Although her birthday was Tuesday, we celebrated on Monday because we had ball games and such on Tuesday. She didn't know the difference.
I decided to make her a strawberry cake because she LOVES strawberries. (and because Dave and I are doing a weight loss challenge and angel food cake is way less calories than anything else). I took Sabree and Braden to Costco with me that morning to buy strawberries and as soon as she laid eye on those red berries she went crazy. She was very upset I would let her have all of them right then. When we checked out I grabbed a plastic knife from the pizza place and cut up a few and put them in a cut and she was in dog heaven in the car eating her berries.
Then more for lunch.
Then that evening I took the berries to the park with me to cut them up while we watched Tanner practice ball and she again ate berries. This is her face when I say, "no more berries."
She didn't care about that candle at all!
By the time it came around to strawberries and cake, I think she was all strawberried out. She mostly just played in the cake.
For a one year old she sure got spoiled with lots of gifts!
We sure love our funny girl!!!
Sabree is now a walker. She stands up and goes more often than crawling now. And she is getting pretty fast.
She is also obsessed with shoes. She wants shoes on all the time and will find whatever of her shoes she can and bring them to you to put them on her. She holds her foot straight up in the air so you can put it on. She loves her brothers and gets so excited if any of them come to play with her. She loves our kitties. Strawberries and grapes are her favorite food. She like so swing and play on the slide. She loves to be outside and if there is water around she is there! She loves bath time and if Braden will bathe with her it is the best. She has figured out how to crawl backwards down the stairs. She says "here kitty kitty" and will say mama and daddy but I am still not sure it is intentional. She HATES the carseat. Sabree is a really great sleeper and eater. She goes to bed and takes naps like a champ and sleeps for really good stretches during the day and all night. Her hair is like a feather, but is sure cute when it is in piggy tails. She is 22 lbs and in the 65 percentile for her weight. She is much bigger than her brothers were at this age - they were barely 19 lbs at a year. But she has tiny feet.
Happy Birthday little Peanut!