Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Calvin's first pine wood derby

I love that Adam's current calling as the cub master enables him to be involved with Calvin in cub scouts.  They had so much fun carving his pine wood derby car and painting it like a camoflauged hummer.  Unfortunately the paint didn't set up quite right so it slowed the car down.  Calvin was a little disappointed to be loosing so many races until Adam presented him with the "safest-driver" award.

We were so glad to get to have Granddad in the picture for more reasons than one.  On his way to the pine wood derby (which he was in charge of) Adam got a flat tire and was completely stranded.  He was calling around for a ride when Granddad happened to drive by.  Adam was able to flag him down and still get to the derby on time!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Adam's 34th birthday

For Adam's 34th birthday we went to a Brian Reagan comedy act in Eugene with our good friends Michael and Anna Allen.  Anna was a dear and helped me surprise Adam by turning our empty house in Roseburg into a romantic bed and breakfast.  We had such a great time while they watched the boys for us.  The following day we spent playing out at their newly purchased 80 acre property!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Valentines Day

I love being married. Every year that we are married is better than the last. Sometimes I think Adam know me even better than I know myself.
This year for Valentines day I wanted to make it special so I got up early, heart-attacked the boys doors, decorated the table and made a special breakfast of heart-shaped french toast, strawberries with whipped cream and straweberry milk to drink. I packed a special lunch for each of the boys and plans to help out at the Valentines parties in their classrooms. I also still had cinnamon rolls to delivery to his office, a special dinner planned and a volleyball game that night. When Adam called me around lunch time he could tell that I was feeling a little frazzled. Being the amazing guy that he is, he came home on his lunch break to surprise me by cleaning the house and dropping off these flowers with a note that said the following:

Roxy Ann

We are starting to discover some of the great hiking trails around Medford. It's a few miles in and the end is quite steep so the boys were getting pretty tired but when we did finally reach the top and saw the view, Calvin's comment was, "Wow! This was so worth it!" That led to a great discussion about how we will likely be saying the same thing at the end of this life if we've lived worthily and we see our great reward.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Ouch! - Again

I don't know what it is about Landon's forehead but it is like a magnent for accidents! This is his third wound to his forehead requiring stitches. The boy is covered in scars! And of course his injuries always seem to happen after hours when we would have to take him to the ER. This time around we decided to avoid that and just have Adam stitch him up in his office. His did a great job! I'm sure he'll end up saving us loads of money by doing the stitching himself over the next few years. Now he just needs to learn how to set a bone and we'll be good to go!

This particular accident happened while he was running in his room (I don't think he ever walks) go get his pjs on. He tripped over Seth's foot and hit his head on the corner of an open drawer.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sweet Seth

Our little Seth is such a kind-hearted little guy. Preschool has been great for his this year by helping him to come out of his shell a little. It has given him the opportunity to form his own identity rather than living in his older brothers shadows, always struggling to keep up. He especially hero-worships Landon. Sometimes we feel like we must be living in a cave because every word that comes out of Landon's mouth is followed by an echo from Seth. Of all the boys, he is the most loving toward Lainey. He loves to give her hugs and kisses and to make her smile. He's always the first to try and help her when she starts to cry. What a great big brother!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I have no idea what this pose is about!