Saturday, March 12, 2011

What's with 2011?

So far 2011 has not been our year for health. January brought strep throat, February brought a pinched capsule in my back which put me on strict bed rest for two weeks and many visits to the chiropractor, and March brought a tonsil and adenoidectemy to Cal and a two week long flu to the rest of us. Recovering from a tonsilectemy was the not the simple process I had envisioned - probably made much longer by the fact that he caught his brother's flu (which came with a high fever and a severe cough) two days after having them out. The poor kid was totally listless and refused to eat anything for two weeks. Now that he's eating again, I'm trying to force feed him anything with lots of calories and fat to put the weight back on.

Landons first visit from the Tooth Fairy

Unfortunately Landon's first visit from the Tooth Fairy was pretty traumatic. We discovered that his front tooth had a large abscess (a result from hitting his teeth of his crib when he was little) and Adam had the pull it for him. The problem with abscesses is that they are difficult if not impossible to numb so it wasn't exactly a pleasant experience for him.


When spent the afternoon at a literacy fair at the mall. They had a puppet show, crafts, games, but the favorite of the day was the face painting. The boys were pretty disappointed when the found out they couldn't keep the paint on for church the next day.