Let's try anyway.
So - Maya. Born March 1st, 2011. Her birth was amazing. I had her at our home in Alon Shvut, with our regular midwife Joyce. It was a Tuesday afternoon, and even though I was having some contractions every so often I picked up all 3 kids as usual from gan at 1:30. By 3 o'clock the contractions were getting more regular and stronger, so Micah took Eyal, Adi and Tiger (the dog) to my parents' house. Aliza stayed with me, as she had decided to attend the birth. By 3:30 Joyce was at our home and Micah had returned. Joyce immediately put Micah to work running around the house finding different things she needed and preparing clothing etc. By around 5 I felt ready to push, and out came a little baby girl. It was so fast and incredible. My mother had just made it over, about 20 minutes before the birth. But unfortunately by the time my sister Chana got there, Maya was already born. My mother gave the other kids dinner and with Micah's help put them all to sleep. But not before Eyal and Adi came in to meet their new sister. The next morning when everyone woke up they all climbed into bed with us, being extra careful not to bother the new baby. It was so special having everyone cuddling together, enjoying each others company and warmth and appreciating the new addition to our family. It just felt so right, and I once again was so happy and grateful that I had given birth at our home and was able to experience this in such an intimate setting.
Micah was amazingly helpful in the next few days taking care of everyone and everything while I rested all day in bed.
Life since then has been non-stop hectic craziness. Getting everyone ready in the mornings for gan, picking everyone up, making and eating lunch, entertaining them all afternoon, making dinner, feeding the brood and then bedtime. All day, everyday. That's my motto.
Seriously though, by now we are in a nice routine. In the mornings everyone can feed themselves, so while they eat I can make them food to take to gan/school. After Aliza, who has started first grade, gets on her bus, the rest of us get dressed and get ready to take Eyal to his gan and Adi to the gan across the way. When I get back from taking them I can clean up from breakfast and get some errands done before Maya's nap.
I feel that life in general has a nice, if fast paced, rhythm to it. For the most part everyone gets along and I feel that my kids see me smiling and happy more often than upset about something.
Aliza has started first grade and seems to be enjoying it so far. She has a relatively small class of 20 girls and her teacher seems to genuinely care for each girl and is very on top of everything that is going on. We do homework together almost everyday, which Aliza does pretty easily and happily. I hope her school experience continues this way.
Eyal has had a slightly harder time being in a separate gan from Adi. He is still a bit shy of his teacher and I frequently have to leave him there crying. I know that he calms down very quickly and when I pick him up he always looks happy. At home he still seems like his regular crazy, energetic, lovable self, so I think he's OK. I need to try to stay on top of it to make sure that it doesn't become too hard for him.
Adi goes to gan pretty happily everyday. He seems to be easy going about the whole thing. He gives his teacher hugs and likes seeing his friends in the morning. He does ask to go play in Eyal's gan for a few minutes before he goes into his gan, but usually is OK going to his class afterwards.
Maya is now 1.5 and ever so cute. She has started saying a few words and is amazing at climbing up the (much too high) ladders at the park. She can be very aggressive at times and never lets anyone get in her way. If you are standing at the top of the slide she wants to go down, you better watch out!
All in all things are good. Busy but good.
It is now 12:15 and either Eyal or Maya will be up at 6:15. So I should get to bed.
More next time!