Sunday, October 17, 2010

My sweet Kindergartener

Landon is loving kindergarten this year. He has a great teacher who geniuenly loves each one of the kids. I really like that it's only two and half hours a day because it gives me that time to work at home with Calvin and it's just really fun for Landon. Now I just have to figure out how to volunteer at Landon's school and homeschool Cal at the same time....

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Family pictures

A good friend of mine offered to take our family photos this year. She's just getting into photography but has an amazingly creative side that comes out in all her shots. Thank you Angie!!

Calvin's note to the tooth fairy

Quotable Quotes

This week I was reading the boys a book about elephants. In the book, it described the difference between African and Asian elephants. One of the differences is that African elephants have bigger ears. After I read that Landon suddenly piped up and said, "So it must be African elephant ears that we eat at the fair!

Who's child is that?!

There's something about a nuddie bum with rain boots that I just can't resist snapping a picture of. Seth would go traipsing to the neighbors like this if I let him.

Fall soccer

Calvin has really enjoyed his first year of "real" soccer. The fact that he has a the worlds best coach really helps too! (you might recognize him in the picture. ) This a fun park near the soccer field that we always have to stop at before going home.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Visit from Elder Bednar

We had the incredible opportunity to have a general authority visit our Stake. Elder Bednar gave a very powerful address that I am so thankful I was witness to. The spirit testified so strongly when he spoke that I can't even put it into words. He taught us some wonderful principles about agency and sacrfice and invited to us to study the Book of Mormon, extracting and studying anywhere that a person or group of people were stregnthed by the Lord. And he left us with some incredible promised blessings if we chose to accept that invitation.