are most urgent and which can wait. It is obvious that things are brewing on the political front. After all the pretty fireworks on new years eve, I think we should be aware that more fireworks are to come, and they won't be pretty, in the run up to Mr T being signed in as president. The fanatics will do anything to stop that happening. They know they will forfeit their own lives as they go about causing maximum carnage and murders of innocent people.
The fight for world dominance continues. We, as insignificant little people, cannot do anything to stop the relentless push for the demographic changes to come.
What we must do however is recognise what is happening and why, then get on with our own lives.
Last night I watched this video. It gave me 55 minutes where I switched off from the doom and gloom, and had me ROTFL. OMG, it was hilarious.
Tent boxes are becoming a thing, and these three pals had the idea of cutting costs and constructing their own. I have watched their previous videos. They always have crazy ideas. They do things which any sane person would not attempt to do. They very much remind me of
Boys from the Blackstuff. Remember the the TV comedy drama written by Alan Bleasdale, set in Liverpool in 1982.
Hell on Earth have created their own brand of hapless humour. The perfect antidote to the other hell on earth. Grab yourself a beer, or a coffee, and be prepare to pee yourself laughing. Don't forget, entertainment on yoootooob is free.
A sunny start to the day today. I must get some washing in the machine and out on the line.
Thanks for popping in. Thank you to all those who have taken the time to send me supportive comments. I appreciate that. We, the Wide Awake Club, stand together.
Toodle pip. ilona
Here's another Hell on Earth, when you have finished this one. Three lads stealth camping in an old beat up campervan in the middle of London. 😂😎😅