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Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Thank You for your response!
Mike and I really feel so lucky to get to experience this and with all of you. I feel so blessed to get to take care of a little human finally, it is a real dream come true. It's hard to wrap my brain around that it's finally seemingly here. We have a lot of faith in Courtney especially because she is convinced but there is something to be said when your baby is born and you see him, isn't there? I wouldn't blame her to be attached, at least a little, she is human. I want to be considerate of that and help her through that time. Thank you!
On a fun note. Did you notice the map widget on the top right of my blog? It's a map of the cities that people are from that look at your blog! I think it's only for that day, I don't remember but I have a couple Canadians eh! WELCOME. Also Algeria, that is amazing to see a connection. It's fun. I hope you all think so.
I just wanted to make a comment so I disabled the comments for this post only. I hope you know how sincere we are in our gratefulness to each of you for your love and concern of this process. We feel your love and Courtney will be aware of it too.
So... I have some time...
I was talking to Rachel A. about pediatricians and decided to ask you all some questions of which I'd appreciate your reply. Whether out of town or in town you can help. 1st Who is you're Pediatrician in town & why do you like him/her. 2nd Is there someone you DON'T recommend? (this can also be emailed so we're not 'bad mouthing' online please. lilastuteville@yahoo.com) 3rd what qualities should I look for in a trusted Dr for my child? All these questions from someone who still doesn't have a gynocologist (sp?) OR primary care Dr after living here 6 years! Feel free to recommend for that too. smile.
All of you have been so helpful, I can't wait to hear your answers when I get home tonight... Later I hope to post the result of 'the gift basket' for Courtney...
Friday, September 26, 2008
Here she is... Miss America!
Here is Courtney! Obviously she gave us permission to share her picture. It makes her happy to know that everyone is so excited. She was almost surprised that we have told everyone we know.
Courtney is WONDERFUL and great and beautiful. We had a great conversation once it got started. She and I started started talking with Hannah on a conference call where we really couldn't hear each other. After about an hour Hannah had to go so we continued our conversation on our own when I called her back. We talked from 1p till almost 330p! Iiiiiiii, know! Before she hung up with us, Hannah, said, "It's like you guys knew each other before" (p.s. H never got to speak in our conference call). lol. It really was like that, we continued our conversation with each other after Michael got to say hi real quick before going back to work (the connection was so bad on the conference call, he could just stare at me while i talked and give me thumbs up and 'watched the conversation)
(click the picture to see larger)
Courtney is really great. She is intuitive, wise, funny, loving and sensitive. Like any woman, she has the questions and insecurities we all do. She loves her mother and feels like they are very connected still even though she was killed in a car accident a year and a half ago. I found out that she grew up riding horses and caring for all kinds of animals (including livestock) on her maternal grandfathers 40acre property in Mississippi, her favorite color is green, she loves anything CHOCOLATE, Chinese Food is her favorite and she loves MADONNA! LOL. It is hilarious. We are really looking forward to our visit next Friday and Saturday, we can't wait to see her and give her a hug... She also asked us to keep in touch with her after the baby's born with emails and pictures and possible visits. She expressed to us that she really does want us to name the baby and lastly, she asked if we would please be in the delivery room when she has the baby. WOW! I don't know what else to say?! We are very excited to be asked to such a personal experience and can't wait to be part of it. In the end she kept telling me how sure she is about placing the baby and not to worry about her changing her mind etc. I told her I appreciate her honesty and reassurance. We had an easy conversation and that is a relief. Our plan for our visit is this: Friday lunch together, go to a park after then meet for dinner (Hannah will be with us for all of this). On Saturday, we will likely hang out for breakfast or stop by to see her right before we go out of town to get some ice cream or something. SOooooo Exciting!!! SOoooo nerve racking!!!!!! Aghhhhhh!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
by for now y'all.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Failed Phone Call, wah wah wah...
So, I've had no time for socialization except for clients (lucky devils) and was dreading another long night (in a way and only cause i keep staying up so late) till my phone ring said my caseworker this morning! I was doing Katie's hair and just finished (it looks AMAZING of course) when I answered the phone. It was actually Hannah asking if it was possible that we have a phone call with Courtney cause basically she is really restless right now. I was like... umm. right now? (getting dizzy thinking about all the clients i had left in the day) she said no, In the next few days starting today. Ok, I was excited now cause I can't wait to talk to her, are you kidding? I said, cautiously, that we could do it tonight when i get off work at 9p if it isn't too late. Even though it was 10p there time, she said, lets do it! I was pumped! Surprisingly not nervous because of all my gained perspective about getting too excited about things over the years... I went on with my day and got home by nine after getting really good hugs of excitement from my clients. I got home, I changed clothes, used the restroom, I got out a pad of paper, (p.s. MDS went to play basket ball tonight cause I said, I'll be taking over the conversation anyway, so he might as well keep his 'appointment' with the court. lol) and a pen, ready for notes and waited for the phone to ring (checking emails for those 3min of wait) and at 9:03p the house phone rang! It was Hannah. She explained (i'm sure nervously) that C was so restless earlier (bored and moody, alone in a hotel) that she didn't feel up to talking tonight. frown. but I did get to have a nice talk with Hannah. I got to ask a lot of questions about C and even found out the birth father is also young, just graduated from High School. C is actually from Mississippi somewhere and can't wait to get back but the terms of her probation prohibit her from leaving the state at the moment. She just wants out of that room. No car, no way to call anyone, no computer and is now 18 (Birthday was last friday, Sept 19th) wanting to get away. Add pregnancy hormones and you basically have a cocktail for a tazmanian devil. smile. So, I'm happy to wait a couple days for Friday when I can finally take a breath! In the mean time, I have all new ideas for her meeting gift so I may remove the poll and add a new. sorry! New info calls for new polls folks! I was told some other things but I do need to keep some to ourselves (at least for now). I'm not 'worried' but I am concerned about her running away or something if she gets too restless. Hannah assures me that C is taking this very seriously and WILL place the baby but if C runs into the wrong hands out of despiration and final freedom, I'm more concerned about THAT person and what they will impress upon her mind. We're praying, we never stop. I'm looking forward to talking to her on Friday hopefully (then I'll blog about it - of course) and we are making plans to see her NEXT Friday and Saturday, Oct 3rd & 4th. sigh.... I know this has already been a roller coaster but I didn't know I could have a big roller coaster all in one day!? lol. keeping the faith....
kisses, ok, hugs too.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Courtney was released today!
I have about scrapped the scarf idea for a first meeting gift and am considering another but I need MORE gift ideas so suggest away! Remember, she will be in simple temporary surroundings so keep it simple and thoughtful. smile. ok, back to work....
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Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Suggestions (and revisions)
It is not uncommon to bring a 'gift' to the birth mother when you meet her. I asked my sister in law what she did and something she mentioned she felt was right for her birth mom was a willow tree figurine for example. Our birth mom doesn't have her own home and this type of idea is great but not right for her. So... i would love suggestions.... I was thinking of finding out her favorite color and crocheting her a scarf for the winter.
As far as the time of placement of the baby there is many times a more meaningful gift shared. Michael and I have agreed that we would like to give her a ring we found that to us, tells her, "You will always be a part of our hearts and we will always be a part of yours". We want her to wear it and know we are thinking of her and always grateful for the choice she made to place her son with us. Here is the ring.
Friday 9/19/08:
I think I confused a lot of folks so, I'll clarify. smile. There are two seperate gifts to give...
1) at our first meeting (scarf and/or something else, preferably casual cause she can still change her mind, I don't know her personality etc)
2) at placement (the ring, likely for sure)
Thank you for all the comments so far. I love them all! more, More MORE!!!! lol.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Sadly, I learned her mother died at age 36 in a car accident. (don't know how long ago) Later, Courtney describes her mothers personality as "Laid back, fun, outragously outgoing. down-to-earth-type". Describing her own personality, she wrote, "My personality is unique just like my mother's was." (I am so touched by this, you can tell how much she loves her mother and misses her, especially as later she says that "everyone in her family has disowned her" except her mothers parents. sad to me, i have more and more compassion for her. she does also say she is close to her 16yr old brother)
Having not completed High School, she wants to get her G.E.D and go to Cosmetology School. (I just might have some 'advice' for her about that)
She states her dad's "Talents, hobbies, interests" are: "Cleaning guns". LOL!!!!! (we honestly almost died laughing, honestly. no really, honestly)
Both her parents are listed as "American Indian" (not enrolled in or affiliated with a tribe) with Scottish, German and Irish named first. She lists herself as "Caucasian" though.
She and both her parents are allergic to cats (my mother in law is getting ready to give Oliver a home. lol).
There is other information but I feel like it's inappropriate to share more than this on a blog. I'm hoping she likes us. I feel encouraged that we have things in common like brown hair, hazel eyes and the similarity to she and her moms personalities! AND, wouldn't you know, one of michael's hobbies is ... you guessed it, 'cleaning guns!' Uncanny. smirk.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
mY neeeewest nephew
proud family: Bennett, Jennifer, Noah and Olivia
Monday, September 8, 2008
our friend matthew...
Saturday, September 6, 2008
About "Fasting"
If I find more to share with you, I'll edit this post and add it later.
Friday, September 5, 2008
You Will NOT believe this!
Obviously this is great that we were contacted about this. I am trying to understand if this is what Heavenly Father intends for us as I am still heartbroken for this little girl. We are praying, please respect that it is hard for us to turn off the recent experience to consider a new one. We do have a request. Will you please join us this Sunday in a special fast for this situation. We don't want to be hurt and hope fasting will guide us. We will be fasting for 2 consecutive meals and praying whether this little boy is meant for our home and for Heavenly Father to allow us to open our hearts to him as it heals from our recent adoption possibility. We appreciate whatever faith and prayer you can send our way, if you are unable to actually fast, I know Heavenly Father hears our sincere prayers and efforts. Your contribution will be felt either way. Thank you. Love You!
Michael and Lila and our rockin' awesome pets: Smokey, Samantha & Oliver
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Preparing to move on....
Today Michael talked to him. He expressed that it would have been better if he would have called with that information and Christopher understood. He is a very nice man, don't get us wrong, but it think it must be difficult for him to put himself in our place. I'm sure he must think we are high maintenance with our lectures (the 2nd time we've had to communicate to him our 'challenges') but we supported each others desire that he know how we felt. I'm glad that is over.
Last night I was feeling better, upbeat almost but still hopeful about the baby despite everything working against it happening. I had an honest and sincere conversation with Heavenly Father that if she is not meant to come to our home, to please take the feeling away from me. I had a great nights sleep for once and woke up peaceful and happy. To me that doesn't mean she isn't ours and it also doesn't mean she is, just that I feel satisfied that what will be, will be and it's ok for me to move on. I wasn't going to give myself permission for that since this all felt like a repeat of the depression after YEARS of failed fertility treatments. But I don't want to give up. I just want to have our children and I'm not going to get them by lying down so I'm moving forward, without forgetting about this little girl. I'm not getting her or anyone by being negative so I'm working hard to stay on the positive. We are also praying that, this baby will be smart and strong and make a difference in her families life, wherever that may be. We hope her mother is safe too as for all we know, she could feel threatened or unsafe and that is why she has yet again, dropped out of site.
Please forgive me for being negative about the email. It doesn't make me feel good to feel that way even though it is obviously insensitive. I'm forgiving him and myself and I hope those of you reading this and praying for us will support that. We are humbled every day by this process and this is just a GIANT step in our path to our children. Thank you for your patience today, we are praying every night for all of you to get the blessings you need as you pray for us. You are our blessing right now. Love you!