Monday, November 26, 2007

We've done it!

The Christmas tree is up and decorated. We hit a minor snafu last night trying to do it when we realized that all of our green lights were dead. (We use all green, red, and white lights- it's really very peppermint-y.) I must admit that I do not enjoy decorating for holidays much. I usually just let the kids chuck stuff and wherever they stick it, we call it good. I did much more than I usually do this year, and was surprised to find that I didn't NOT enjoy it. It's super nice to have it up and finished though. Now we just have the family tree in the basement to do. This is assuming, of course, that I can dig my way out from under the scrapbooking, sewing, beading, etc that lives in piles all over the room it needs to go in. I am guessing this will be a major project for me to do tomorrow. In between PVG meeting, Mer's voice lesson, and Young Women's, of course, since tomorrow is Tuesday and that is just what I do on Tuesdays.

Isaac did a new thing today. The phone rang, and I answered it. The man on the other end sounded surprised- he said, "Oh, um, hello. This is Dr. Haslem from the elementary school." At least I think that is what he said after his name. What I mostly heard was, "Oh, this is Isaac Zane Draper" and a lot of heavy breathing, at which point I realized my dear son had answered the phone in the basement before I got to the one upstairs where I was doing laundry. I immediately apologized, and explained that the interloper on our conversation was my two year old and ran for the stairs to intercept him. Dr. Haslem continued that he was making sure I could be at a Quality Schools Committee meeting (which is apparently a committee I am on- and believe me, no one was more surprised than I to find that out!) on Wednesday at 1:00. Before I could tell him that was fine, and also, unfortunately, before I caught Isaac, who at this point was hiding (in a closet,as I would soon find out) I heard, "Yes! I can come at a meeting!" I again apologized, wondering what kind of crackpot I sounded like, assured Dr. Haslem that I would be at the meeting, and hung up my phone and Isaac's, which I had tracked down just in time to end the phone call. Mental note- must move all phones up two feet higher.

Isaac is quite the kid. Last weekend Zane was getting him out of bed and he asked him, "Who's the smartest boy in the world?" and Isaac raised his hand and said, "Me! And I'm funny, too!" Nice to have a healthy opinion of yourself!

Ruthie, Meredith, and I spent last weekend in Salt Lake having a girls weekend. We went shopping, ate out, and saw High School Musical: the Ice Tour. It was wonderful. Very few fights, very little whining, and lots of singing out loud in inappropriate places. Meredith is hilarious. Her favorite character in High School Musical is Sharpay, who, for those of you who haven't seen the show, is the high maintenance drama queen slash antagonist of the show. I asked her how she could like the bad guy the best and she said, "I just like her because she is so dramatic." Just so we value the really important traits I suppose.

I'm sure I should write something about Thanksgiving (which I really did enjoy, even though I am not at all a fan of the holiday) or at least Zane's birthday, but I think I'll save that for another day. I'm craving an orange. Right.... this.... second.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Halloween pictures... only a little late...

I realize it took me two weeks to do this, but that's just my schedule these days. Life will go on. As usual, we are totally spoiled in the costume department because the kids place an order, and Grandma sews. Lucky, lucky us. She is amazing. And yes, as I write this, she is also recovering from a broken arm. Big break, big surgery, big owie. Hopefully it will feel better super quick. Although the two days so far haven't been much fun, I hear. Here's hoping for a better tomorrow.

And on to the costumes...

All the kids, dressed and ready for Grandma Drapers big Halloween bash...

Miss Ruthie, mean witch... note the spider dangling in her face...

Meredith, the gypsy girl...

Isaac, the mean pirate.... he randomly yelled "Aaarrrghhh!" the whole time he was in costume.

Now, since tomorrow is Thursday, and therefore busy, I am going to go to bed. I love dance day, but man I'm tired lately. Maybe I can fit in a quick nap in the afternoon....