Delaware Top Blogs

Friday, September 25, 2020


 It was really heart-warming to see the responses to my kvetching.  Thank everyone of you.  L love you too.  You are the true comrades of my heart.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Tell me if you are still here.

 I would like comments from my readers just to inform me that I, and they, are still alive.

I know I am not as amusing as I was once, but I'll work on it, if you are stil reading this thing.

Protection racket

The Mafia should take a hint from their spiritual cousins, the Credit Bureau.  I just opened my experian credit  report, to discover that I had 6 (six) black marks on my credit report.

One of them is from Nissan Acceptance, which totally muddled my credit by keeping three accounts open and not accepting the checks which my bank faithfully forwarded to them.  I was never told I was in arrears ro this company. They just kept sending me bills.  They reported my account as delinquent to the credit bureau but not to me.  I I am trying to purchase a new home and was informed that I was delinquent.  I then looked into the matter and discovered that I was paying into the wrong account.   Attempts to rectify the situation were shrugged off.  A credit report is as final and irreversible as death, apparently.  From the Nissan dealership and Experian I received no help and no courtesy whatever.  Sucks to be me, was the final answer.

At long last, Nissan sent back the payments I had made  to the wrong account.

I finally asked to look at my credit report.  To my amazement, I had 6 (six) black marks on my credit report.  One was from Macy's, where I had had an account for about 40 years.  I never had a complaint from them.  The other four were baseless.

Experian offered to "repair my credit" for a payment the amount of which was undisclosed.  I refused.  I want no further dealing with these weasels.

It was just another protection racket, but apparently legal.  So the Mafia ought to rethink their business practices.






Friday, September 04, 2020

A license to be rude in horrible 20/20

Now that we are enduring a never ending wall-to-wall corona-virus public health emergency, people are enjoying the luxury of being rude to their fellow citizens.  Commentors on websites no longer restrain themselves from wishing those who disagree with them slow lingering and painful deaths.  Or from releasing personal information about those they consider in error .  Or showing up at the homes of their fellow citizens to threaten death and destruction and keep their innocent neighbors up to all hours by shouting, dancing and singing, 


Every day brings idiotic but necessary tasks, like figuring out why $970 worth of car payments did not reach Nissan although the money came out of my bank account.  The person taxed by Nissan to figure it out was very reluctant to help in any way; in fact, he audibly rejoiced in  his inability to be of any assistance.


I persisted, and eventually he informed me that the money went into the account for the car I traded in for this one.  You see how boring and stupid this was, right?  How uninspiring it was?


Now,  I have to prove that my EZPass is not working.  There are no actual humans involved in the EZPass system.  It's voice mail jail all the way.  If the problems they prefer are not the actual problems you have they hang up, saving themselves endless effort.  Although, being government emloyees, they never exert themselves anyway.



Wednesday, August 26, 2020

The wheels have come off, and the nation is merrily rolling down a cliff

 When I worked at the library, I was the secretary of the library board.  That meant I took the minutes, and I could put whatever I wanted into them.  if something had been mentioned at the meeting I did not want discussed, I left it out of the minutes presented at the next meeting, and it was officially a dead letter.  If I wanted action on something, I included it in the minutes and we eventually worked on it.


This worked well when I had harmonious relations with the Board; they trusted me.  When the politicians got their greasy fingers on the minutes, our treasurer insisted on hiring a stenographer to insure that the minutes were completely opaque and revealed nothing.  The money to pay her came out of--where else?--the book budget.  But that was okay, because no-one on the Board actually read a book and had no idea why we had a book budget.  

I recalled this handy arrangement when I heard of the FBI's Form 302.  The 302 reports were written by the agents who interviewed the subjects.  Though these were treated like holy writ, in truth the agent could claim whatever he/she liked and the subject had no recourse.  HThe interviewer could revise the 302 to say whatever he wanted it to say.  What a great way to slander and vilify people!  And how unnecessary, especially in a day and age when everyone has access to video tape.  A video tape of an interview would transparently reveal the facts of the case.  But this was not done.  It appears that videotaping interviewees is still not being done.  Suggestion:  why involve the subject in the interview at ll, why not just let the agent make up whatever he or she wishees to say without even involving the subject.  Yes, that would save time and have the same result.  Much easier all around, no?

When I heard about these Holy 302 the scales fell from my eyes, and the FBI was revealed as the corrupt and useless organization it truly was.  Subsequent events revealed just how malevolent the FBI was and still is. Totally politicized, it's only reason for existing is to set traps for the duly elected President and pull him down. It's a jobs program for the useless and malevolent like Brennan, McCabe, Lisa Page and her lovers and no doubt countless others, all of whom make far more money than the taxpayers, poor fish, who support these parasites.

But I digress.  I really wanted to draw attention to how awful routine daily living had become.  Try to make a dental appointment, or get your hair done, or have your eyes examined.  They really rake you over the coals for attempting such impudent activities.  Everyone is hiding behind a screen of voicemail, using Covid 19  as a justification for their rudeness and incompetence.

According to the poet e e cummings: "There's a hell of a universe next door, let's go!"  I'd like to be transported to that universe as soon as it becomes feasible.  As soon as I get the app on my phone, and can a leave a message on the proper person's voicemail.

Friday, August 21, 2020

still alive and trying to stay that way

 Yes, I am still alive.  I miss the old days of blogging, when other bloggers read your posts and reacted to them.  Now, it's all Facebook and other, still more horrible websites.

I loved the old blogger sites: Matt Peak, where are you?  Also airforcewife, whose life was so interesting and lively.  Johnny Virgil, a really talented writer who lived in Upstate New York, could always make me laugh.  Texas scribbler? Tatiana/?  If I forgot to mention you, sorry.  I can barely remember my dentist's name, and I see him every six months.

I am depressed by our country's plight, and my own.  The whole country seems to have been led by a pack of idiots for years, and now we know it.  The jig is up, but the masks remain.  Whose idea was it to quarantine the healthy, anyway?


How in the world did, in a country of 330,000, Bill Di Blasio, rise to a calling in life higher than a pizza delivery man?  No one is more qualified than him?  Really? If you can explain it to me, please do.

Joe Biden, really? The most pressing issue for Democrats is how to pronounce K Harris's name, while Joe can't remember to put his socks on before his shoes.




Saturday, January 25, 2020


Instapundit has a link to all the experts of the last 50 years.  Their record so far has been dismal.  I noted that when Obama took office that many of his appointees had degrees from Harvard.  I found this information scary, but I didn't know how scary it really was.

The place ought to be closed down before they do any more damage.  Let's turn it into a homeless shelter.

Thursday, January 02, 2020

Running around wtih deadly weapons

Israel is full of young people carrying deadly weapons.  Why is it okay for them, but dangerous for us? Don't they have the normal percentage of crazy people?  Especially crazy young people?  All the young people I know are at least somewhat crazy, but they do not go berserk and attack harmless civilians.

Maybe it's something in the water.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Miraculous recovery

So for the last year I've been seeing medical specialists, none of whom thought I needed antibiotics, all of whom prescribed tests, My whole body was tested out.  The last prescription was for a chest x-ray, the third one in three months.  I threw it away.

Thanksgiving rolled around, and I got sick and tired of feeling lousy since the previous Thanksgiving, feelling tired, so tired I couldn't even read, but sat on the couch clicking the remote control.   When I am too tired to read, it's time to start pricing coffins.

What is it with doctors who don't prescribe antibiotics? I understand that teir overuse is to be avoided, but come on, one year of feeling  lousy is a year too much.  Will tne entire population of the mid-Atlantic region become immune to antibiotics if one person takes them needlessly?  And if that is the case, I am willing to risk the sacrifice of the health of the entire region  If that will make me feel better. I'm selfish that way.

My dentist told me I was anemic, and recommended a hematologist.  She had had the same thing.

So--I got my antibiotic and also iron pills that made me sick to my stomach.  After three days, I was able to sit up and read a mystery--the Ranger, by Ace Atkins--and enjoy it.  After five days I went back to the gym and lifted weights.  I have come out of the comatose state!

And that is where I've been for the last year and why I haven't posted anything.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Scene from the Soviet Union, or business as usual?

I was brought to a local  hospital emergency room due to shortness of breath at 6 p.m.  I was there until 4 a.m.  No explanation was given to those in the waiting room.  At around 10:30 p.m a young man who was accompanying his wife lost his patience and began to remonstrate loudly.

  Immediately, this young man was surrounded by 6 security guards and driven out of the building. I attempted to record this on my phone but one of the security guards made me stop.

  The rest of the patients either slept, purchased snacks at the snack machines and ate them, or stared aat their cell phones.

  At 4 a.m., a nurse came and got me.  She explained that there was a shortage of rooms and a shortage of nurses.  There were doctors waiting who were unable to see the patients because there was no room in which they could see them.  I complained, jokingly, that people could be found dead in this emergency room.  She admitted that this had actually happened.  She was not joking.

  I can't complain about the care I was given.  The doctors and nurses were very professional and thorough, except that they neglected to ask what medications I was already taking.  However, I had brought my medications with me and was allowed to take them, after the doctor had been consulted and permitted it.

  Imagine what this scene would be like if we were all on Medicare--better yet, imagine the scene in the UK, where patients are made to wait for life-saving surgery for months, or until they die of their diseases.

Wednesday, October 09, 2019

Abolish the CIA and the FBI

I have a queasy feeling that none of the wrongdoers: Brennan, Comey, Susan Rice and the rest--will ever suffer for their crimes.  Correct me if you disagree , but I have a feeling that none of them will spend an hour in jail unless they take the tour of Eastern State Penitentiary.

  All of these guys will either be working as well-paid lobbyists or will be hired by CNN, MSNBC, Netflix or Disney.  Will Hillary Clinton pay any price for her disregard of the rules on email or her dastardly behavior at Benghazi?  Decidedly not.

  The FBI appears to be rotten to the core.  The only recourse we have is to abolish it.  It has served its purpose, if it had a purpose.

  A great deal of indignation was heard from the left when Gerald Ford pardoned Nixon.  Nixon was less guilty than any of these presumptive felons.

  Much is made of Trump's extra-marital activities, but it was perfectly okay for Ted Kennedy to have left a woman to drown, among his other escapades.  What about Bill Clinton?

  More and more I am inclining to believe that justice is for the little guy or the unfortunate people who are caught in the crosshairs, like Scooter Libby.

Friday, October 04, 2019

I keep forgetting how old I am

Sometimes I feel it would only be courteous to be dead by now and stop wasting government money.  If I lived in one of those enllightened countries where they refuse surgery to people above a certain age, I would most certainly have died by now.

I   was reading about Winston Churchill's mother, Jennie Jerome, who in middle age said that she could not get used to not being the best-looking woman in the room.  This was not a problem for me; I was probably number 10 of the 50 best looking women in any room in my youth, providing here were more than 50 women in the room..  I would be happy to settle for that now.

  In other news, I ordered a jacket from wish.con in size 2XX and it was too small for a child or 12.  I don't want the jacket but can't figure out how to return it.  So I won't order anything from them again.  Too bad, it is a pretty color.  Anyone knowing a n extremely slim midget is invited to write to me and I would be happy to send it to him/her/them/zhem.

I wish everyone a Happy New Year, even if you're not Jewish.  A janitor who used to work with m,e said the Jewish hollidays always have good weather.  It doesn't make up for 6000 years of persecuation, but I'll take anything these days. 

  No more mews at present.

Wednesday, September 04, 2019

Don't mess with old ladies

True story:

Years ago, an elderly lady in Paterson, NJ was playing cards with a couple of friends when someone attempted to break into her house.  She chased him away and went on with her card game. 

  Later that evening, when she was alone, he came back and attempted to break into her house again.  The fearless codgerette shot him.

  She was then arrested by the police   It seems it is illegal to shoot a gun in peaceful, bucolic Paterson.  

  There was a public outcry and the charges were  dropped.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

A dissenting view of "A man for all seasons"

Instapundit has a post today invoking the movie, "A man for all Seasons"  posted by Gail Heriot.

  Not so fast!  Thomas More sent Protestants to the gallows very enthusiastically when he had the power to do so.  He also courted martyrdom.  Plenty of Catholics escaped to France when they realized they were in danger.  Escape might have been difficult but it was possible.  Instead,  he courted martyrdom, no matter how unpleasant this outcome would be for his family.  The man slept in a hair shirt, for God's sake.

  The movie was esthetically very pleasing, beautifully acted and photographed.  The script was very persuasive.  But you don't get to change history for esthetic reasons.  Facts should not be falsified.  But they are.  Look at all the movies about the Hollywood Ten.  They may have been persecuted but they were unpleasant individuals.  Dalton Trumbo was particularly elevated to undeserved sainthood.   And Elia Kazan was vilified.

      I'm not saying More should have been executed for his beliefs; no-one should be.  But he might have saved himself and did not attempt to do so.  He was not a martyr for free speech, as portrayed in the movie.  He sought martyrdom for religious reasons.  It must have been an unpleasnt surprise for him to die and wake up in hell.

Friday, August 09, 2019

Life for the working classes is not nasty, brutish, or short anymore.

I have been hosting airbnb lately,  which has given me the opportunity to meet lots of young men in the building trades.   They are not poor.  Unless $50 an hour with time and a half for overtime and double on Sunday is poverty.

  These guys are not only not poor, they are not stupid.  They study hard to qualify as journeymen--for electricians, it's a four year apprenticeship and the training is rigorous.  Those I have met are nice, polite young men who make their beds and bring in the garbage cans and offer to help me if they think I need help doing something.  They are respectful and polite.

  A college degree is no longer a golden ticket for young people.  Taking courses in diversity and inclusion will get you nowhere, and they are an insult to the liberal arts.   Spending hours in a classroom listening to some gasbag rave about the injustice of everything is tedious and a waste of time.

Monday, July 29, 2019

The Mueller investigation

In investigating what, if anything, can be learned from the Mueller report, I discovered that FBI agents do not videotape or record their interviews.  Instead, they file what is called a 302, a paper document summarizing their impressions!  This cutting edge technology was no doubt instituted by J Edgar Hoover, the great blackmailer of presidents of both parties.

In an age when every high school dropout has a cell phone that can photograph any interaction, the FBI files a 302.  Has no one ever suspected that an agent can say whatever he wants on this document, in other words, can lie, and no one can contradict him?  

  The Attorney General should order all agents to videotape all interviews by government agents.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

College life in the twentieth century

I went to college in the twentieth century.  They were pretty strict.  One sex dorms, with curfews, which were rigorously enforced.  If there were student organizations, I was unaware of them and didn't participate in them.  There was a student government, but I never knew anyone who participated in them or even voted in their elections.  They were powerless in any case and did not matter.

  There were not many officials in the administration.  Each college--arts and science, art, etc.--had a dean, and there was a dean of students.  I met only one dean in my time there, and that was when I wanted to drop Italian because I was simultaneously taking French and German and it was making me crazy to learn so many languages at the same time.  He gently remonstrated with me, suggesting that there would come a time when I would want to read Dante in the original, but reluctantly signed off on my request.

  Each dorm had a housemother.  Fraternities had them too, but I didn't belong to one.

  Here's how we spent our time.  There were classes all week, including Fridays.  During the week, we students studied, played games like ping pong, gossiped, hung out with friends, and went to the movies.  There were sports team, like football and wrestling.  Weekends we hung out with friends, dated, and drank.  No one coordinated our activities, unless we came to the attention of the police.

But our thoughts were our own.  Yes, you could believe anything you wanted to!   No one sought, in the words of Queen Ellzabeth, to have windows into our souls.

Friday, June 21, 2019

Trying to understand the Mueller Report

It's too much for me.  Trump did nothing we can prove, but he must be guilty anyway. 

  I don't recall when O J Simpson was acquitted of murder, that the verdict was Not Guilty with a Side Order of You Did It all Right.

  I'm also not happy with process crimes, like lying to the FBI about some matter of which you know nothing but you're going to jail anyway. as happened to Scooter Libby.  But that is a side issue.

  The thing that has me gobsmacked is the filling oout of form 302 by FBI agents.  In a day and age when cameras are obiquitous, agents do not record or film their interviews with "persons of interest."

Instead they fill out Form 302, afterwards, possibly with a chisel on a stone tablet.  How quaint!  Or maybe it's on sheepskin.

I no longer expect any government official to do his job.  They get paid for just showing up, doing anything must be contracted to an outside agency.

Friday, June 07, 2019

California dreaming, nightmare division

I just got back from California, aka Democratic headquarters.  Everyone is a Democrat there, including children, pets, and wildlife.  I really felt very lonely.  Wrong--I felt like a criminal.  I actually felt like someone in one  of those science fiction movies who finds himself dropped into a strange new universe which is not subject to gravity

I don't mind being thought crazy, but I  object to being told I have blood on my hands because of maniacs shooting innocent people some place I have never been.  I'm not a second amendment freak, I've never shot anyone with anything, even a slingshot. 

Are all the people in the US delusional?  Or is it just California ?

Sunday, May 05, 2019

I miss the old blogwolrd

 I am nobody, coming from a long  line of nobodies, respectable but  obscure, all of whom minded their own business  and did not share their innermost thoughts with anyone.  

  Contrary to this distinguished but uncommunicative heritage, I began sharing my thoughts, ideas, prejudices, and daily occurences on blogger in 2004. For one thing, it was free!

   At that time, the web was full of blogs by ordinary people like me- laymen, civilians, call them what you will-but they had a variety of interests, activities, professions, and were fun to hear from.  I used to have a blogroll, with 18 or 20 names on it, and I enjoyed interacting with them.

 Most of them were amusing, some very talented and witty. I would comment on their blogs, and they on mine.  Comments flew back and forth.  Most people posted every day or two -three days a week.  It was Facebook avant la lettre, but much more interesting.  People did not regularly post pictures of their pets, for one thing.  One really felt connected to fellow bloggers, unlike Facebook friends, who I am sure don't care a straw about me. Nor, to be honest, do I care for most of them,with exceptions.

    I liked to post about my family, growing up, about New Jersey, which I was about to leave or about Delaware, where I was headed,  about being Jewish, and about Mr Charm, my late husband, and his peculiarities.  Books I had been reading.  Weird stuff, and ordinary stuff.

  But what does it matter? That blog world is long gone.   I don't know what happened.  Perhaps the blogosphere was taken over by experts or poisoned by politics.  Or maybe most people had better things to do.  

  I miss my former blogfriends.  I wonder what happened to them, but I guess I'll never know.  Unless they post something on Facebook.