Friday, August 21, 2009


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Yellowstone Trip

We went on a little vacation to West Yellowstone last weekend. We had fun, but it was cold. We got a little hint of winter. It was so cold outside that we couldn't see into a lot of the pools because of all the steam, but it was still beautiful. That is an amazing place! These are just some pictures of the family that I thought were cool. I'll post another set of pictures of the scenery.

If you look close at this picture, there is a rainbow in front of the hill. I have never seen a rainbow so close to the ground. It was pretty cool, but unfortunately I couldn't get a very good picture.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Soldier Boy

These are pictures that Mitch took while he was at his last drill. He was gone for 16 days and spent most of it in the desert at Gowen Field in Boise.

This is an ASV 15 ton truck. It has an automated turette with a .50cal machine gun and 40mm grenade launcher machine gun. We took it off-roading. Now that's some good 4-wheeling!

Praying Mantis

The Army motto: "Hurry up and wait"

Sleeping tent with 24 people.

Dirty girls

We went to Heise Saturday for a few hours to visit my dad, who was camping. The girls were covered in dirt within 5 minutes (or less) of being there. These pictures don't even do it justice. Thank goodness I took extra clothes and my parents have a shower in their camp trailer. I guess all that matters is that the girls had fun. Oh, and the mosquitos were nasty. I hardly went outside because I didn't dare take Katelyn out, and I was covered in bites. The girls had repellent on, and they were both covered in bites. It's amazing the mosquitos could even bite them through all the dirt.


Here are some pictures of all 3 girls. Jenna and Rylee love their baby sister. Jenna is a big helper, sometimes too much help. She loves to burp her and hold her. Rylee took a few days to warm up to her, but loves her and is getting used to having her around. I asked Rylee is she's still my baby and she said "no, baby Katelyn is your baby".

This is my favorite picture thus far. I love the connection between Rylee and Katelyn. I couldn't get Katelyn to keep her head turned toward me. She kept turning it to Rylee.
People kept telling me that 3 is much harder than 2. Well, I managed to get through 3 weeks with no husband at home, and we all survived. It is much easier with a husband though. Kudos to all you single moms out there. I don't know if I just prepped myself to think 3 was so hard or if I have easy kids (probably the first one), but so far it's been great. There are definately tough times, but for the most part, we do ok. I went back to work part-time (2 days per week) this week, so that throws a loop in things, but we are all adjusting quite well to our new addition.

Baby Katelyn

Here are some pictures of Katelyn, or "Baby Katelyn" as Rylee calls her. I think I said it in a previous post, but she was 6 lbs and 17.5 inches (although at 9 days she measured 20.5). I'm not sure what she weighs now, but I'm sure close to 7 lbs.

New born. She hasn't even had her bath yet.

After her 1st bath. They brought her with a super cute headband, which quickly came off because it left an indent on her head.

Good wide-eyed shot.

Getting ready to leave the hospital. Can you see how yellow she is. She had jaundice.

As I said before, she had jaundice, so she had to be under this light, which was just a paddle that slide up under her onsie. She was hooked to this for 4 days. We called her our little glow worm.

I love this picture. Kind of a shy looking expression.

This is at almost 2 weeks old. She had this little peace sign thing going on with her fingers in the ultrasound too.

new house

So, I am finally getting some time to update the blog. I have a bunch of pictures, so be patient and enjoy.

This is our new house. We love it! This picture is from when we first moved in. I need to take an updated picture because we have so many beautiful flowers around our house. We need to have a little get together with a bunch of people and play games since we have the space now.