Delaware Top Blogs

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Israel needs the death penalty

and damn soon. Whether Hez kidnapped Israeli soldiers to achieve the release of prisoners is doubtful. They probably just felt like killing, torturing, and upsetting Jews and showing the world what big, bad guys they are.

However, the prisoners Hez says it wants released, particularly Samir Kuntar, could not even be used as a pretext if Israel had the death penalty, and used it. If it's good enough for Eichmann, it's good enough for Arab terrorists.

Israel has no qualms about targeted assassination. So why not the death penalty? These guys all want to rejoin Allah ASAP. It would be a real kindness to give them a helping hand.

Gender confusion?

Poor guy.

Dear Ann Landers: What are first date panties?

Can someone enlighten me?

I got a new pair of first date panties. I am optimistic that they will be worn sometime soon. I also got becca a pair of fdp's. She was so embarrassed I thought she might just walk out of the store. Hers is black, sheer, thong with ruffles and this feather type thing on the crotch. perfect first date panties.

What would second date panties look like? Engagement panties? Wedding panties? The possibilities are endless.

A new holiday

coourtesy of I got news:

Today is BlogDay! Yay!

What is BlogDay? It's simple. We're celebrating bloggers and the blogosphere by going out and finding 5 new blogs that we didn't know about before. We're telling them that we've nominated them for BlogDay and we're listing them. I say "we" cause I hope you'll join me. It's fun.

Good idea!

Vacations from blogging?

Mark posted this

From the Wall Street Journal:


n the height of summer-holiday season, bloggers face the inevitable question: to blog on break or put the blog on a break? Fearing a decline in readership, some writers opt not to take vacations. Others keep posting while on location, to the chagrin of their families. Those brave enough to detach themselves from their keyboards for a few days must choose between leaving the site dormant or having someone blog-sit.


Pumping, and not pumping, gas

My regular readers (Hi there, both of you) will know I have a thing about pumping gas. I seriously dreaded leaving New Jersey because you aren't allowed to fill your own tank in the Garden State.

When I first moved to Delaware, I thought I'd get used to doing it myself. So far, I have managed to snooker someone else into pumping for me every time. I've now developed a real phobia about doing it.

Then I drove to Massachusetts, with my partner in crime, BG. BG not only can't pump, she can't even drive. On the way, as is inevitable, we had to stop for gas in some godforsaken place in upstate New York.

Park car. Check. Open gas tank. Check. Get out credit card. Check. Okay so far. Then I fumble with the gas cap--I can't get that sucker open.

An older man sees me and BG struggling futilely with the gas cap. He comes over to "show" us how to do it. He opens the cap, filled the gas tank, and then demonstrates how to close it. We thank him profusely.

He leaves with a jaunty, "Good luck, girls!"

So far, so good.

In Lenox, I remembered, there is a full-service gas station, complete with attendant. I stopped there and got the attendant to do the dirty deed.

On the way home, I had to go through New Jersey, so I got a full tank pumped for me. Pure bliss--my vacation was a success.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Two who googled me

1. Naked while drinking Diet Coke

2. Pronounce Skuylkill?

The others are even less interesting.

Just think, there's another poor soul out there like me, not knowing how to pronounce Skuylkill!

Islam is the religion of peace: discuss.

by Astute Blogger.

Question: If Israel has to give up its territory, why shouldn't Islam give up the Christian and animist countries they conquered? Fair is fair.

If Bush were really a dictator...

he would have Jimmy Carter rubbed out.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

My little brother

Who now has grey hair and a beard, and three children. Posted by Picasa

What does John Kerry want to be President of?

The smoking hole in the ground that will be all that remains of this country when our enemies finish us off?

Just asking.

Monday, August 28, 2006

A couple of teenagers overheard in the diner

Girl I: "If I had to pay my own phone bill, I'd kill myself."

Girl II: "You mean you don't pay your own phone bill?"

Girl I: "Are you kidding? My last phone bill was over 560 dollars."

If I were her mother, she wouldn't have to kill herself. I'd do it.

An ode to the Ginsu knife

From Jack.

I feel sorry for Wal-Mart

First, Andrew Young, and now Al Gore is making nice.

Corporate disaster is sure to follow.

Advice for Mayor Nagin...

on how to run a city:

We lived in Chicago for awhile. There were a couple of snow disasters awhile back -- and the people of Chicago promptly voted out the mayor who failed to get the snow plowed. The result is that the streets in Chicago get plowed. The streets in Chicago will probably continue to get plowed for two years after Armageddon.

Richard Daley's been in office for a couple of decades. It's the family business, his father Richard J Daley's remembered fondly as Da Mayor. But, do you think for a second that Richie Daley will let his city die while he's photo-opping Democrat talking points? Do you think for a second that he'd keep his office if he did?

Read the whole thing.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

I've been memed

by Snoopy:

Book that changed my life: (face turns red) It was Mary Poppins, when I was about 7. A chapter book. I was able to read it from start to finish, proving to me that I could read real books (not picture books), and started a long career of pleasure.

Books I've read more than once: There are so many. Let's start with Pride and Prejudice. Morte D'Urban by F. X. Powers, which I've read so many times I can't read it any more.

Books I'd like to read on a desert island: Middlemarch. I read it once, and loved it. But have been unable to re-read it yet. It's a long book, so if I haven't been rescued by the time I've finished it, call off the search.

Book that made me laugh: The first Jeeves book had me rolling on the floor, howling. Subsequent applications of P G Wodehouse had a similar effect. He's great for chasing the blues.

Book that made me cry: Jude the Obscure. I cried more from annoyance than anything else. I must admit that Jude was an unlucky cuss. His author, Thomas Hardy, obviously had it in for him.

Book I wish I'd written: Pictures from an Institution, by Randall Jarrell, a wicked send-up of a "progressive" girls' college, written over 50 years ago.

Book you wish had never been written: the da Vinci Code. Its presence on the bestseller list makes me wonder whether democracy is such a hot idea.

Book I'm currently reading: Paradise News, by David Lodge. Excellent. I'm racing through it.

Book I'm meaning to read. In Search of Lost Time, by Proust. I can't seem to finish it. Maybe I'll pack it with Middlemarch for my desert island sojourn.

Tag 5 other unlucky souls:
Rachel; Air Force Wife; Akaky; Matt; and Greta.

Al Gore's global warming messes up my vacation

What a weird summer! First rain, torrential rain, then heat that practically set the lawn ablaze, than when I go on vacation, freezing!

I froze my butt off in Canada, came home and did my laundry, then went to the Berkshires to enjoy some of their rainy, cold weather. We wore all our clothes--at the same time--and even stopped off at a local Marshall's to buy a couple of jackets to protect us from the elements.

Tanglewood was terrific, as usual, but very few people turned out for Friday evening's concert.

I blame it all on Al Gore's global warming. Not content to invent the Internet so child molesters could more easily find victims, he had to go and invent global warming, which caused the Berkshires to lose their sunny charm. All the motels had vacancy signs.

Innkeepers of Massachusetts, unite! Put a stop to this international menace, and foil his knavish tricks.

If someone doesn't take action, what catastrophe will happen next? I hate to even think about it.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Going away again

to the beautiful Berkshires. Back Saturday or Sunday. Posted by Picasa

Monday, August 21, 2006

At typical school in rural England

From our friends at Little Frigging on the Wold.

This post made me think twice

It's so easy to get discouraged, if you watch the MSM and listen to the talking heads. This post is reassuring.

[T]ying Iranian-backed Shi'a militias in with Baathist and Salaafist fighters (who spent a significant amount of time and effort killing Shi'a) is wrong at best, dishonest at worse.

What this uptick in violence represents is not an angry country trying to rid itself of an occupying power... that's silly. If that's what the goverment wanted, all they have to do is say "leave," rather than "please don't go away yet." What this is is the increased aggression of foreign-backed militias. They've gotten themselves into a zealous, earth-cleansing crusading frenzy, helped by the Hezb'Allah drama and Ahmadouchebag's apocalyptic rhetoric, and by god they're going to purify their land with fire and blood. (they really do talk like that you know)

There may be a civil war in Iraq if no suitable peaceful way is found to reduce these militias; but it won't be sectarian. It'll be US- backed/nationalist/loyalist and Iran-backed/religious/rebel. If we depart without leaving a secure, unchallanged government (in whatever form) then we've handed the country to Iran and invited intervention by the other Arab powers. They've been working against us almost from the beginning, first with money, then with bombs and bullets.

The Baathists are beaten, and Al Qaeda is beaten. Now it's a war by proxy with Iran. Inshal'lah, after them there won't be another enemy and we can go home. Or invade Iran. Whatever.

Read the whole thing.

I can't forget how we were snookered during the Vietnam War by the MSM, led by Walter (the most trusted man in America) Cronkite. We won the Tet offensive! Who knew? It was presented as a disastrous loss, and there was no-one to say otherwise.

I did feel that my country was besmirched when we left hurriedly, abandoning thousands who had counted on our support. We had blood on our hands -- a shameful episode in American history.

The media did not approve of the invasion of Iraq even before it occurred, and have gone out of their way to paint it as a disaster. Of course, our political leadership is at fault for not making a case with the American public. Apparently this is a lost art. The last President who took the trouble to educate the electorate was FDR.

Meanwhile, the press has done a world of harm, particularly the NY Times. The publicity they gave to Stalin and Fidel Castro was crucial to persuading the American people to buy into the schemes of these two enemies of humanity.

If I find even myself, a skeptic, inclined to believe the worst, how about the rest of the public?

Meanwhile, the beat goes on. Lebanese children's bodies are shown pulled out of the rubble. Apparently Israeli children are bulletproof. And Hezbollah is a big benefactor of the Arabs.

Keep up the good work.