Friday, August 6, 2010

Thank you for taking the time to look us up. Isaiah and I welcomed a baby girl into our family in April 2010. We have been so blessed by adoption and are so grateful we have been able to start our family this way. We look forward to adopting more children in the future. We are currently not with an agency but if you have any questions for us feel free to email us at

We hope that adoption will bless you and your family just as it has blessed ours.

Much Love!

Isaiah, Rosie, and Addison

Monday, May 18, 2009

Meet Our Family

We are a fun loving couple that is blessed to start our family through adoption. We feel so lucky to be married to each other and love spending time together doing just about anything. We live in a great neighborhood full of kids. Our house is a few blocks away from an elementary school and a few blocks away from a gelato shop that we love to walk to in the summer for a cool treat.

We count it a blessing to have so many family and friends living close by. Nothing is better on a summer night than to find friends and a stroller of kids knocking on our door. Our lives would not be complete without our families. We love spending time with our nieces and nephew. Nothing makes our day more than when we see our 2 year old niece get excited when we come to the door to play with her.

We love to be spontaneous and have a good time. One night we made sandwiches for dinner and sat down to eat. Before taking the first bite we decided to go see a movie. Since the movie was starting soon we packed up our sandwich, chips, and dessert and smuggled them into the movie in Rosie's purse. We still laugh about how funny it was to unwrap our sandwiches in the movie theatre and enjoy dinner and a movie together.

How We Met...

Rosie and I met at work. I had noticed how cute she was and nervously said hi a couple of times. One day I accidentally locked my keys in my car and had no way of getting home. Luckily, Rosie had stayed late and gave me a ride. On the way home I was so impressed by how comfortable I was just talking to her. I didn’t have to say anything funny or out of the ordinary to keep her attention. She was down to earth and smart, and as time past she became irresistibly cute. I asked her out that night and the rest is history. We dated the whole summer and when it came time for her to go back up to school we realized we didn't want to be apart. We got engaged a few months later and were married for time and all eternity in the Salt Lake Temple in 2004.

Our Life Now...

Isaiah graduated from the University of Utah, and works for a family friend at his creamery. Rosie works as an Administrative Assistant and is looking forward to being a stay-at-home mom. She studied Biochemistry at Utah State and can’t wait to teach our kids words like “photosynthesis” and phrases like “bananas have potassium!”

We both love sports and especially enjoy watching the Utah Jazz play. When Isaiah is not watching basketball you’ll find him outside shooting hoops or playing a pickup game with his friends. We are an active family. Rosie ran track in high school, and we recently started running together. We have completed two 5K's together and look forward to running a 10K, half marathon and marathon together someday. We also like to go on walks and ride bikes around our neighborhood.

We love to travel! We have been to Cancun, Hawaii, Lake Powell, road over a 1000 miles on Isaiah's motorcycle to Lake Tahoe, California and Yosemite National Park. Our most recent trip was to beautiful San Francisco. Someday we would love to take a trip to Chile and visit where Isaiah served his mission.

We are lucky to work with the youth in our church. Isaiah is the 1st Counselor in the Young Men's Presidency and Rosie is the 2nd Counselor in the Young Women's. It's such a privilege to get to serve them and to share our "expertise" in growing up with them.

Our Feelings on Adopting Children

When we found out we wouldn't be able to have children on our own our doctor gave us two options. He said we could try in-vitro or we could adopt. Without hesitation we knew the right choice for us was adoption. We have so much love for children and are excited to welcome them into our home. While many couples experiencing infertility struggle with this decision we feel lucky to both feel so strongly about the blessings of adoption. Both of our families are open and welcoming to the idea of us adopting.

The list of things we're excited to do with our kids someday keeps getting longer. Every time we go to the zoo, feed ducks at the park, or just when we’re home watching a movie together, we remark how much more fun it will be to do those activities with our kids.

We have been blessed by our Father in Heaven to be in a position where we can adopt, and we are out of debt and financially ready to start a family. Our children will have a healthy dose of chores and responsibilities along with fun (to make them well rounded of course). We know that children are blessings from our Father in Heaven and we take the role of parenting these gifts seriously.

Just for Birth Parents

We want to thank you for the decision you have made in the miracle of adoption. We can only imagine what a difficult decision it must be to place your baby in someone else's home. We can’t express through words how appreciative we are for you and all your sacrifices. We are very grateful for you and are excited to get to know you and want to do everything we can to make Adoption a blessing in all of our lives.

We know that Adoption is a part of the Lords plan for creating families. We love birth parents and are excited to share in the joy of raising this special spirit in our home. Please know that you will always be remembered and loved and that our children will know who you are and the important part you’ve played in our lives. You will always be in our thoughts and prayers.

Openness and Adoption

We want adoption to be a very normal part of our children's lives. We know that without birth families the miracle of adoption would not be possible. Because openness is an important part of adoption we would love to discuss what level of contact you would like to have with our family. We know that we are not just adopting a baby but that we are adopting a set of extended grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins along with them!

No matter what level of openness you are comfortable with, our children will always know where they came from and the important part their birth families played.

All About Isaiah...

I was born in Salt Lake City, Utah and lived in West Jordan almost my whole life. I grew up in a fun neighborhood where my friends and I played games (indoor and outdoor) on a daily basis. We also made sure we had summer passes to the local theme parks like Lagoon and Raging Waters. Let's just say there was never a dull moment in my childhood.

I am the youngest of six kids and I'm close to my family. I have loving memories will all my siblings and have formed a bond with them that is unbreakable. I followed my 5 older siblings footsteps by serving an L.D.S. mission after graduating high school.

As an Elder of the church in Vina Del Mar, Chile, I learned what it means to really serve others. I have been touched by the lives of many and hope the simple messaged I shared did the same. I would love to take Rosie back there someday to see where I served and let her meet some of the families I got to know.

When I came home from Chile, I decided to attend Salt Lake Community College where I graduated with an Associates in general studies. Later I entered the Mass Communication program at the University of Utah and graduated within two years. With a degree in Mass Communication and a Minor in Business I had the desire to work in Public Relations. When I approached my boss who is a family friend, he offered me a promising position at his creamery so I decided to stay.

When I'm not at work or doing honey-do's for Rosie, I enjoy spending time with family, riding my motorcycle, and playing sports. I'm an avid fan of the Utah Jazz and someday would love to have season tickets.

Currently Rosie and I don't have children of our own, but we have two beautiful nieces and a strapping new nephew that we love to play with. There is nothing more energetic then when my little niece sees us and jumps up and down shouting our names. We love all of them and can't wait for the day when someone jumps up and down and shouts mommy and daddy.

Rosie’s view on Isaiah…

Isaiah is the greatest! He will be such an awesome father. I know he will be a big part of our children’s lives because of the way he loves to play with his nieces and nephew. It is fun to see how much the kids in our neighborhood love to play with Isaiah. At church he likes to have a “little buddy” come and sit with him to read books to and color with. It's funny to watch him play with kids. He likes to ‘bug’ them by tickling their feet (which is a nice break for me since it’s usually my feet he’s attacking). Isaiah is goal driven and a hard worker. I’m lucky to have him as a husband and admire the way he honors his priesthood.

About Rosie...

I was born in Jacksonville, Florida. My dad was in the Navy when I was little so my family moved around a lot. Before I was 5 years old my family lived in Maine, South Carolina, Georgia, Connecticut, and New Hampshire. We moved to Sandy when I was 6 and my family has lived there ever since.

I am the second oldest of 4 kids. We are close to my family and love to get together to play games and hang out. Every year Isaiah and I look forward to spending Thanksgiving with my extended family. I have 8 Aunts and Uncles and 40 cousins (yep 40 first cousins and still counting) on my mom's side that get together every year. We spend Thanksgiving weekend at my Uncle's house eating, four wheeling, and just hanging out having a good time.

After graduating high school I attended Utah State for 2 years where I studied Biochemistry. When people would ask me what I wanted to do with my degree I would tell them - be a smart mom. I always imagined being a mom would be like hosting a Bill Nye episode - Lots of fun with baking soda and vinegar experiments.

I love to keep busy, work hard, and have fun. I wasn't much of a scrapbooker until my mother in law introduced me to digital scrapbooking and now I am hooked! I also love to run. I think it's important to stay healthy and have an active life style. One of my quirks isthat I love to clean. There is nothing better than sitting and relaxing in a nice clean room.

Isaiah’s view on Rosie…
I love Rosie with all my heart. She means the world to me and shows her love through many little actions. She loves to buy me my favorite candies and ice cream, and cook my favorite foods. She keeps us organized and likes a clean house. After a hard day at work she unwinds by reading, being crafty, or hanging out with our friends. She keeps our family blog updated and loves to digital scrapbook. Also, I can’t forget about the little love notes she leaves me when I go out of town or when I’m having a bad day. There is obviously no question in my mind how much she loves me and wants to raise our children in that same kind of atmosphere. She is a good example and helps us remember to pray and read our scriptures together each day. She has a strong testimony and I love to hear her share it with others.