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(top of page, Introduction, Format and Example)
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<h1> xFolk (RC1) </h1>
<h1> xFolk (RC1) </h1>

'''xFolk''' (from "xFolksomony") is a simple and open format for publishing collections of bookmarks. It better enables services for improving user experience and sharing data in web-based bookmarking software. xFolk may be embedded in HTML or XHTML, Atom, RSS, and arbitrary XML. It is one of several open [[microformats|microformat]] standards.
'''xFolk'''"xFolksonomy"に由来)は、ブックマークのコレクションを公開するための簡単でオープンなフォーマットです。これによって、サービスがウェブベースのブックマークソフトウェアでのユーザー体験の向上とデータの共有をよりうまくできるようになります。xFolk は HTML または XHTML、Atom、RSS、任意の XML に埋め込むことができます。これはオープンな[[microformats-ja|マイクロフォーマット]]標準の一つです。


== Draft Specification ==
== 仕様ドラフト ==

=== Editor/Author ===
=== 編者/作者 ===
[http://thecommunityengine.com/ Bud Gibson] ([http://thecommunityengine.com The Community Engine])
[http://thecommunityengine.com/ Bud Gibson] ([http://thecommunityengine.com The Community Engine])

=== Copyright ===
=== 著作権 ===

=== Patents ===
=== 特許 ===

=== Inspiration and Acknowledgments ===
=== 謝辞 ===
Thanks to: [http://www.cnbc.cmu.edu/~plaut/ David Plaut] who introduced me to the idea that items may partially belong to many categories at once.  More recently, thanks to: [http://tantek.com/ Tantek Celik], [http://epeus.blogspot.com/ Kevin Marks], [http://steve.osdir.com/ Steve Mallet], [http://hybernaut.com/ Brian DelVecchio], and [http://blogmarks.net Francois Hodierne] who have contributed to the development of xFolk with thoughtful critiques and implementations.
Thanks to: [http://www.cnbc.cmu.edu/~plaut/ David Plaut] who introduced me to the idea that items may partially belong to many categories at once.  More recently, thanks to: [http://tantek.com/ Tantek Celik], [http://epeus.blogspot.com/ Kevin Marks], [http://steve.osdir.com/ Steve Mallet], [http://hybernaut.com/ Brian DelVecchio], and [http://blogmarks.net Francois Hodierne] who have contributed to the development of xFolk with thoughtful critiques and implementations.

== Introduction ==
== はじめに ==
Social bookmarking services let users save and tag bookmarks to share with other users.  Over the past year, the number of these services has mushroomed to [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_bookmarking over 20], with popular examples including: [http://del.icio.us del.icio.us], [http://furl.net furl], [http://de.lirio.us de.lirio.us], [http://jots.com jots], and [http://blogmarks.net blogmarks]
ソーシャルブックマークサービスでは、ユーザーはブックマークを保存し、タグを付け、ほかのユーザーと共有します。ここ数年でこういったサービスの数は[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_bookmarking 20を超え]、その中には[http://del.icio.us del.icio.us][http://furl.net furl][http://de.lirio.us de.lirio.us]、jots(訳注:現在はサービス終了)、[http://blogmarks.net blogmarks]という人気サービス例も含まれます。

Lack of an open, interoperable data standard is a major issue in using social bookmarking services. An open standard would make it possible to easily collect social bookmark data and remix it to invent new services along the lines of  [http://gataga.com gataga]'s experimental bookmark search engine.  An open standard would also make it possible to write javascripts that work across services [http://johnvey.com/features/deliciousdirector/ as some currently do for del.icio.us], enabling across-the-board improvements in user experience.
相互運用可能なデータのオープンスタンダードがないことは、ソーシャルブックマークサービスを使う上での大きな問題です。オープンスタンダードがあればソーシャルブックマークデータを簡単に集めて再構築し、gataga(訳注:現在はサービス終了)による実験的なブックマーク検索エンジンのような方向性の、新しいサービスを発明することが可能になるのです。また、[http://johnvey.com/features/deliciousdirector/ 目下は del.icio.us で行われている]ような、サービスをまたがって機能する JavaScript を書いてユーザー体験を全面的に向上させることもできるようになります。

xFolk is an open social bookmarking standard that aims to achieve both benefits. Social bookmarking services that adopt xFolk will continue to differentiate themselves with data services. But, the data itself will be easy to manipulate by third party scripts and easy to share. As a result, bookmarking services will be able to offer a wider array of options to their users at low cost and focus on what truly differentiates them. Individuals or groups operating standalone bookmark repositories will have access to a wider array of functionality than they can produce on their own.
xFolk は両方の利点を持つことを目標にした、ソーシャルブックマークのオープンスタンダードです。xFolk を取り入れたソーシャルブックマークサービスは、データサービスの一歩先を歩くことになるでしょう。ですが、データ自体はサードパーティのスクリプトが操作したり、共有したりすることが簡単な物になります。その結果、ブックマークサービスは低コストでユーザーに幅広い選択肢を提供し、本質的な差別化に力を注ぐことができるようになります。独立したブックマーク保管サービスを運営する個人やグループは、自分で作れる以上の幅広い機能を選べるようになります。

== Semantic XHTML Design Principles ==
== セマンティック XHTML デザイン指針 ==

== Format ==
== フォーマット ==
Extensive analysis of social bookmarking services and linkblogs, reported on [http://thecommunityengine.com/home/archives/xfolk elsewhere], reveals that the data published by both bookmarking services and '''many''' different linkblogs are described by the following implied schema:
ソーシャルブックマークサービス、リンクブログ(訳注:リンクとそれに対するコメントからなるブログ)、[http://thecommunityengine.com/home/archives/xfolk 他所]でのリポートを幅広く分析した結果、ブックマークサービスと'''たくさんの'''異なるリンクブログで公開されているデータは暗黙的に次のスキーマに従って書かれていることが分かりました。

* A bookmarked or tagged link.
* ブックマークしたりタグを付けるリンク
* A title for the entry.
* エントリーの題名
* Tags for the link.
* リンクに付けるタグ
* An extended description or summary of the link.
* リンクの追加説明や概要

As demonstrated in early iterations of the xFolk standard, this general schema can be translated into markup by:
初期の xFolk 標準が繰り返し使われたおかげで、この一般的なスキーマは次のようにしてマークアップへと変換できることが実証されています。

# creating a container element for each entry of class <code>xfolkentry</code>,
# 各エントリーに <code>xfolkentry</code> という class を持つコンテナ要素を作る
# using an <a> element for the bookmarked or tagged link of class <code>taggedlink</code>,
# ブックマークしたりタグを付けるリンクには <code>taggedlink</code> という class を持つ &lt;a&gt; 要素を使う
# using title attribute for the tagged link <a> element, if it exists, as the entry title, otherwise using the element value,
# エントリーの題名には、もしあれば &lt;a&gt; 要素の title 属性を、なければその値を使う
# using [[rel-tag]] for the tags, and
# タグには [[rel-tag-ja|rel-tag]] を使う
# using a container element of class <code>description</code>, such as &lt;p>, for any extended description or summary.
# 追加説明や概要には、<code>description</code> という class を持つコンテナ要素(&lt;p&gt; など)を使う

A given xFolk entry will always contain a tagged link including a title with all other elements optional. Entries may have more than one tag as well as more than one element of class <code>description</code>. Multiple elements of class <code>description</code> are ordered by default document order. Semantic elements within xFolk entries may be nested at arbitray depths.
xFolk エントリーでは、題名を伴ったタグを付けるリンクが必須で、他の要素は全て省略できます。エントリーには複数のタグあってもかまいませんし、<code>description</code> class の要素が複数あってもかまいません。<code>description</code> class を持つ複数の要素の順序は、文書に現れるままの順です。xFolk エントリー内の意味的な要素は任意の深さにネストできます。

Many social bookmarking systems exist, each with its own markup conventions.  Further, many people are already publishing personal link blogs.  xFolk is designed with ease of adapting to these current practices as a primary goal.  Therefore, few assumptions are made as to the exact kinds of elements used for an xFolk entry.  Rather, the work of defining semantics is left entirely to the class and rel (in the case of [[rel-tag]]) attribute values.
たくさんのソーシャルブックマークシステムが存在して、それぞれが独自のマークアップの慣例を持っています。さらに、たくさんの人が既に個人のリンクブログを公表しています。xFolk の第一の目標は、こうした現在の慣例に適合させるのが簡単であるようデザインすることなので、xFolk エントリーで使う要素の種類には厳密な前提条件がほとんどありません。意味を決める機能は、要素よりも class 属性や([[rel-tag-ja|rel-tag]] の場合は)rel 属性の値に与えられるのです。

It is expected that developers will use [http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath XPath] or equivalent syntax in accessing xFolk entry elements.  a requirement for XPath is that the HTML document be well-formed but not necessarily valid.  Thus, while not optimal, it is possible to serviceably use xFolk in an HTML document that does not validate.
開発者は [http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath XPath] か相当する文法を使って xFolk エントリーの要素にアクセスすることが期待されます。XPath を使うための条件は、HTML 文書が整形式であることです。妥当な文書ではなくてもかまいません。このため、最善ではないかもしれませんが、妥当性検証をしていない HTML 文書の中で xFolk が使えるようになるのです。

=== XMDP Profile ===
=== XMDP プロファイル ===
xFolk の [http://gmpg.org/xmdp XMDP] プロファイルは、[[xfolk-profile|xFolk profile]] を参照してください。

See the [[xfolk-profile|xFolk profile]] for the [http://gmpg.org/xmdp XMDP] profile of xFolk.
== 例 ==

== Example ==
下に [http://del.icio.us del.icio.us] の標準マークアップに見られるブックマークの例を示します。要素の class 属性の値を変更して xFolk に適合させる必要のある場所は、行の末尾にコメントで印を付けています。
Here is a sample bookmark as displayed in [http://del.icio.us del.icio.us]'s standard markup.  Lines where the value of elements' class attributes must change to conform to xFolk are marked with a comment at the end.
<pre>&lt;div class="post"&gt; <!--変更する箇所-->
<pre>&lt;div class="post"&gt; <!--will change-->
     &lt;a class="delLink" href="http://www.sifry.com/alerts/archives/000306.html"&gt; <!--will change-->
     &lt;a class="delLink" href="http://www.sifry.com/alerts/archives/000306.html"&gt; <!--変更する箇所-->
       Sifry's Alerts: Technorati launches Related Tags
       Sifry's Alerts: Technorati launches Related Tags
   &lt;div class="extended"&gt; <!--will change-->
   &lt;div class="extended"&gt; <!--変更する箇所-->
     Ever wanted to see what posts are related to other posts, what tags  
     Ever wanted to see what posts are related to other posts, what tags  
     are related to others? Now you can! Just check under the Tag  
     are related to others? Now you can! Just check under the Tag  
     description on most tag pages, like this one, or this one, and you'll
     description on most tag pages, like this one, or this one, and you'll
     see the patterns. Can you smell the emergence?
     see the patterns. Can you smell the emergence?
   &lt;div class="meta"&gt;
   &lt;div class="meta"&gt;
     &lt;a class="delNav" href="/fpgibson/folksonomy"&gt;folksonomy&lt;/a&gt; <!--will change-->
     &lt;a class="delNav" href="/fpgibson/folksonomy"&gt;folksonomy&lt;/a&gt; <!--変更する箇所-->
     &lt;a class="delNav" href="/fpgibson/technorati"&gt;technorati&lt;/a&gt; <!--will change-->
     &lt;a class="delNav" href="/fpgibson/technorati"&gt;technorati&lt;/a&gt; <!--変更する箇所-->
     ... &lt;a class="delNav" href="/url/cbcabf7de070fdb46598ee679367be49"&gt;
     ... &lt;a class="delNav" href="/url/cbcabf7de070fdb46598ee679367be49"&gt;
     and 1 other person
     and 1 other person
Line 81: Line 87:

The equivalent in xFolk is as follows.  Comments are placed at the end of lines where class attribute changes were required.
これに相当する xFolk は以下の通りです。class 属性の変更が必要だった行の末尾にコメントを付けています。
&lt;div class="xfolkentry"&gt; <!-- changed -->
&lt;div class="xfolkentry"&gt; <!-- 変更した箇所 -->
     &lt;a class="taggedlink" href="http://www.sifry.com/alerts/archives/000306.html"&gt; <!-- changed -->
     &lt;a class="taggedlink" href="http://www.sifry.com/alerts/archives/000306.html"&gt; <!-- 変更した箇所 -->
       Sifry's Alerts: Technorati launches Related Tags
       Sifry's Alerts: Technorati launches Related Tags
   &lt;div class="description"&gt; <!-- changed -->
   &lt;div class="description"&gt; <!-- 変更した箇所 -->
     Ever wanted to see what posts are related to other posts, what tags  
     Ever wanted to see what posts are related to other posts, what tags  
     are related to others? Now you can! Just check under the Tag  
     are related to others? Now you can! Just check under the Tag  
     description on most tag pages, like this one, or this one, and you'll
     description on most tag pages, like this one, or this one, and you'll
     see the patterns. Can you smell the emergence?
     see the patterns. Can you smell the emergence?
   &lt;div class="meta"&gt;
   &lt;div class="meta"&gt;
     &lt;a rel="tag" href="/fpgibson/folksonomy"&gt;folksonomy&lt;/a&gt; <!-- changed -->
     &lt;a rel="tag" href="/fpgibson/folksonomy"&gt;folksonomy&lt;/a&gt; <!-- 変更した箇所 -->
     &lt;a rel="tag" href="/fpgibson/technorati"&gt;technorati&lt;/a&gt; <!-- changed -->
     &lt;a rel="tag" href="/fpgibson/technorati"&gt;technorati&lt;/a&gt; <!-- 変更した箇所 -->
     ... &lt;a class="delNav" href="/url/cbcabf7de070fdb46598ee679367be49"&gt;
     ... &lt;a class="delNav" href="/url/cbcabf7de070fdb46598ee679367be49"&gt;
     and 1 other person
     and 1 other person
Line 107: Line 117:

Converting markup to be conformant with xFolk is almost always this easy.  The advantage of xFolk is that it provides one set of class attributes that can be reused across all services and link blogs, almost always with no loss of granularity.  The next section presents several more examples to illustrate this point.
マークアップを xFolk に従う物に変換するのは、ほとんどの場合簡単です。xFolk の長所は、
全てのサービスやリンクブログにまたがって、精度を失うことの無いまま使い回せる class 属性のセットを提供していることです。

Another simple example (using lists markup) :
<ul><!--xfolk is about *collections* of bookmarks-->
<ul><!--xFolk はブックマークの *コレクション* に関する物なのです-->
     <ul class="xfolkentry">  
     <ul class="xfolkentry">  
       <li><a class="taggedlink" href="http://microformats.org/wiki/Main_Page">microformats wiki</a></li>
       <li><a class="taggedlink" href="http://microformats.org/wiki/Main_Page">microformats wiki</a></li>
       <li class="description">The main place for understanding microformats and playing with...</li>
       <li class="description">マイクロフォーマットを勉強して実践する主な場所で……</li>
       <li class="description">Community driven wiki</li>
       <li class="description">コミュニティ駆動の Wiki</li>
       <li class="meta">
       <li class="meta">
Tags :
Tags :
Line 128: Line 140:
   <!--Another xfolkentry as above, and so on...-->
   <!--上と同様の xfolkentryなど……-->

Line 135: Line 147:

== Many more examples ==
== より多くの例 ==

We have numerous examples to help developers incorporate xFolk into their sites.
We have numerous examples to help developers incorporate xFolk into their sites.

=== In the wild ===
=== 実世界での例 ===

These are real live examples of functioning systems that publish bookmarks in xFolk.  These are a great place to start for anyone looking for examples "in the wild" to try parsing, indexing, organizing etc.  If you publish using xFolk, feel free to add it to the top of this list.  Once the list grows too big, we'll make a separate wiki page.
These are real live examples of functioning systems that publish bookmarks in xFolk.  These are a great place to start for anyone looking for examples "in the wild" to try parsing, indexing, organizing etc.  If you publish using xFolk, feel free to add it to the top of this list.  Once the list grows too big, we'll make a separate wiki page.
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* [http://tommorris.org/blog/ Tom Morris] - daily del.icio.us links are marked up with xFolk, [[hCard]] and [[vote-links]].
* [http://tommorris.org/blog/ Tom Morris] - daily del.icio.us links are marked up with xFolk, [[hCard]] and [[vote-links]].

=== Additional social bookmarking services ===
=== さらなるソーシャルブックマークサービス ===

This example illustrates how xFolk may be applied to one additional service:
This example illustrates how xFolk may be applied to one additional service:
Line 162: Line 175:
* [[xfolk-scuttle | scuttle]]
* [[xfolk-scuttle | scuttle]]

=== Link blogs ===
=== リンクブログ ===

Social bookmarking services are only the most recent examples of people publishing links.  Link blogs have been around almost since the beginning of blogging. They represent somewhat more of a challenge for xFolk because their markup tends to be less semantic from the outset. The following examples illustrate some particular challenges and how they can be overcome.
Social bookmarking services are only the most recent examples of people publishing links.  Link blogs have been around almost since the beginning of blogging. They represent somewhat more of a challenge for xFolk because their markup tends to be less semantic from the outset. The following examples illustrate some particular challenges and how they can be overcome.
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* [[xfolk-julian-bez | julian-bez]]
* [[xfolk-julian-bez | julian-bez]]

=== Spam ===
=== スパム ===
Some spammers are adding xFolk tags to their link farms. (It's probably a bad idea to actually link to these sites.) For example,
Some spammers are adding xFolk tags to their link farms. (It's probably a bad idea to actually link to these sites.) For example,
* phontron.info
* phontron.info

== Implementations ==
== 実装 ==

The following implementations have been developed which generate or use xFolk. If you have an xFolk implementation, feel free to add it to the top of this list. Once the list grows too big, we'll make a separate wiki page.
The following implementations have been developed which generate or use xFolk. If you have an xFolk implementation, feel free to add it to the top of this list. Once the list grows too big, we'll make a separate wiki page.
Line 196: Line 209:
* [http://bookmarks.excite.co.uk/ Excite Bookmarks] a social bookmarking service that supports xFolk and rel-tag.
* [http://bookmarks.excite.co.uk/ Excite Bookmarks] a social bookmarking service that supports xFolk and rel-tag.

== References ==
== 参照 ==
=== Normative References ===
=== 規範的な参考文献 ===
* [http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/REC-xhtml1-20020801/ XHTML 1.0 SE]
* [http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/REC-xhtml1-20020801/ XHTML 1.0 SE]
* [[rel-tag]]
* [[rel-tag-ja|rel-tag]]

=== Informative References ===
=== その他の参考文献 ===
* [http://thecommunityengine.com/home/archives/xfolk articles about xFolk]
* [http://thecommunityengine.com/home/archives/xfolk articles about xFolk]
* [http://thecommunityengine.com/home/archives/tags/microformats articles about the business value of microformats]
* [http://thecommunityengine.com/home/archives/tags/microformats articles about the business value of microformats]
Line 208: Line 221:
* [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_bookmarking social bookmarking defined at wikipedia]
* [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_bookmarking social bookmarking defined at wikipedia]

=== Similar Work ===
=== 関連作業 ===
* [[hreview | hReview]]
* [[hreview-ja | hReview]]

== Work in progress ==
== 現在の進行状況 ==
Although this specification has recently begun to stabilize as indicated by the version RC1, it is still a work in progress. If warranted, I am prepared to go through multiple release candidates to achieve the narrow purpose of making bookmark entries more genrally accessible with as with as light weight a format as possible. All changes since the last iteration have been motivated by the implementation experience of developers attempting to achieve this narrow aim.  Further changes will also most likely be motivated by implementation concerns.  See "future directions" below for additional microformat possibilities.
Although this specification has recently begun to stabilize as indicated by the version RC1, it is still a work in progress. If warranted, I am prepared to go through multiple release candidates to achieve the narrow purpose of making bookmark entries more genrally accessible with as with as light weight a format as possible. All changes since the last iteration have been motivated by the implementation experience of developers attempting to achieve this narrow aim.  Further changes will also most likely be motivated by implementation concerns.  See "future directions" below for additional microformat possibilities.

=== Changes since xFolk 0.4 ===
=== xFolk 0.4 からの変更点 ===
The class attribute value <code>extended</code> was deprecated in favor <code>description</code> to better conform with other microformat usage and some requests during implementation.  The other change has been to allow use of multiple elements of class <code>extended</code> based on some use cases discovered in implementation.
The class attribute value <code>extended</code> was deprecated in favor <code>description</code> to better conform with other microformat usage and some requests during implementation.  The other change has been to allow use of multiple elements of class <code>extended</code> based on some use cases discovered in implementation.

=== Future directions ===
=== 主な方向性 ===
There are several extensions one might imagine for xFolk. Frequently, these extensions are best achieved by combining xFolk with another microformat. For instance, one might want to indicate his or her evaluation of the bookmarked item. This might be achieved by using [[vote-links | Vote Links]] or [[hreview | hReview]] with xFolk.
There are several extensions one might imagine for xFolk. Frequently, these extensions are best achieved by combining xFolk with another microformat. For instance, one might want to indicate his or her evaluation of the bookmarked item. This might be achieved by using [[vote-links | Vote Links]] or [[hreview | hReview]] with xFolk.

Line 224: Line 237:
A companion format called "xFolk definition" is under development. xFolk definition will provide a means of explicitly defining the tags used in social bookmarks.
A companion format called "xFolk definition" is under development. xFolk definition will provide a means of explicitly defining the tags used in social bookmarks.

=== Brainstorming ===
=== ブレインストーミング ===
* [[xfolk-brainstorming|xFolk brainstorming]]
* [[xfolk-brainstorming|xFolk brainstorming]]

== Discussions ==
== 議論 ==

=== Q&A ===
=== Q&A ===
* If you have any questions about xFolk, check the [[xfolk-faq|xFolk FAQ]], and if you don't find answers, add your questions!
* If you have any questions about xFolk, check the [[xfolk-faq|xFolk FAQ]], and if you don't find answers, add your questions!

=== Issues ===
=== 問題 ===
* Please add any issues with the specification to the separate [[xfolk-issues|xFolk issues]] document.
* Please add any issues with the specification to the separate [[xfolk-issues|xFolk issues]] document.

==Related pages==
== 関連ページ ==

Revision as of 16:31, 26 October 2008

xFolk (RC1)

xFolk("xFolksonomy"に由来)は、ブックマークのコレクションを公開するための簡単でオープンなフォーマットです。これによって、サービスがウェブベースのブックマークソフトウェアでのユーザー体験の向上とデータの共有をよりうまくできるようになります。xFolk は HTML または XHTML、Atom、RSS、任意の XML に埋め込むことができます。これはオープンなマイクロフォーマット標準の一つです。



Bud Gibson (The Community Engine)


This specification is (C) 2005-2025 by the authors. However, the authors intend to submit (or already have submitted, see details in the spec) this specification to a standards body with a liberal copyright/licensing policy such as the GMPG, IETF, and/or W3C. Anyone wishing to contribute should read their copyright principles, policies and licenses (e.g. the GMPG Principles) and agree to them, including licensing of all contributions under all required licenses (e.g. CC-by 1.0 and later), before contributing.


This specification is subject to a royalty free patent policy, e.g. per the W3C Patent Policy, and IETF RFC3667 & RFC3668.


Thanks to: David Plaut who introduced me to the idea that items may partially belong to many categories at once. More recently, thanks to: Tantek Celik, Kevin Marks, Steve Mallet, Brian DelVecchio, and Francois Hodierne who have contributed to the development of xFolk with thoughtful critiques and implementations.



相互運用可能なデータのオープンスタンダードがないことは、ソーシャルブックマークサービスを使う上での大きな問題です。オープンスタンダードがあればソーシャルブックマークデータを簡単に集めて再構築し、gataga(訳注:現在はサービス終了)による実験的なブックマーク検索エンジンのような方向性の、新しいサービスを発明することが可能になるのです。また、目下は del.icio.us で行われているような、サービスをまたがって機能する JavaScript を書いてユーザー体験を全面的に向上させることもできるようになります。

xFolk は両方の利点を持つことを目標にした、ソーシャルブックマークのオープンスタンダードです。xFolk を取り入れたソーシャルブックマークサービスは、データサービスの一歩先を歩くことになるでしょう。ですが、データ自体はサードパーティのスクリプトが操作したり、共有したりすることが簡単な物になります。その結果、ブックマークサービスは低コストでユーザーに幅広い選択肢を提供し、本質的な差別化に力を注ぐことができるようになります。独立したブックマーク保管サービスを運営する個人やグループは、自分で作れる以上の幅広い機能を選べるようになります。

セマンティック XHTML デザイン指針

Note: the Semantic XHTML Design Principles were written primarily within the context of developing hCard and hCalendar, thus it may be easier to understand these principles in the context of the hCard design methodology (i.e. read that first). Tantek

XHTML is built on XML, and thus XHTML based formats can be used not only for convenient display presentation, but also for general purpose data exchange. In many ways, XHTML based formats exemplify the best of both HTML and XML worlds. However, when building XHTML based formats, it helps to have a guiding set of principles.

  1. Reuse the schema (names, objects, properties, values, types, hierarchies, constraints) as much as possible from pre-existing, established, well-supported standards by reference. Avoid restating constraints expressed in the source standard. Informative mentions are ok.
    1. For types with multiple components, use nested elements with class names equivalent to the names of the components.
    2. Plural components are made singular, and thus multiple nested elements are used to represent multiple text values that are comma-delimited.
  2. Use the most accurately precise semantic XHTML building block for each object etc.
  3. Otherwise use a generic structural element (e.g. <span> or <div>), or the appropriate contextual element (e.g. an <li> inside a <ul> or <ol>).
  4. Use class names based on names from the original schema, unless the semantic XHTML building block precisely represents that part of the original schema. If names in the source schema are case-insensitive, then use an all lowercase equivalent. Components names implicit in prose (rather than explicit in the defined schema) should also use lowercase equivalents for ease of use. Spaces in component names become dash '-' characters.
  5. Finally, if the format of the data according to the original schema is too long and/or not human-friendly, use <abbr> instead of a generic structural element, and place the literal data into the 'title' attribute (where abbr expansions go), and the more brief and human readable equivalent into the element itself. Further informative explanation of this use of <abbr>: Human vs. ISO8601 dates problem solved



  • ブックマークしたりタグを付けるリンク
  • エントリーの題名
  • リンクに付けるタグ
  • リンクの追加説明や概要

初期の xFolk 標準が繰り返し使われたおかげで、この一般的なスキーマは次のようにしてマークアップへと変換できることが実証されています。

  1. 各エントリーに xfolkentry という class を持つコンテナ要素を作る
  2. ブックマークしたりタグを付けるリンクには taggedlink という class を持つ <a> 要素を使う
  3. エントリーの題名には、もしあれば <a> 要素の title 属性を、なければその値を使う
  4. タグには rel-tag を使う
  5. 追加説明や概要には、description という class を持つコンテナ要素(<p> など)を使う

xFolk エントリーでは、題名を伴ったタグを付けるリンクが必須で、他の要素は全て省略できます。エントリーには複数のタグあってもかまいませんし、description class の要素が複数あってもかまいません。description class を持つ複数の要素の順序は、文書に現れるままの順です。xFolk エントリー内の意味的な要素は任意の深さにネストできます。

たくさんのソーシャルブックマークシステムが存在して、それぞれが独自のマークアップの慣例を持っています。さらに、たくさんの人が既に個人のリンクブログを公表しています。xFolk の第一の目標は、こうした現在の慣例に適合させるのが簡単であるようデザインすることなので、xFolk エントリーで使う要素の種類には厳密な前提条件がほとんどありません。意味を決める機能は、要素よりも class 属性や(rel-tag の場合は)rel 属性の値に与えられるのです。

開発者は XPath か相当する文法を使って xFolk エントリーの要素にアクセスすることが期待されます。XPath を使うための条件は、HTML 文書が整形式であることです。妥当な文書ではなくてもかまいません。このため、最善ではないかもしれませんが、妥当性検証をしていない HTML 文書の中で xFolk が使えるようになるのです。

XMDP プロファイル

xFolk の XMDP プロファイルは、xFolk profile を参照してください。

下に del.icio.us の標準マークアップに見られるブックマークの例を示します。要素の class 属性の値を変更して xFolk に適合させる必要のある場所は、行の末尾にコメントで印を付けています。

<div class="post"> <!--変更する箇所-->
    <a class="delLink" href="http://www.sifry.com/alerts/archives/000306.html"> <!--変更する箇所-->
      Sifry's Alerts: Technorati launches Related Tags
  <div class="extended"> <!--変更する箇所-->
    Ever wanted to see what posts are related to other posts, what tags 
    are related to others? Now you can! Just check under the Tag 
    description on most tag pages, like this one, or this one, and you'll
    see the patterns. Can you smell the emergence?
  <div class="meta">
    <a class="delNav" href="/fpgibson/folksonomy">folksonomy</a> <!--変更する箇所-->
    <a class="delNav" href="/fpgibson/technorati">technorati</a> <!--変更する箇所-->
    ... <a class="delNav" href="/url/cbcabf7de070fdb46598ee679367be49">
    and 1 other person
    ... on 2005-04-09

これに相当する xFolk は以下の通りです。class 属性の変更が必要だった行の末尾にコメントを付けています。

<div class="xfolkentry"> <!-- 変更した箇所 -->
    <a class="taggedlink" href="http://www.sifry.com/alerts/archives/000306.html"> <!-- 変更した箇所 -->
      Sifry's Alerts: Technorati launches Related Tags
  <div class="description"> <!-- 変更した箇所 -->
    Ever wanted to see what posts are related to other posts, what tags 
    are related to others? Now you can! Just check under the Tag 
    description on most tag pages, like this one, or this one, and you'll
    see the patterns. Can you smell the emergence?
  <div class="meta">
    <a rel="tag" href="/fpgibson/folksonomy">folksonomy</a> <!-- 変更した箇所 -->
    <a rel="tag" href="/fpgibson/technorati">technorati</a> <!-- 変更した箇所 -->
    ... <a class="delNav" href="/url/cbcabf7de070fdb46598ee679367be49">
    and 1 other person
    ... on 2005-04-09

マークアップを xFolk に従う物に変換するのは、ほとんどの場合簡単です。xFolk の長所は、 全てのサービスやリンクブログにまたがって、精度を失うことの無いまま使い回せる class 属性のセットを提供していることです。 次の節ではこの点を説明する例をさらに多く提示します。


<ul><!--xFolk はブックマークの *コレクション* に関する物なのです-->
    <ul class="xfolkentry"> 
      <li><a class="taggedlink" href="http://microformats.org/wiki/Main_Page">microformats wiki</a></li>
      <li class="description">マイクロフォーマットを勉強して実践する主な場所で……</li>
      <li class="description">コミュニティ駆動の Wiki</li>
      <li class="meta">
	Tags :
	<a rel="tag" href="http://del.icio.us/tag/microformats">microformats</a>
	<a rel="tag" href="http://del.icio.us/tag/websocial">websocial</a>
	<a rel="tag" href="http://del.icio.us/tag/semantics">semantics</a>
   <!--上と同様の xfolkentryなど……-->



We have numerous examples to help developers incorporate xFolk into their sites.


These are real live examples of functioning systems that publish bookmarks in xFolk. These are a great place to start for anyone looking for examples "in the wild" to try parsing, indexing, organizing etc. If you publish using xFolk, feel free to add it to the top of this list. Once the list grows too big, we'll make a separate wiki page.


This example illustrates how xFolk may be applied to one additional service:


Social bookmarking services are only the most recent examples of people publishing links. Link blogs have been around almost since the beginning of blogging. They represent somewhat more of a challenge for xFolk because their markup tends to be less semantic from the outset. The following examples illustrate some particular challenges and how they can be overcome.


Some spammers are adding xFolk tags to their link farms. (It's probably a bad idea to actually link to these sites.) For example,

  • phontron.info


The following implementations have been developed which generate or use xFolk. If you have an xFolk implementation, feel free to add it to the top of this list. Once the list grows too big, we'll make a separate wiki page.






Although this specification has recently begun to stabilize as indicated by the version RC1, it is still a work in progress. If warranted, I am prepared to go through multiple release candidates to achieve the narrow purpose of making bookmark entries more genrally accessible with as with as light weight a format as possible. All changes since the last iteration have been motivated by the implementation experience of developers attempting to achieve this narrow aim. Further changes will also most likely be motivated by implementation concerns. See "future directions" below for additional microformat possibilities.

xFolk 0.4 からの変更点

The class attribute value extended was deprecated in favor description to better conform with other microformat usage and some requests during implementation. The other change has been to allow use of multiple elements of class extended based on some use cases discovered in implementation.


There are several extensions one might imagine for xFolk. Frequently, these extensions are best achieved by combining xFolk with another microformat. For instance, one might want to indicate his or her evaluation of the bookmarked item. This might be achieved by using Vote Links or hReview with xFolk.

One can also imagine extending xFolk to provide data conformant with various social bookmarking service APIs, for instance to provide all bookmarks by tag. These APIs are currently too fluid for specification in any kind of standard. The APIs and the functionality they provide represent one way social bookmarking services and meta services can differentiate themselves.

A companion format called "xFolk definition" is under development. xFolk definition will provide a means of explicitly defining the tags used in social bookmarks.




  • If you have any questions about xFolk, check the xFolk FAQ, and if you don't find answers, add your questions!


  • Please add any issues with the specification to the separate xFolk issues document.
