I tend to forget to record the daily grind. Life isn't all perfect play time and healthy meals. I need to remember that being a stay at home mom has "days." Because I know my little Isabelle is going to be a mother some day talking to her mom after a frustrating day, just like I did today. Our blog books are full of fun and happy moments, those I really really want to remember. While in so many ways I'd love to forget a day like today, it was still a day and not a completely uncommon one either, though the details tend to be different, the end result of the day is the same. Just to name a few from today....
Today I noticed I restarted the load sitting in the washer for the 4th day in a row....4th? Yes, 4th! How I could forget that I had started it the first time, I get. Maybe even the second, but the FOURTH?! Well, guess what, I have 3 little kids. I start LOTS of things that don't get finished every single day.
While I did make it to the gym today, my post shower outfit for the day consisted of holy yoga pants, a tshirt and horribly sloppy ponytail. I look fabulous today.
For lunch we had just macaroni and cheese. That was it. I didn't pull out any fruit or anything green. While I feel like this is a complete fail, overall, at the end of the week, they eat plenty of healthy food. What's one meal? Oh and did I mention we all had a cupcake for dessert?
I took a nap today. This is not uncommon, in fact it's a daily event. The boys sleep, Isabelle does something quiet in the office or playroom and I get some much needed shut eye. However, today when I woke up, Isabelle had let Michael out of his room who had not yet fallen asleep, and had gotten Luke out of his bed because Michael woke him up (she thought she was being helpful and letting me sleep.) I somehow slept though all of this and woke up to Michael with 3 cupcake wrappers sitting on the counter and a very chocolate face and Luke two fistfuls of chocolate cake and chocolate crumbs all over my house. All over my house.
My dog ran away. This also tends to happen much more often than it should. I always get mad at the situation. I always tend to snip or yell at the kids for nothing they did, purely because I'm irritated the dumb dog ran away again. Sure enough. Poor Isabelle ended up in tears because I answered an innocent question with a hastier snappier reply than was necessary.
And since the dog ran away, I spent the time that should have been heading up and helping children do dinner chores chasing a dog, the house was a disaster when Mike got home. Disaster is putting it lightly...remember the chocolate crumbs? While some of them got cleaned up, I got called away mid clean up for a blow out diaper after which the dog ran away.
Mike came home with supplies to screen in our screened porch. This is our attempt at keeping Jake from running away quite so much. I love this man beyond words. He got most of it done today. I sat on the porch chatting and visiting with him while I let the big kids watch too many tv shows just before bed.
We finished the night with no stories, just scriptures and prayers and bedtime.
Instead of folding laundry while watching tv with Mike, it's sitting in the recliner and I'm blogging.
The moral of the story is, when you pinpoint one day, there are so many far from perfect, and it's easy to pick out everything that went wrong. But when I think about other things that happened today....Isabelle learned how to make mac n cheese for the first time and did a great job. We painted nails together and had lots of giggles and fun and Michael felt left out so Isabelle painted his toenails too. Michael still didn't spit today. Luke went to gym care without crying today. He also played the cutest game with me and gave me the biggest hugs. I visited with one of my best friends from my Utah life and cried and missed her so much, but loved every second catching up, for such a wonderful woman she is. I worked together with my husband on the house while visiting. I ended the day talking to my mom on the phone while I got ALL of my dishes done. There is NOTHING on my kitchen counter waiting for "another day." So even though today was definitely one of "those" days, it still had a few good things. Tomorrow is another day and I hope to remember to focus on the good instead of the bad, but remember enough to be a great empathetic mother like my own.
2 days ago