Happy Birthday Sawyer Wells! Still can't believe he is one. This year sure flew by fast:) Well the top 4 teeth are all poking through now. I can tell he is in pain...not fun to have all 4 coming in at once! He isn't walking yet but he is so close. He will walk with us holding his hands all over the place! We went to Brian Head just our little family for a weekend getaway and he had a blast. He loves playing outside with his brother and riding the side by side. He finally said his first word which was mama. He loves to just mumble all day long. I think he is finally correlating that I am mama bc it seems like he says it when he is crying and wants me. He still goes to whoever but he is definitely a mamas boy. For his birthday we had family over and did cake and ice cream. He was so cute eating the cake. I was surprised that he didnt just go for it but he did love it once he got at it. He loves balls and will play with them all day. He easily entertain himself. Sometimes I'll be downstairs and I won't see him... I go into the playroom and there he is just playing and discovering. He still loves to point at everything he wants. He loves his binkies still. He will crawl around the house and find them and have one in his month and one in each hand and rotate them out haha. He still has his cute long curls in his hair that I cant seem to part with. Even though he gets called a girl quite often! I think its bc he has such a pretty face:) He is definitely getting more personality though. He is still easy going but when he wants something he will let us know. Him and his brother are starting to fight a little. He screams when Wyatt takes something of his. But they also are starting to play so cute together. I forget how busy one years are! He is getting into all kinds of messes! Him and Wyatt together make me scared haha! Sawyer loves the water...bathtime and pool time. He loves to be outside and ride the play cars. I need to try and videotape this next time it happens but everytime we get in the car and he is getting tired he starts doing this mumble thing that is so cute. I feel like its his way of putting himself to sleep but its just funny because he does it everytime!
11 months
Sawyer turned 11 months on June 11th. He still only had two teeth at that point! He sleeps great through the night with 2 naps during the day. He does down really easy in his crib. He still is loving table food. I would say the only food that he doesnt like so far is avacado. Which is funny because Wyatt loved it! He loves meat and blueberries the most:) He is almost done nursing. He will nurse one or two times a day but he is just over it. He is still crawling all around, trying to climb the stairs and walking all along things. He loves to get on the play cars and motorcycles and chase his brother. Sawyer loves to be outside. He will crawl to the back door and just sit there and bang on it. He loves to point to everything. He just sticks out his index finger, its the cutest. He is still the sweetest happiest so laid back baby.
10 months Sawyer
Sawyer turned 10 months and is busier than ever! He is climbing stairs, pulling himself up onto things and walked along them, pulling all the wipes out, got into the flour bag, unrolling the toilet paper, opening drawers, pulling dvds and books off of shelves:) Its busy but so cute! Wyatt and him are playing cute together too. I will find them both in the playroom with Wyatt talking to Sawyer its so cute. They are gonna be buddies! Sawyer is finally sleeping all the way through the night! He still only has two teeth! I feel like he has been kinda the worst teether as far as it taking forever. He isnt really fussy about it at all except for he will wake up a few times at night every once and awhile. So we keep saying any day now and he will get his top teeth in! He usually takes two good naps a day when we are home. If we are out and about he is such a trooper and isnt cranky at all. I love this easy going baby. Last month he had a lot of firsts....disneyland, the beach (he wasn't too fond of the sand at first but then he loved it!), french fries, ice cream, cake....I'm a lot more relaxed with the second one. He loves to wave to everyone that walks by. He has clapped a couple times and started to play peek a boo with his blanket its darling. He loves to eat and gets super excited when we give him something. He loves to eat what we are eating. Loves table food and isnt picky (he even eats more than his brother most days). He also loves to hang out in pantrys. Haha its super funny how it finds them at everyone's house and hangs out and tries to get into the food. One day he even crawled over to my diaper bag and just puled out all the snacks and started double fisting a pear:) Sawyer is super ticklish and the happiest baby still. We took him to disneyland a few different times and he still is just happy all day long never even cries. I feel blessed to be this sweet boys mother. Happy 10 months Sawyer Bug <3 br="">3>
9 months
wow time is sure flying by. I cant believe that in 3 short months my baby will be one! He has taken off crawling around everywhere. I forgot how fast they are when they crawl. He is one determined baby. He crawls over to the stairs and tries his hardest to climb up but only makes it up half way onto one step before he gets stuck and starts screaming! Its cute to see his little personality developing. He is trying to pull himself up onto things, hes so strong! He still only has 2 bottom teeth but his top two teeth are almost going to cut through. He had a 103 fever on and off for a few days and Im pretty sure it was because of his teeth. You can feel how swollen his top gums are...poor buddy. He has kinda started to wave...he only does its sometimes but its super cute when he does. He loves table food. He will double fist a whole banana:) He loves blueberries and watermelon and pears. He likes oatmeal, coconut yogurt and cauliflower too. He isn't too picky so I am hoping that lasts. He recently has slowed down on the nursing to only 3-4 times a day. It kinda makes me sad bc it means he is getting older and closer to being done nursing. I really do love nursing my babies (there is just a bond that you cant describe). He has been pretty much sleeping through the night the last couple weeks (with the exception of teething, when he wakes up in pain he loves to nurse and sleep in bed with us.) He loves our bed and I dont mind him sleeping in there:) I just love watching him and Wyatt develop their relationship. Sawyer loves to watch Wyatt and thinks he is so funny. Sawyer loves to sleep on his tummy still. He is such a funny sleeper. I have caught him sleeping in the sitting position a couple times in his crib (so silly!). Sawyer is such a good sleeper I literally walk into his room at night, turn off his light and he lays his head on my chest and closes his eyes. I love those queit moments I get at night to cuddle him and rock him to sleep. He is so cuddly and chill all the time. We love our Sawyer bug!
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