There's an Improv group at my kid's high school, and even though neither of my chidren are involved in it, I love to go and watch them perform. It's so much fun to see what happens when a scene or a story unfolds in real time, right before your eyes. It's also fascinating to try to understand why it works. The actors aren't following a script that's been written on a page, but their actions are still very controlled. They achieve that control by accepting whatever happens on stage as the truth of the moment. It's spontaneous, in other words, but it's not an accident.
Improvisation plays a role in many different creative acts. Today, painter Michael Sorgatz describes the process of how he goes from nothing to a painted canvas as series of insprovisational steps. Check out his work at
http://www.michaelsorgatz.com/ and you'll immediately understand what he's talking about. His paintings buzz with energy and color. You can feel exactly what he means when he says that he likes to leave room for spontaneous acts and happy accidents -- but his process is hardly accidental:
"Inspiration is a direct result of working. I'm hardly ever inspired by just lounging around the apartment. I paint cityscapes, so as I'm walking around the city doing my daily errands I'm always scouting for interesting subjects. I've got a mental catalog of places that have a unique character and every few weeks I go on a picture safari to document these locations. While shooting pictures I stay open to whatever activity is happening and just keep clicking away.
The second type of inspiration comes in reviewing the photos. There's always some sort of
happy surprise waiting, an odd perspective or some intriguing interaction on the street that managed to get captured in a background. This is really about recognizing a special moment - not passing over a photo that's a little blurred or oddly cropped. Since I use the photos as a rough sketch they can be technically imperfect - I actually prefer the imperfections because they've got more potential.
The third form of inspiration comes when the paint (finally) hits the canvas. I paint in a style that relies on improvisation, so there's plenty of room for unexpected occurances which are also inspiring. I really enjoy exploiting the spontaneous acts that divert me from the planned route. An unexpected color combination or a drawing error can lead to something wonderful. I don't get too attached to my original concept of an artwork; everything is flexible and open to change. A painting never finishes exactly the way I expect, which makes everything much more interesting. Ultimately I'm inspired by the endless possibilities in every artwork."
The painting, above, is Sorgatz's Union Square Farmers Market, Acrylic on Canvas, 16"x20" . See http://www.michaelsorgatz.com/ for purchase information.