Monday, July 23, 2012

Made in New York

it hit me. before beckham was even born actually. the theme for his first birthday could only be one thing. Made in New York. that's where his journey began, that's where we discovered our family was about to become three. new york holds such a special place in our hearts for so many reasons.

the day was filled celebrating our little mister. we were surrounded my our family & dear friends, soaking in the sweet boy that has blessed our lives this past year. i truly can't imagine our lives without our funny, mischievous, curious, loud, handsome son.

this is a heavy photo post. but, how do you expect me to pick?! he only turns ONE once!

i designed his invitation. what better than a playbill? it doesn't get more new york than that!
greengrove theatre presented a presentation of "made in new york!"
 NYC postcard thank you notes!
 guests enjoyed street hot dogs & nuts

picnics in central park
 dining in little italy


 celebrated like it was new year's eve!
 got to take a swing at a hand crafted pinata by yours truly. 
with some serious help from auntie anna & coleen!

 we got to see cousins & meet the newest addition!
 guests struck a pose on broadway!

 and beckham...
 got to eat...

 fun with friends. no really, they like each other. we interrupted them playing. bad idea. mama fail!
 he got majorly spoiled.
 thank you so much, everyone, for coming to celebrate with us! the day, the year, our lives would not be the same without ALL of you in it!

i will have to post some more of the photo booth pictures! they are super fun!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Easter Weekend

this post has been sitting in the draft box for far too long. the past few months have been a bit crazy. attempting to find the balance between being a wife, mom & career women have proven to be diffcult. working far more hours than part-time, family losses & just real life stuff leave me feeling like a circus juggling act with far too many balls. but, i have neglected this blog long enough.

so...nearly three months later. our easter weekend, in pictures. we spent the weekend with jason's family. the weather was incredible & it was so nice to spend a holiday with them. we soaked in our two days. it was nice to get away from the everyday norm.