I am not usually one to ask for help from people, other than family, but I have been better about it while Mitch has been deployed. We needed a fence put up in our yard, and a guy in our ward, who works for
Lowes, had offered to get us a discount there if we ever needed it. So, I asked him about getting a discount on fence material. He just happens to be the
elders quorum president in our ward, and he asked if we have people to put the fence up. When I said my family would likely do it, he offered to get some people from the ward to help. Well, word about the fence got from him, to the relief society, to the bishop, and putting up a fence turned into a ward service project. So, on May 21st, all sorts of ward members gathered in our yard and put up a fence, trimmed trees, pulled weeds, pulled out nasty dead bushes, etc. They also did some work in my neighbors yard (he has MS and can't get out to do all that). The relief society headed up a luncheon, and the ward provided the meat. Brother Griffin headed up the whole thing. He took the measurements, got the permit, got the fence supplies, etc. All I had to do was give my
ok and give him the money. And, he got
Lowes to give us a military discount, which saved us about $200!
Here are pictures of the finished fence and back yard flower bed (2 nasty dead bushes gone!).
Like I said before, I am not usually one to ask for much help. It was incredibly difficult for me to walk around me yard and not get down and help (I can't due to recovering from a c-section). I get emotional every time I think about the service all of these people did for us. And they did it just because Mitch is in Iraq and I just had a baby. This ward has been amazing to us, especially while Mitch has been deployed. There are never ending offers for help, and people don't just say "call if you need anything" - they see a need and get it done! I am so thankful for all that has been done for us. I am so excited to have a fenced yard now so my kids can be more safe, and to help keep me sane.