Friday, February 24, 2012

Eight Months

  this love letter is over due. definitely not forgotten, just late. you have been a busy boy this past month. you are mobile. the army crawl that slowly got you from room to room has been replaced with a full speed attack crawl. it is pretty adorable hearing the slaps of your hands as you crawl around the corner to find us. the teething question is no longer a guessing game! you sprouted your first two teeth within 24 hours of each other. we are pretty certain this is why sleep has become nearly no-existent in these parts. you treated my ears to the sounds of "ma-ma" this month & even reached out to me & said it! pretty precious.
you are definitely becoming mr. independent. when you don't get your way, you freak & throw a small fit. which usually makes us giggle a bit because we know you are not hurt & the sad lip is just out of control. but, when you're happy...oh my oh my. your giggle is delightful. you squeal at the dogs, especially leroy. you think he is so funny! leroy is pretty much head over heels for you too! he licks you all the time & you just laugh & laugh & laugh. always crawling in for more.
mashed potatoes have sky rocketed to the top of your food list. you are not a big fan of baby food. you want to feed yourself & you don't like purees. you are getting better but your preference is eating what's on our plate. which equals mama having to give up control & realize a mess is about to be made.
we love you, handsome boy. this adventure has been a whirlwind. we cannot believe you are already 8 months old! keep growing, laughing & learning. you are the sunshine on our cloudy days.


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Holiday Round-Up | Santa's Village

i know my posts are usually filled with many words or a story of sorts. i have fallen so behind with blogging & my mind has felt like scrambled eggs lately, especially when it comes to writing a blog post. but, i really want to get these goodies up here. even if it is nearing the end of february.

just down the street from our house is the most magical place to see santa. it truly was a slice of holiday heaven served up on a chilly night. the lights twinkled & danced as we took the tiny train to see santa perched on his stage. the night was perfection, especially with the addition of the floods & the harpers.

beckham was sure curious about the red suit, big white bearded man. he just inspected his face & held his hand the whole time.

i know this is the 1st year of a new family tradition! enjoy a piece of our magical ho-ho-ho evening!