Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Lighting up the sky for our Queen

Jayne was looking for me at the Humber Bridge last night, to see if I had turned up for the lighting of the beacon. Didn't need to go Jayne, we have our own beacon right here on our doorstep. Just a matter of walking for ten minutes along the hills. We are pretty high up here with some lovely views across the river.

Quite a crowd had gathered to witness the lighting of it, a task performed by Sir Reginald Sheffield. Here goes, the torch is applied to the bottom.

Now the fire is beginning to take hold.

And here it is fully ablaze.

Down below us at the bottom pub they are letting off their fireworks, and here is my pathetic attempt to capture the awesome display. More like a damp squid on my pics, I am hopeless at taking photo's of moving objects. I did a short video as well, but now I can't find it on this computer.

At the top of the hill we had 60 rockets to delight us.

Oooohhh aaaahhh pretty.

Glad I took my head torch with me for the tramp back home through the woods. It was quite exciting picking our way along the path in the dark. Can't wait to do it again ;o)

Monday, 4 June 2012

A rockin an a rollin

Let's have a little bit of light entertainment on this Bank Holiday Monday. I'm a bit hooked on yootoob at the moment, revisiting my youth through all the old music videos, wishing I was seventeen again, ha ha. I love the rockin an a rollin stuff, the energy, and the leaping about the stage. I used to love dancing, still do, but haven't been to see a band for ages. Here are three of my faves I picked out, it was so hard to choose. What do you reckon?
Love Meatloaf and Cher, brilliant together.

Amazing Freddie, one of my all time favourites.

Love Creedence C R. Can't keep still when I listen to them.

C'mon get up and dance

Sunday, 3 June 2012

Feeling patriotic

On the occasion of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee, I would like to say thank you to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 11, for giving her whole life to her country. I salute you.

Saturday, 2 June 2012

Diamond Jubilee Village Fete

The weather was dry but slightly chilly for our village fete today. It started out a bit warmer but half way through the afternoon I went home and got changed out of my shorts and teeshirt into thermal lined walking trousers and two sweatshirts, what a whimp I am.

There wasn't the drama of last year, when the barbeque burst into flames and the fire brigade had to be called. Shame really, it was so exciting :o) We were all standing to attention at 12 noon, as instructed. All the stalls were ship shape and ready for trading. This is our stall, with Sue and Janet waiting to extract as much money as we could from the punters.

This one was opposite ours, not sure what they are advertising.

The book stall was busy, they had managed to aquire lots of union flag boxes to display their wares in. They were collecting money for the Lifeboat Association.

There were lots of tombola type stalls, and people had fun trying to win a prize.

The bouncy castle was popular as usual.

Oh my, the yummy cakes. We just had to have a slice of sponge cake with a jam and cream filling. It went down well with the Rose wine we were supping, ooops, sipping.

Afternoon tea anyone?

The Allotment Association stall had home grown plants and veg for sale. That's Janet's DB in the stripey shirt.

Queueing for a burger at the barby. Always popular.

This was just a few of the things to see, there was a lot more going on. Exhibitions in the churches, fancy dress parade for the children, a band playing on the stage, and a man playing his bagpipes. It was a really enjoyable afternoon, nice to chat with all my village friends and neighbours. I do like living in a village. We did very well on our stall and made some money for the pusscats. Hope you are having a good bank holiday weekend where you are.

Friday, 1 June 2012

Getting off the treadmill

I am often asked to look at web sites and give my opinion on their content. I am also asked if I would care to submit guest posts to other blogs and web sites. I haven't had one request where I would consider getting involved because they all have an agenda, to make money for the owner/publisher.

I've just had another email, and I'm afraid it's going down the pan with all the other rejects. The title of the article they want my feedback on is 'The 6 Quickest Ways to Make £1000'. Down the right hand side of the page are photo links to erm supposedly 'Great Posts on other Blogs' Scantily clad women seem to be the criteria for a great post, so that's where I'm going wrong, ha ha.

This blog type site is a typical, 'lets start blogging to make money', operation. I can just picture a chappie, or chappess, sitting in their bedroom, spending endless hours tapping away on their keyboard, piecing together content from various sources, none of which are their own words. This particular article is of course a Guest Post. The rest of the space is taken up with adverts which generate an income when clicked upon by people who are easily tempted to go off in another direction, thus getting lost on the internet highway and forgetting what it was they were looking for. Well they don't fool me, I never click on adverts which take me somewhere else.

Right, now I've had a moan, the real reason for my post today is to explain why this particular article is of no use to me whatsoever. Let's get back to the 6 (note number not words, very amateurish) Quickest Ways. Here they are.
Selling photographs to agencies.
Sell anything, on the internet.
Grow your hair, cut it and sell it.
Online surveys. Get paid for your opinion.
Design logo's for tee shirts.
Get a micro job. Companies will send you a list of small jobs to do.

I would hardly call some of these Quickest Ways to Make £1000. How long does it take to grow hair to a good length? How many photographs do you have to take before you sell a few good ones? How many surveys do you have to do before you make £100? How many small jobs will it take to get to the £1000? Teeshirt printing companies are desperate to source new designs, are they? Selling them won't be easy. Where do you get all the stuff from to sell and make that £1000? All these supposedly money making activities are like piddling in the ocean. Unless you are focussed and dedicated to making them your life's work, you will be lucky to make peanuts. They are not get rich quick schemes.

The money making tips are not my main gripe. There are millions of sites like this, brainwashing people into thinking they have to make more money for themselves. They prey on the vulnerable and the desperate, people who are in debt and think that the only way they can haul themselves out of their predicament is to earn more. Look at the wording.

With the recession still lingering, many individuals are looking for ways to boost their salaries with part-time work; perhaps one of these money-spinning ideas will fit the bill for you.

Yes, boost your income by all means if you are young and ambitious, and have the time. Try these things, start a business, sell a few things, if you have the time to spare. It will be a learning curve, but don't pin all your hopes on it to get yourself out of a hole.

These get rich quick sites focus on how to make more money for yourself, well that's what they are meant to do. You have to ask yourself why do you want to make more money? Is it because you are in debt, if so I applaud your attempts to get rid of that weight that's hanging around your neck. But maybe a part time local job would bring in a bit extra, with set hours so you know when you are off duty.

I would also ask is it because you just want to buy more stuff? If so, when will it all end, when will you have enough stuff and be able to sit back and enjoy yourself instead of letting money rule your life?

Then there is the third reason why you might want to earn more money, and that is the crux of the matter. When you have debt, but still insist on buying more stuff. Stuff to make you feel good, stuff to give you a boost, stuff you don't need. While all the time that time bomb is sitting there waiting to explode. The red bank statements, the final demands, the rock bottom reality that you can't afford to service your lifestyle.

If any of these reasons to earn more money apply to you, have you thought of the other alternative, shock horror, STOP SPENDING. I am afraid that there are some people who just don't get the concept of living within their means, only spending what they earn and no more. They are not understanding the difference between what they want and what they need.

Take my own case for instance. I have identified my needs and wants. I need to eat, I need a safe but basic place to live. I need to leave my village and travel to different places, because I have travelled all my life. I need mobility, a car that is not going to conk out all the time, the best I can afford without getting into debt. I need communication links, internet and phone. As well as keeping in touch with my friends, it also gives me food for the brain, to learn more about my computer. I need to pay for my cats, this is my choice. All these things I can afford to pay for without credit.

What do I want? Not a lot else actually. It would be nice to live in a posher house, have newer furniture, and to be able to splash out on a few extras and treats. But hey, you can't have it all. My treats I save up for, which gives me much more pleasure knowing I have the cash to pay for it.

Now, the connection with 'The 6 Quickest Ways to Earn Money'. I don't need to earn more money, because I have enough. I can live within my means. With carefull spending and saving pennies here and there, I can afford to live a very nice life thank you very much. I have stepped off the treadmill, I don't need to keep up with the Joneses or anyone else. And I have done it by spending less, not earning more.
Best wishes and Toodle pip.