Sunday, June 22, 2014


"Frankly I think it shows an appalling lack of proper breeding."

Sometimes I speak like a character in a Jane Austen novel.  Mostly in my head, but regrettable, often out loud.  And because I watch plenty of BBC, I even have the proper inflection in speech, sometimes with and sometimes without a British accent. 

And...Queen Elizabeth and I share the same birthday.  Coincidence?  I should think not.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Family relations and friends

 I remember trips when my family headed from Salt Lake City, and my cousins headed from Los Angeles so we could meet somewhere and spend an all-too-short week hiking, laughing and singing together to the latest Donny and Marie songs.  It was a rare and anticipated event.
My two sons don't have to travel far to hang with cousins, and I love that they are all close in proximity as well as relationship.  Even my boys' friends are accustomed to having some cousins tag along with whatever is going on.  And my boys' friends are often included in family events and welcome at cousin's homes.  It's the attitude I love-- "Because you are my friend, your people are my people, and my people are your people".  There is complete acceptance.
A moment ago, my son and his cousin headed to the church parking lot to skateboard with my son's friend and his cousin.  No one bats an eyelash about the fact that one cousin is four years old, and the other 18.  Everyone rallies to gather helmets, scooters, an extra pair of sunglasses, another water bottle and other necessities so everyone has what is needed.  It's instant community and everyone takes turns carrying the backpack or the tired child.  I've seen my boys' friends hold small hands to cross the street or grab a tissue to wipe a nose, and I've even seen those friends faces flush when attractive cousins near their same age tag along.
I hope they all keep that sense of community and don't hesitate to include friends' friends, or cousins' cousins, or cousins' friends, or friends' cousins..... After all, we are all related, and we all need someone to hang with.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Back in the game

I've been out of the blogging game for some time now.  I told myself I was too busy to sit and write.  But as I go back and read my most active year of blogging, I realize that writing was therapy for me.  No matter how busy I get, I could use a bit of therapy.  So I'm blogging again.
Not much of a blog post, more of an announcement and a publicly stated commitment to myself.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Our knowledge of our divinity

should dictate our conduct.

Wednesday, December 07, 2011