I'm so tired of , "Did you hurt your brother?" "No" (as he's screaming and patting his head) and "Did you finish your dinner?" "Yes" (as Jake looks extremely satisfied at her feet) and "Did you get dressed yet?" "Yes" (as she's standing in front of me naked). How do you teach a three year old not to lie?!?!?! I realize, she's three and it's just getting started and the things she's lying about are silly, but we still have to teach her. I've tried using all the right words, honesty, lying, truth, etc and teaching her what they mean, but it doesn't seem to be sinking in. We've done the "that makes me sad/disappointed" or the boy who cried wolf story, still no luck. What are good consequences for a 3 year old lying?
Also, you notice, we have fixable hair FINALLY!!!!! We started with looking nice for church and have worked our way to about every other day, she lets me fix it.
Isabelle is my super helper. When I was in the car accident I had a really hard time picking up Michael for a couple of weeks. Isabelle and I worked together to get him in and out of the high chair, crib, car seat, etc. She's pretty good at helping me, most of the time, but lately has started this scenario. I ask, "Isabelle let's get this mess cleaned up." Which she responds, "OK mom, you can do it and I'll sit here and watch. You do a good job." HA! It doesn't fly, but she tries! :)
A few other funny things she's said lately:
Mike pulled a super quick u turn and she yelled, "Dad! You are a HORRIBLE driver!"
She asks for "Skin" milk.
She loves, "Banilla yogurt"
Hand sanitizer is "Hanitizer"
Reading scriptures at night, she takes a turn first and it always starts, "And it came to pass that Laban wouldn't give them the glass plates..." and then continues into something totally off the wall.
She sings, "If I Listen with My Heart" all the time, but gets confused part way through and re-makes up new words and phrases every time.
When talking about her "baby sister" we were trying to tell her AGAIN it could be a brother. She said, "Baby brothers cry way too much! We need a sister this time."