Sunday, May 22, 2011

Fence Party

I am not usually one to ask for help from people, other than family, but I have been better about it while Mitch has been deployed. We needed a fence put up in our yard, and a guy in our ward, who works for Lowes, had offered to get us a discount there if we ever needed it. So, I asked him about getting a discount on fence material. He just happens to be the elders quorum president in our ward, and he asked if we have people to put the fence up. When I said my family would likely do it, he offered to get some people from the ward to help. Well, word about the fence got from him, to the relief society, to the bishop, and putting up a fence turned into a ward service project. So, on May 21st, all sorts of ward members gathered in our yard and put up a fence, trimmed trees, pulled weeds, pulled out nasty dead bushes, etc. They also did some work in my neighbors yard (he has MS and can't get out to do all that). The relief society headed up a luncheon, and the ward provided the meat. Brother Griffin headed up the whole thing. He took the measurements, got the permit, got the fence supplies, etc. All I had to do was give my ok and give him the money. And, he got Lowes to give us a military discount, which saved us about $200!

Here are pictures of the finished fence and back yard flower bed (2 nasty dead bushes gone!).

Like I said before, I am not usually one to ask for much help. It was incredibly difficult for me to walk around me yard and not get down and help (I can't due to recovering from a c-section). I get emotional every time I think about the service all of these people did for us. And they did it just because Mitch is in Iraq and I just had a baby. This ward has been amazing to us, especially while Mitch has been deployed. There are never ending offers for help, and people don't just say "call if you need anything" - they see a need and get it done! I am so thankful for all that has been done for us. I am so excited to have a fenced yard now so my kids can be more safe, and to help keep me sane.

Dance Recital

Jenna and Rylee had their dance recital on 5/17/2011. They were so stinkin' cute and they had a great time. Unfortunately, their dance teacher, Kortney, is moving to California this summer, so they won't be able to take lessons from her anymore. Jenna says she is done with dance, and wants to try gymnastics, but Rylee would've likely continued. Now I have to find a different teacher if her, or Katie, wants to dance. I have loved Kortney. She is so full of fun and energy and she does an amazing job with such young kids. It will be sad to have her gone, but she said their goal is to come back to IF, so hopefully she will be back by the time Katie is ready for dance.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Tavaci Concert

Jenna and Rylee sing with Terri's Tavaci Singers.

They performed on 5/4/2011. They did a great job and had a fun time.

Madi at 1 week old

It's hard to believe she is already a week old (actually a couple days over a week now). Here are just a few more pictures.

Mitch asked that I get a picture of her dressed like a bunny since she was born the day after Easter. I wanted to find a bunny outfit, but I couldn't find anything small enough, so this is what we get. Her bib says "Some bunny loves me".

Mitch's aunt, Diana, gave us this horse to remind us of her Barney heritage (they raise Shires).

I had to take this just to show how tiny she is. Jenna's baby alive is only a couple inches shorter.

Madi likes to have her hands up and by her face. Rarely does she keep them covered.

The Barney Girls

Most of these pictures are of Madi with her big sisters. All 3 girls absolutely adore Miss Madi. I thought Katelyn would have a hard time adjusting to not being the baby, but she has done quite well. She loves to help with Madi and loves to hold her just like Jenna and Rylee.

Getting ready to leave the hospital. Madi looks so itty bitty in her car seat.

Jenna insisted on pushing me in the wheel chair. She knocked me into a couple corners, but did a pretty good job pushing.

All her hair. She has tons of dark hair in back, but not a lot on top.

Madi with her great-grandma Carney.

I love this picture of all 3 girls reaching for Madi. This was the first time any of them got to hold her, so they all wanted her at once.

Introducing Madilyn "Madi" Rae Barney

Our 4th baby, Madilyn "Madi" Rae Barney, was born on 4/25/2011 at 1:50pm. She weighed 5lb 14oz and was 19 inches long. These are pictures from the day she was born.

We were able skype with Mitch right after she was born, while I was in recovery, so he got to see her within a couple hours of her birth. I was also able to email him pictures throughout the week, and he called me 1-2 times per day to check on us. Things went well for the most part during that first week. I had a c-section, and she was born breach (we had no idea she was breach until they pulled her out). Dr. Huggins did the surgery. I felt a lot more this time that what I have in the past, so it was a bit harder for me. I was able to nurse her immediately with the help of the lactation specialist (I haven't nursed the other 3 girls). A couple days after her birth, I ended up getting an infection in my incision, so that was tough, but otherwise things went well. Madi has jaundice and has had to be on a bili blanket for a few days, so she is our little glow worm. I am doing much better now and I am recovering very quickly, thankfully. I am so thankful for the help of family, friends, and ward members. They have all been so helpful with watching my kids, bringing meals, and just being supportive. I will post more pictures of Madi later.

Rylee's 4th Birthday

Rylee turned 4 on 4/20/2011. Rather than posting pictures of her opening each present, here is a picture of all of her presents and of her cake. My sister in law made this cake. Believe or not, this was her first attempt at a cake like this. I think she did an amazing job! Thanks Rachel.

April random shots

Katelyn stuck this sliver of cashew up her nose one night. We tried to get it out with tweezers, with no luck. I was about ready to take her to the doctor when we decided to try to suck it out with the snot sucker, which worked! Poor girl was traumatized by the whole process of getting it out.

Jenna and Rylee love their little 4-wheeler at grandma and grandpa's house. We gotta watch her though...she is getting pretty brave with it and trying to go faster and faster. They may be girls, but they love their boy toys.

I thought this was kinda funny. Jenna's arms and mouth are in the same position of her baby doll.

Grandpa is reading and looking at pictures with the girls. They love their grandpa's.

The girls love going to the open gym at Idaho Elite Gymnastics. The foam pit is their favorite part, but us adults have to be careful or we sink to the bottom.

Brooke, Rylee, and Katelyn playing with, I mean torturing Uncle Evan. It's a good thing they have uncles to rough house with while their daddies are gone.

Jenna is a little runner. She loves to walk/run to and from school and church. Surprisingly, it doesn't seem to affect her asthma much.

This is our new living room. I had my cousin put new carpet in and then we rearranged the room. I absolutely love it!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Blissful driving

We went to Green Canyon a few weeks ago, and this was our back seat on the way home. All 5 kids fast asleep within 15 minutes of leaving Green Canyon. It was a very quiet, blissful drive home. Swimming really wears ya out...

Sitting and sleeping

Miss Katelyn likes to sit inside things and lay in weird places. If she finds a box or a shelf that she can fit it in/on, she's there. She found this box, container, and spatula and was playing the drum. I love her pose for the camera.

And here she is in one of her weird places. She loves to lay on the stairs for some reason.

Lately, Rylee has been falling asleep in random places, and she falls asleep fast. She just lays down and she is out cold. I love how you can see her feet poking out the side of the chair. I have also caught her sleeping on the kitchen rug, on the couch beneath a princess foam couch, in the middle of the living room floor, and on Jenna's bunk. Funny thing is she'll be awake and talking to you one second, and asleep the next.


We went bowling for my brother in law, Evan's, birthday. The kids loved it.


Geez - February came and went too darn fast! Here are just a few pictures of some things we did in February.

My mom got a paraffin wax bath from my great-grandma's house after she died. We all took advantage and treated our hands to the wax. The girls were brave and put their hands in the hot wax too. It felt amazingly good.

Valentines Day. I thought it was gonna be a hard day with Mitch being gone, but he was proactive and had his mom buy me some flowers. He even specified what type of flowers. He knows I prefer a mixed bouquet over roses, so he made sure to tell her not to get roses. I love my sweetheart!

The girls in the their Valentines Day jammies.

I got this idea from a friend's blog...kindness jars. For family home evening one night, we talked about the importance of doing things for others and being kind to others. The girls earn a penny every time they are caught doing a kind deed, which can include doing or saying good things. So far it is working quite well. It may take awhile for the pennies to amount to anything worth while, but the girls like it, and it is encouraging them to be more mindful of helping and complimenting others.

This is my van when I went through the fence. The road was pure black ice, and I slid off into the barbed wire fence. I ended up with scratches clear up my hood and on my windshield, but otherwise we were all safe. No significant damage and no injuries. Luckily we were right next to my grandparents house, so we just called my mom and brothers to come help and we walked to grandma's while the guys got the car out. It was a little scary, but I was very glad it wasn't worse. We easily could've rolled or hit the pole instead of going between the poles.