Allowing three people a day to be jerks
I used to get excited over every little thing, particularly when I was behind the wheel of a car, so I adopted a philosophy that stood me in good stead for years: allow three people a day to be jerks before you take anything too seriously.
I don't know if I can keep it up much longer, though. A philosophical question: do the three people have to include Chuck Shumer? Or can I make an exception and get my blood pressure up every time I see him on television without abandoning my convictions?
I'm not extra fussy. I can take Maxine Walters in my stride any day of the week, as when she announces that 600 million people will lose their health insurance or something like that. Nancy Pelosi doesn't bother me, I know she's a big liar; Al Franken doesn't get my goat, neither does that old blowhard, Joe Biden. But Shumer gets to me every day that Congress is in session.
Thank God Congress is taking a vacation soon, so I can take a vacation from them. It does wonders for my blood pressure.