Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Look what I can do!

I crawl...

more than I scoot.

I can sit myself up.

I can play peek-a-boo.

and I pull myself up to stand.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Catch up

We had a Birthday Party for Luke and Kaden. They now live in Indiana and we miss them so much!!

Thanks to Pinterest we found this fun bubble idea called a bubble snake. What you do is cut the bottom of a water bottle off and rubberband some cloth around it and it makes a snake of bubbles. It was the favorite way to blow bubbles at the bubble party.

I decide since it is hard to get out and go on a date with a baby we would have a date night at home.

This is what I put on the front door for when Michael came home from work he would be suprised. We ordered pizza and watched a movie.

We planted our first garden! Growing up I hated gardening but now that I am older I wanted to have a garden so bad! I have really enjoyed watching the little seeds grow into these big plants with yummy fresh vegies!

This is the first time Avanley went in the pool and she did not like it!!!

So i got to sit and watch everyone else enjoy the pool and I thought that this was going to be a terrible summer but now she LOVES being in the water!

I gave Michael a food themed birthday party this year (with the help of my family) Shawenlle made this wonrful birthday cake.

We played games having to do with food like how many grapes can you fit in your mouth (picture above), pie eating contest, can you eat 5 saltine crackers in a minute, stack the apples, the ding dong stack, and many more fun food games.

Our cute drinks, homemade lemonade in mason jars with cupcake liners on the top!

Apple stacking

Avanley had a play date with her friend Afton and they were wearing the same outfit!

Love the lifejacket squishy face pictures!
Michael's brother Jonathon has a kayyak and lives in walking distance the river so one day all of the family (Michael's brothers and their families) went to the river to have some fun and cool off in the cold river!

Avanley had so much fun playing with Cousin Kensey!

 It was a long day!

Blackberries grow wild by the American river so we decide to go and pick some yummy berries. It was lots of fun and Avanley sure liked eating them. I made some Blackberry pie with them.

At our parents Pioneer day celebration they had they delicous hawaiian shaved ice. Now that Avanley is eating food she thinks when you are eating she needs to be eating also. We got her one that was plain and she ate the whole thing!

We are so grateful to live close to family and friends and get to do so many fun things! We love you!