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Source: http://notesalongthepath.com/2013/07/28/what-religion-makes-me-better-from-the-dalai-lama/ |
Music by The Refusers
Monday, July 29, 2013
Explosion à Lac-Mégantic: j’accuse! - Lettre à M. Stephen Harper, premier ministre du Canada
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Source: http://www.ledevoir.com/galeries-photos/explosions-a-lac-megantic-il-y-aura-d-autres-victimes/114556 |
Explosion à Lac-Mégantic: j’accuse!
Lettre à M. Stephen Harper, premier ministre du Canada
Par Rodolphe De Koninck
Mondialisation.ca, 26 juillet 2013
La tragédie survenue à Lac-Mégantic le 6 juillet 2013 n’a pas fini de susciter tristesse, indignation et interrogations. Comme l’ont affirmé plusieurs dirigeants et administrateurs politiques, dont quelques-uns proches de vous, Monsieur le Premier Ministre, les enquêtes devant permettre d’identifier responsables et responsabilités seront longues. On le conçoit bien, d’autant que tous ceux qui, comme moi, s’indignent et s’interrogent savent, ne serait-ce qu’intuitivement, que ces responsabilités sont largement partagées. Car au-delà du rôle possible de tel ou tel intervenant, de tel ou tel ouvrier, dans le bombardement incendiaire d’une paisible localité – lui conférant, selon vos propres propos, une allure de zone de guerre -, il apparaît évident que l’enchaînement des causes remonte loin et haut et que plusieurs donneurs d’ordres sont impliqués.
L’espace est insuffisant ici pour dresser ne serait-ce qu’une liste potentielle de ces causes et de ces donneurs d’ordres, encore moins des articulations qui les lient. Mais il apparaît impératif de reconnaître qu’il y a, hélas, une explication, on oserait même dire une logique macabre à pareille tragédie. Car, sans qu’il soit question de minimiser l’ampleur et l’horreur de l’agression dont ont été victimes Lac-Mégantic et sa population, il importe de rappeler que ladite logique macabre est à l’oeuvre quotidiennement dans le monde.
Dans celui-ci, hyper-branché, hyper-informé, on en arrive à oublier ou à banaliser, ce qui équivaut souvent à la même chose, les conséquences de la mercantilisation apparemment sans limites de la société. Est-il nécessaire de rappeler que presque chaque jour, quelque part dans le monde, des entreprises, des entrepreneurs plus exactement, bien abrités derrière les déréglementations nécessaires à l’accumulation des surprofits, tuent bon nombre de ceux qu’ils emploient ? Faut-il rappeler les fréquents accidents industriels meurtriers survenant dans des pays tels le Pakistan, le Bangladesh ou le Cambodge, notamment dans le domaine textile ? Faut-il parler des accidents pétroliers, dont plusieurs entraînent de véritables carnages, notamment au Nigéria ?
Tant en commun
Que peuvent bien avoir en commun l’effondrement d’une usine textile ayant entraîné la mort de plus d’un millier d’ouvrières dans la banlieue de l’immense Dacca, en avril 2013, et l’explosion, quelque trois mois plus tard, d’un convoi ferroviaire dans une petite localité québécoise ? Plusieurs choses, mais essentiellement celles-ci : déréglementation, laxisme et soumission des uns et des autres aux soi-disant lois du marché et des surprofits.
Car, soulignons-le, ces surprofits – qui nécessitent surproduction, gaspillage et surconsommation – ne sont dits indispensables à la croissance que parce qu’ils sont exigés par de grandes entreprises telles Walmart, Gap et autres Benetton. En effet, il est démontré que les Costco de ce monde détruisent des emplois dans de multiples secteurs dans les pays industriels afin de faire accomplir, autant que faire se peut, leurs « basses oeuvres » ailleurs dans des conditions de misère, surprofit oblige.
Mais qu’est-ce que les méthodes de Walmart et des entrepreneurs bangladais du textile peuvent bien avoir en commun avec celles de la société pétrolière Irving et de M. Burkhardt, président de la société ferroviaire MMA ? C’est simple : une façon de faire des affaires et des profits, une logique, disions-nous. Celle-ci consiste à utiliser tous les leviers disponibles pour obtenir du pouvoir politique soit qu’il détourne les yeux, soit qu’il collabore activement, par exemple en réduisant au maximum les réglementations industrielles, sécuritaires, sanitaires ou environnementales, et j’en passe !
Dans certains cas, la corruption peut jouer un rôle, bien qu’elle n’apparaisse pas indispensable, en particulier lorsque le pouvoir politique est lui-même convaincu de l’absolue nécessité de laisser entreprises et entrepreneurs se discipliner et se réglementer eux-mêmes.
C’est bien évidemment, et c’est à cela que je souhaite en venir, le cas de votre gouvernement, Monsieur le Premier Ministre. Pourtant, l’histoire a amplement démontré que, pour survivre, le capitalisme, pendant un temps très sauvage, a dû se civiliser et répondre à l’État, non le soumettre, au risque de tuer la poule aux oeufs d’or. Ne le savez-vous pas ? Ne savez-vous pas que non seulement la planète elle-même dispose de ressources limitées, et surtout qu’elle repose sur un équilibre fragile, mais aussi que l’humanité a la possibilité, que dis-je, le devoir de progresser ?
Faire régresser la civilisation
Pourquoi vous et votre gouvernement vous évertuez-vous à plutôt faire régresser le Canada sur le plan de la civilisation ? Ne voyez-vous pas que vous êtes en train d’en faire un émule servile et zélé de l’idéologie ultralibérale – pourtant contestée par votre propre homologue, M. Obama, l’actuel président des États-Unis, le premier client du Canada – selon laquelle la liberté d’entreprendre autorise à tout risquer, y compris la vie des autres.
M. Burkhardt, cet entrepreneur-modèle, prétend exactement cela : que la liberté d’entreprise et de transgresser ou d’ignorer les plus élémentaires règles de sécurité – en particulier lorsque l’État qui les décrète s’en désintéresse lui-même – est indiscutable, même pour celui qui convoie des bombes ! D’autant plus que les règles en question sont insuffisantes, vous le savez. Et vous savez également quels sont les responsables de ce laisser-faire : vous et le gouvernement que vous dirigez d’une main de fer !
En d’autres mots, je vous accuse, Monsieur le Premier Ministre, vous et votre gouvernement, d’être au sommet de la pyramide des responsabilités de la tragédie survenue à Lac-Mégantic.
Que vous reste-t-il à faire pour sinon vous disculper, du moins vous racheter quelque peu ? Tout en reconnaissant qu’il n’est pas à votre portée de refaire le monde, ce qui nécessite indubitablement de contester l’empire qu’exerce sur nos vies le couple mortifère que forment l’industrie pétrolière et l’industrie automobile, vous pouvez y contribuer et mieux protéger la vie de vos concitoyens et concitoyennes.
Pour ce faire, il vous faudra, premièrement, remettre en question votre credo ultralibéral et reconnaître que le démantèlement de l’État auquel vous vous activez avec tant de cynisme doit cesser et, deuxièmement, susciter et encourager le débat de société qui s’impose concernant le véritable rôle de cet État. Doit-il prendre d’abord parti pour la très libre entreprise ou d’abord pour l’ensemble de la société à laquelle ladite libre entreprise devrait constamment faire allégeance ?
L’espace est insuffisant ici pour dresser ne serait-ce qu’une liste potentielle de ces causes et de ces donneurs d’ordres, encore moins des articulations qui les lient. Mais il apparaît impératif de reconnaître qu’il y a, hélas, une explication, on oserait même dire une logique macabre à pareille tragédie. Car, sans qu’il soit question de minimiser l’ampleur et l’horreur de l’agression dont ont été victimes Lac-Mégantic et sa population, il importe de rappeler que ladite logique macabre est à l’oeuvre quotidiennement dans le monde.
Dans celui-ci, hyper-branché, hyper-informé, on en arrive à oublier ou à banaliser, ce qui équivaut souvent à la même chose, les conséquences de la mercantilisation apparemment sans limites de la société. Est-il nécessaire de rappeler que presque chaque jour, quelque part dans le monde, des entreprises, des entrepreneurs plus exactement, bien abrités derrière les déréglementations nécessaires à l’accumulation des surprofits, tuent bon nombre de ceux qu’ils emploient ? Faut-il rappeler les fréquents accidents industriels meurtriers survenant dans des pays tels le Pakistan, le Bangladesh ou le Cambodge, notamment dans le domaine textile ? Faut-il parler des accidents pétroliers, dont plusieurs entraînent de véritables carnages, notamment au Nigéria ?
Tant en commun
Que peuvent bien avoir en commun l’effondrement d’une usine textile ayant entraîné la mort de plus d’un millier d’ouvrières dans la banlieue de l’immense Dacca, en avril 2013, et l’explosion, quelque trois mois plus tard, d’un convoi ferroviaire dans une petite localité québécoise ? Plusieurs choses, mais essentiellement celles-ci : déréglementation, laxisme et soumission des uns et des autres aux soi-disant lois du marché et des surprofits.
Car, soulignons-le, ces surprofits – qui nécessitent surproduction, gaspillage et surconsommation – ne sont dits indispensables à la croissance que parce qu’ils sont exigés par de grandes entreprises telles Walmart, Gap et autres Benetton. En effet, il est démontré que les Costco de ce monde détruisent des emplois dans de multiples secteurs dans les pays industriels afin de faire accomplir, autant que faire se peut, leurs « basses oeuvres » ailleurs dans des conditions de misère, surprofit oblige.
Mais qu’est-ce que les méthodes de Walmart et des entrepreneurs bangladais du textile peuvent bien avoir en commun avec celles de la société pétrolière Irving et de M. Burkhardt, président de la société ferroviaire MMA ? C’est simple : une façon de faire des affaires et des profits, une logique, disions-nous. Celle-ci consiste à utiliser tous les leviers disponibles pour obtenir du pouvoir politique soit qu’il détourne les yeux, soit qu’il collabore activement, par exemple en réduisant au maximum les réglementations industrielles, sécuritaires, sanitaires ou environnementales, et j’en passe !
Dans certains cas, la corruption peut jouer un rôle, bien qu’elle n’apparaisse pas indispensable, en particulier lorsque le pouvoir politique est lui-même convaincu de l’absolue nécessité de laisser entreprises et entrepreneurs se discipliner et se réglementer eux-mêmes.
C’est bien évidemment, et c’est à cela que je souhaite en venir, le cas de votre gouvernement, Monsieur le Premier Ministre. Pourtant, l’histoire a amplement démontré que, pour survivre, le capitalisme, pendant un temps très sauvage, a dû se civiliser et répondre à l’État, non le soumettre, au risque de tuer la poule aux oeufs d’or. Ne le savez-vous pas ? Ne savez-vous pas que non seulement la planète elle-même dispose de ressources limitées, et surtout qu’elle repose sur un équilibre fragile, mais aussi que l’humanité a la possibilité, que dis-je, le devoir de progresser ?
Faire régresser la civilisation
Pourquoi vous et votre gouvernement vous évertuez-vous à plutôt faire régresser le Canada sur le plan de la civilisation ? Ne voyez-vous pas que vous êtes en train d’en faire un émule servile et zélé de l’idéologie ultralibérale – pourtant contestée par votre propre homologue, M. Obama, l’actuel président des États-Unis, le premier client du Canada – selon laquelle la liberté d’entreprendre autorise à tout risquer, y compris la vie des autres.
M. Burkhardt, cet entrepreneur-modèle, prétend exactement cela : que la liberté d’entreprise et de transgresser ou d’ignorer les plus élémentaires règles de sécurité – en particulier lorsque l’État qui les décrète s’en désintéresse lui-même – est indiscutable, même pour celui qui convoie des bombes ! D’autant plus que les règles en question sont insuffisantes, vous le savez. Et vous savez également quels sont les responsables de ce laisser-faire : vous et le gouvernement que vous dirigez d’une main de fer !
En d’autres mots, je vous accuse, Monsieur le Premier Ministre, vous et votre gouvernement, d’être au sommet de la pyramide des responsabilités de la tragédie survenue à Lac-Mégantic.
Que vous reste-t-il à faire pour sinon vous disculper, du moins vous racheter quelque peu ? Tout en reconnaissant qu’il n’est pas à votre portée de refaire le monde, ce qui nécessite indubitablement de contester l’empire qu’exerce sur nos vies le couple mortifère que forment l’industrie pétrolière et l’industrie automobile, vous pouvez y contribuer et mieux protéger la vie de vos concitoyens et concitoyennes.
Pour ce faire, il vous faudra, premièrement, remettre en question votre credo ultralibéral et reconnaître que le démantèlement de l’État auquel vous vous activez avec tant de cynisme doit cesser et, deuxièmement, susciter et encourager le débat de société qui s’impose concernant le véritable rôle de cet État. Doit-il prendre d’abord parti pour la très libre entreprise ou d’abord pour l’ensemble de la société à laquelle ladite libre entreprise devrait constamment faire allégeance ?
Rodolphe de Koninck
Rodolphe De Koninck : Géographe et titulaire de la Chaire de recherche du Canada en études asiatiques à l’Université de Montréal , Québec, Canada
29 Nettle Tea Benefits: Sipping on Nettle Tea for Better Health by Christina Sarich
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Source: http://pinterest.com/pin/545005992375981520/ |
29 Nettle Tea Benefits: Sipping on Nettle Tea for Better Health
by Christina Sarich
Natural Society, 29 July 2013
Milarepa, the Tibetan saint, was said to have lived on nothing but nettles for decades of meditation. Yet another weed that most of us pull and throw out, like dandelions, nettle is a wonderful health-boosting herb that should never be dowsed with weed-killer, but plucked and dried to make into an herbal panacea that could make the local pharmacy go bankrupt. Nettle, from the flowering plant genus
Stinging nettle is: diuretic, astringent, pectoral, anodyne, tonic, rubefacient, styptic, anthelmintic, nutritive, hermetic, anti-rheumatic, anti-allergenic, decongestant, expectorant, anti-spasmodic, and anti-histamine, anti-lithic/lithotrophic, herpetic, galactagogue, and an anti-histamine.
Look: Health Benefits of 60+ Foods
29 Nettle Tea Benefits
To give you an idea of just how powerful this singular plant is, nettle has the potential to treat the following ailments:- Nettle stimulates the lymph system to boost immunity
- Nettle relieves arthritis symptoms
- Nettle promotes a release from uric acid from joints
- Helps to support the adrenals
- It helps with diabetes mellitus
- Strengthens the fetus in pregnant women
- Promotes milk production in lactating women
- Relieves menopausal symptoms
- Helps with menstrual cramps and bloating
- Helps break down kidney stones
- Reduces hypertension
- Helps with respiratory tract disease
- Supports the kidneys
- Helps asthma sufferers
- Stops bleeding
- Reduces inflammation
- Reduces incident of prostate cancer
- Minimizes skin problems
- Eliminates allergic rhinitis
- Lessens nausea
- Cures the common cold
- Helps with osteoarthritis
- Alleviates diarrhea
- Helps with gastrointestinal disease, IBS, and constipation
- Reduces gingivitis and prevents plaque when used as a mouth wash.
- Has been shown to be helpful to in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
- Relieves neurological disorders like MS, ALS and sciatica
- Destroys intestinal worms or parasites
- Supports the endocrine health by helping the thyroid, spleen and pancreas
Natural Society
Note: Use gloves when picking. They sting. You can also pick them and put in a bucket of water and let sit a few days and use the water for plant food. Make sure you pick them in a clean area.
The Bad Seed: The Health Risks of Genetically Modified Corn by Caitlin Shetterly
The Bad Seed: The Health Risks of Genetically Modified Corn
by Caitlin Shetterly
Elle Magazine, July 24, 2013
With symptoms including headaches, nausea, rashes, and fatigue, Caitlin Shetterly visited doctor after doctor searching for a cure for what ailed her. What she found, after years of misery and bafflement, was as unlikely as it was utterly common.
The office of allergist Paris Mansmann, MD, sits on a grassy slope overlooking the Royal River, a wide waterway that originates in inland Maine and winds down across farmland and under train tracks until it hits the coastal town of Yarmouth, where it sloshes into the Atlantic Ocean. When I first came to Mansmann in February 2011, the river was covered with ice, and bare trees stood silver sentry on its shores. I was 36. I’d been sick for three and a half years.
During that time, when I wasn’t working as a writer and theater director or being a wife and mother, I visited doctors and had tests. I told few friends or members of my extended family how ill I was, because I didn’t have any way to explain what was wrong. I had no diagnosis, just a collection of weird symptoms: tight, achy pain that radiated through my body and caused me to hobble around (my ankles, I’d joke to my husband, Dan, felt like they’d been “Kathy Batesed,” à la the movie Misery); burning rashes that splashed across my cheeks and around my mouth like pizza sauce; exhaustion; headaches; hands that froze into claws while I slept and hurt to uncurl in the morning; a constant head cold; nausea; and, on top of all that, severe insomnia—my body just could not, would not, turn off and rest. I visited every doctor who’d see me and tried everything they threw at me: antidepressants; painkillers; elimination diets (including a long eight months when I went without any of the major allergens, such as gluten, nuts, dairy, soy, and nightshades); herbal supplements; iodine pills; steroid shots; hormone treatments; Chinese teas; acupuncture; energy healing; a meditation class—you name it, I did it. Nothing worked. After I maxed out the available rheumatologists, endocrinologists, nutritionists, gastroenterologists, Lyme disease specialists, acupuncturists, and alternative-medicine practitioners in the Portland metropolitan area, I was sent to neurologists in Boston. All of my tests came back normal.
In late 2010, after a long and unhappy antibiotic treatment for Lyme disease, my newest GP (who’s still my doctor today), Chuck de Sieyes, MD, announced that he was referring me to Mansmann: “Because I have no idea what’s going on with you, and he’s one of the smartest guys around. And frankly, I’ve had it!”
To read the entire article, please click on the link provided below:
Elle Magazine
Fat, Sick And Nearly Dead Documentary - Free Viewing Only Available In The States
Here is an uplifting movie about a man who decides to radically change his dietary and lifestyle choices in an effort to deal with his declining health and increasing waistline. Overweight, taking a daily cocktail of drugs and having been told that there was nothing more conventional medicine could do for him, Australian Joe Cross decided to tackle his problems in his own way. He chose to use nutrition, physical activity and his mental and emotional state to do what our bodies are programmed to do – and that’s to self-heal.
I will give you the reader, two links for more information on this Documentary Film.
The second link given will be the link to a free viewing of this film, but it is only available in the States.
Article and Trailer Film
Free Viewing Available Only In The States
Sunday, July 28, 2013
'1984 is now!': Germans Protest Berlin's Role in NSA Spying on Snowden Day, 27 July 2013
Published on Jul 27, 2013
Privacy rights activists have demonstrated across Germany against U.S. worldwide surveillance - and Berlin's role in it. The revelations by Edward Snowden, have ignited public anger among Germans who say that their government let them down - as RT's Peter Oliver reports.
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Free Virtual Conference Interviews With 30 Worldwide Experts - Hosted by Marc David on August 5 - 9 , 2013
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August 5- 9, 2013
Join Marc David, Founder of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating as he interviews over 30 cutting edge experts in eating psychology, embodiment, weight, health, and nutrition. They’ll share key insights into our relationship with food and present new ideas to advance our understanding of eating in this one-of-a-kind virtual conference!
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Marc David
Marc David is the Founder of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, a leading visionary, teacher and consultant in Nutritional Psychology, and the author of the classic and best-selling works Nourishing Wisdom, The Slow Down Diet, and Mind Body Nutrition. His work has been featured on CNN, NBC and numerous media outlets. His books have been translated into over 10 languages, and his approach appeals to a wide audience of eaters who are looking for fresh, inspiring and innovative messages about food, body and soul. The Institute for the Psychology of Eating is the world’s only teaching organization dedicated to a forward thinking, positive, holistic approach to nutritional psychology. IPE is unique and revolutionary in its approach – teaching students and professionals how to effectively work with the most common eating challenges of our times in their internationally acclaimed Eating Psychology Coach Certification Training. Learn more here: http://psychologyofeating.com
To register by e-mail address for this free conference, please click on the link provided below:
August 5th - 9th Virtual Conference
Huge Victory: Non-GMO Label for Meat, Eggs Approved for U.S. Use by Elizabeth Renter
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Source: http://www.ewg.org/meateatersguide/decoding-meat-dairy-product-labels/ |
Huge Victory: Non-GMO Label for Meat, Eggs Approved for U.S. Use
by Elizabeth Renter
Natural Society, 27 July 2013
The American people want to know whether or not their food has genetically modified components inside. But for the most part, the FDA has resisted any efforts to label foods as GMO-free or containing GMOs. Now, however, advocates for Non-GMO foods have done their work with a different regulatory agency, the USDA, in order to get labeling approved for meats and eggs that also indicates if the animals were fed GM food, signaling a small but important success in the fight for a transparent food industry. You may have heard this news, but we’re trying to spread the word even more!
Meat and eggs derived from animals who were not fed genetically-modified feed can now be labeled as such. Companies like Mindful Meats, Mary’s Chicken, and Hidden Villa Ranch are already approved for the GMO-free label and others will likely join their ranks. But the journey to this point wasn’t a simple one.
Unlike the FDA, who normally controls food regulations, the USDA never used third-party organizations to certify food issues. Now, after a lengthy review of the Non-GMO Project, however, the USDA has determined their certification process is reliable and scientific, and is good enough to satisfy their regulatory rigors.
The Non-GMO Project worked closely with food makers like Mary’s Chicken to develop labeling standards that could be approved by the USDA. These standards needed to be “honest, accurate, and transparent,” according to NaturalNews, three things most of us want from our food regulators.
Related Read: Top 10 Worst GMO Foods for Your GMO Foods List
Prior to this approval, the USDA had denied several meat producers who wanted to use such a label. The reason: the Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) was not done with their review of the Non-GMO Project standards and practices. It took the USDA more than a year to make this determination as it’s obviously something they were cautious of.
We started meeting with them to find out what the key objections were and how we navigate through that,” Dave Carter of the National Bison Association told Food Navigator. “I think it will be a very important claim for the meat industry. The non GMO label is the fastest label claim in the marketplace. Consumers want to have that option.”
“It means everything to have this label and we’re very thankful that FSIS worked with us to get this approved,” said David Pitman of Mary’s Chicken, a company that currently has 17 non-GMO verified products on the market.
These companies are rolling out their labeled products right now. While the new labeling only applies to meat and eggs, it’s certainly a victory for those of us who believe we have the right to know what we are eating.
Natural Society
Tar Sands: To the Ends of the Earth - Documentary
Published on June 17, 2013
My Source:
Friends Of The Earth Europe
Friday, July 26, 2013
Nahko & Medicine For The People Performing In BYRON BAY, Australia
Published on Jan 24, 2013
http://www.spiritfestival.com.au/ WELCOMES Nahko Bear & Medicine for the People .... conscious music for the soul ... here's another snippet of their stunning performance at the Spirit Festival launch in Byron Bay, Jan 2013 with an amazing hoop dancer Shellie White Light
Nahko & MFTP can best be described as "Michael Franti meets Jack Johnson on an indian reservation" .... members are ... Nahko Bear, Hope Medford & Chase O'Friel.
See http://www.spiritfestival.com.au/Nahko for full details of the Nahko & Medicine For The People 2013 Australian tour.
Nahko & MFTP can best be described as "Michael Franti meets Jack Johnson on an indian reservation" .... members are ... Nahko Bear, Hope Medford & Chase O'Friel.
See http://www.spiritfestival.com.au/Nahko for full details of the Nahko & Medicine For The People 2013 Australian tour.
You might wish to visit the link below if you enjoyed this music:
Thursday, July 25, 2013
UK Citizens Reject GM Food and Even Farmers Don't Want To Eat It
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Source of picture: http://southweb.org/lifewise/uk-government-bans-gmos-from-its-own-parliament-restaurants-while-telling-public-to-embrace-genetic-poisons/ |
UK citizens reject GM food and even farmers don't want to eat it
GM Watch, 19 July 2013
UK Citizens Continue to Reject GMO food and Even Farmers Don't Want to Eat it
GM Education, 19 July 2013
Another survey has shown that only 21% of the UK public support genetically engineered food. Despite a massive pro-GM push by government, researchers and the media this latest poll carried out in June confirm that UK citizens continue to reject the technology. Meanwhile another survey has revealed that far from clamouring to use GMOs as the government claims, less than half of UK farmers believe GM technology is a good innovation, and hardly any of them want to eat GM food.
Both surveys were funded by Barclays Bank, who’s Head of Agriculture, Martin Redfearn, said; "This research shows how important the issue of GM still is,"
The consumer survey carried out by YouGov confirmed previous polls that less than a quarter of people questioned support GMO technology.
Nearly 70% said they would “prefer to buy conventional" (i.e. non-genetically engineered food).
And in a major slap in the face for the government and its pro-GMO mouth, Farm Minister Owen Paterson, 43% of people said they “were completely against” the government promoting GM technology.
Mr Redfearn said that the survey shows “consumers are still against the idea of GM crops” even though “recently the government has clearly taken an interest in the use of GM crops.”
It’s not clear that the UK’s farmers are all that enthusiastic about the technology either.
A separate survey, also published in June and also funded by Barclays but this time in collaboration with Farmers Weekly, reported that only 47% of farmers believed that GM technology was a good innovation.
600 farmers responded to the online questionnaire and needless to say the industry trumpeted the headline that 61% of them said they would grow GM crops “if they had the opportunity”.
But 39% said that either they would not grow GMO crops under any circumstances (24%) or would be unwilling to do so but would do if they had to.
Farmers don’t see GM as a priority.
Even amongst farmers who would like to use GM technology there is a doubt about how much they would benefit.
They ranked farmers at the bottom of the list of who will gain most and consumers only slightly above them.
Seed and agrichemical companies are seen as the primary beneficiaries, followed by research bodies and livestock breeding companies.
52% felt that to date the technology had over promised and under delivered and there remains a scepticism and concern about the way GM technology is controlled by multi-national corporations.
63% or respondents thought it was right for government to be promoting the adoption of GM, while 34% thought they shouldn’t.
But GM was not considered to be a priority for government food policy. Respondents placed reducing waste across the food supply chain as the number one priority, with educating farmers in developing countries on agronomic best practice as number two.
Even if they grow GM they don’t want to eat it
One interesting result is that only 15% of farmers would choose to eat GM food.
54% said they would choose a conventionally labelled food product and 24% would choose organic if it was available.
A clear majority (70%) believed that food products containing GM should be labelled as such.
A degree of honesty that contrasts to supermarkets who deviously sell unlabelled GMO fed livestock products and another slap for Owen Paterson who has been shamelessly trumpeting the fact.
Indeed both surveys ought to cause Paterson and the government to reflect on their relentless pro-GM push.
There is a lack of compelling evidence to justify their policy.
And, as these surveys show, there is a significant amount of questioning and concern amongst farmers and an overwhelming rejection by citizens.
We have studied photographs and confirmed that Owen Paterson, David Willets and others in the cabinet have ears. But we don’t know if they are able to use them.
GM Watch
Rotterdam, Netherlands Bans Monsanto’s RoundUp as Part of New Green Initiative
Rotterdam Bans Monsanto’s RoundUp as Part of New Green Initiative
(Rotterdam, NL) Just a short while ago, on June 27th, the Rotterdam city council voted to ban Monsanto’s controversial Roundup herbicide. The initiative was begun largely thanks to a citizen run petition campaign appropriately named, “Non-toxic Sidewalks for Our Children”, along with a lot of support from the Green Party to get it passed.
While glyphosate (RoundUp’s “active” ingredient) has long been believed to be quite non-toxic, recent studies have shown that to be very much untrue. The herbicide, currently the most used in the world by a large margin, has been found to be especially harmful when combined with the adjuvants labeled as “inert ingredients” which are designed to increase delivery of the pesticide to target plants.
This ban is considered a big win by the city and a large number of the citizenry who have been working hard to both start the initiative and get it passed. RoundUp has already been found in the urine of a majority of western European urbanites, according to a recent study.
In addition to this win, the Greens have many more reasons to celebrate as they had 12 more of their proposals passed. The city will be designing and building many more projects all over ranging from new parks and play areas, new fruit trees all over, initiatives to help support the bees and other important wildlife, all the way up to new green wall projects being erected. ”Think of more flowers, more space for urban wildlife and (natural) scrublands, and less lawnmowing.”, said Ms. Cammeraat.“It is bad stuff and I’m glad we’re giving it up,” says Emile Cammeraat, Green party leader in the council. ’The producer Monsanto also provides genetically engineered seeds, Monsanto’s own plants are the only thing RoundUp doesn’t kill. In such a business district as you want to be, no Roundup is simply necessary, as there are organic alternatives. ”
(Translated by Fritz Kreiss)
The initiative was clearly started primarily out of parents’ concern for the children playing in parks and other areas that may be contaminated by the pesticide, but as often is the case with environmentally related initiatives such as these; the benefits it ultimately results in are innumerable. Total cost of the 12 initiatives is projected to be approximately 90,000 euros (the glyphosate ban costs little to nothing at all).
My Source:
Occupy Monsanto
Note: Bravo to the Dutch people. Hopefully more Townships will follow not just in Holland but in other Member States in the EU. (Europe's Undoing)
Monsanto Video Revolt - The ONE Logical Thought Process That Can Extend ...
Published on Jun 29, 2013
This video covers MUCH MORE than just GMO. The goal of this video is to show you a thought process that can help you avoid any poison in almost any situation.
Please share this video to help everyone!
McDonalds Ingredients List:
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Source: http://www.villagevoice.com/2013-07-24/news/the-monsanto-menace/ |
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
22 Things Happy People Do Differently by Chiara Fucarino
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Source of picture: http://notesalongthepath.com/ |
There are two types of people in the world: those who choose to be happy, and those who choose to be unhappy. Contrary to popular belief, happiness doesn’t come from fame, fortune, other people, or material possessions. Rather, it comes from within. The richest person in the world could be miserable while a homeless person could be right outside, smiling and content with their life. Happy people are happy because they make themselves happy. They maintain a positive outlook on life and remain at peace with themselves.
The question is: how do they do that?
It’s quite simple. Happy people have good habits that enhance their lives. They do things differently. Ask any happy person, and they will tell you that they …
To find out those 22 things, please click on the link below:
22 Things Happy People Do Differently
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Dan Shen Root – Natural Chinese Medicine for Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Attacks, and GMO Damage by Christina Sarich
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Source: http://www.salviatruth.com/ |
Dan Shen Root – Natural Chinese Medicine for Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Attacks, and GMO Damage
by Christina Sarich
Natural Society, 23 July 2013
The oldest written reference to Dan Shen has been uncovered in Shen Nun Ben Cao (The Divine Husbandman’s Classic of the Materia Medica), dated at about 200 CE.
Dan Shen root, otherwise known as Salvia miltiorrhiza bunge, (and sometimes referred to as Red Sage or Chinese Sage) is an incredible super food or herb used traditionally in Chinese medicine for numerous ailments including the improvement of cardiovascular health and better circulation. It turns out though, that the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory constituents of this root might be extremely beneficial in preventing and curing Diabetes.
Dan Shen grows throughout many parts of Asia and very prominently in Mongolia. Once it is harvested the roots are made into a powder or a tea. It can also be taken in the form of capsules, filled with the ground root. Dan Shen has proven to be very beneficial in regulating the heart and improving circulation. It helps to clear the arteries of fatty blockages, helping to ease heart palpitations and lessen the incidence of angina (heart attack). It can also help to relive menstrual cramps and make a woman’s monthly menses less severe. Dan Shen root impacts these various systems of the body beneficially due to TCN, or trigeminal convergent neurons.
One of the most important active phytochemical components of salviamiltiorrhiza bunge is tanshinone IIA (Tan IIA; 14,16-epoxy-20-nor-5(10),6,8,13,15-abietapentaene-11,12-dione). Researchers have described tanshinone IIA as being capable of anti-angiogenic, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and apoptotic activities. Moreover, it appears to act strongly against a variety of cancerous cells (pubmed/21699893, pubmed/21853384, pubmed/21048307, pubmed/22038415).
Dan Shen also contains other important phytochemicals that have been shown to improve Diabetes type II and a host of other cardiovascular and vascular diseases.
Dan Shen is also antimicrobial and antibacterial which means it can fight against many viruses and boost the immune system. It has been shown to reduce inflammatory cytokines and the expression of anti-inflammatory cytokines as well, an important fact considering many GMO foods have been shown to cause inflammatory cytokines, even causing what is known as a cytokine storm.
‘Cytokine Storms occur when the immune system becomes and remains activated against the immune stimulants beyond the point of being helpful.’
If you have suffered from Hashimoto’s disease or other auto-immune problems, or even just a rash of strange symptoms, it is possible you have endured a cytokine storm. Dan Shen can help to mitigate these symptoms while Monsanto, Dow and other companies continue to play Russian roulette with our food supply – even while Russia and Poland say no to GMO!
Dan Shen constituents are currently in US FDA trials, but the pure root and herbs have been used for centuries throughout Thailand, Japan, China,Vietnam, and Mongolia.
Natural Society
Monday, July 22, 2013
America No Longer Has a Functioning Judicial System by WashingtonsBlog
America No Longer Has a Functioning Judicial System
Washington's Blog, 22 July 2013
The Separation of Powers Which Define Our Democracy Have Been Destroyed
The Department of Justice told a federal court this week that the NSA’s spying “cannot be challenged in a court of law”.(This is especially dramatic given that numerous federal judges and legal scholars – including a former FISA judge – say that the FISA spying “court” is nothing but a kangaroo court.)
Also this week, the Department of Justice told a federal court that the courts cannot review the legality of the government’s assassination by drone of Americans abroad:
“‘Are you saying that a US citizen targeted by the United States in a foreign country has no constitutional rights?’ [the judge] asked Brian Hauck, a deputy assistant attorney general. ‘How broadly are you asserting the right of the United States to target an American citizen? Where is the limit to this?’
“She provided her own answer: ‘The limit is the courthouse door’ . . . .
“‘Mr. Hauck acknowledged that Americans targeted overseas do have rights, but he said they could not be enforced in court either before or after the Americans were killed.’”
(Indeed, the Obama administration has previously claimed the power to be judge, jury and executioner in both drone and cyber-attacks. This violates Anglo-Saxon laws which have been on the books in England and America for 800 years.)
The Executive Branch also presents “secret evidence” in many court cases … sometimes even hiding the evidence from the judge who is deciding the case.
Bush destroyed much of the separation of powers which made our country great. But under Obama, it’s gotten worse.
For example, the agency which decides who should be killed by drone is the same agency which spies on all Americans.
Daniel Ellsberg notes that even the Founding Fathers didn’t have to deal with a government claiming that it could indefinitely detain Americans … even on American soil.
After Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Chris Hedges, journalist Naomi Wolf, Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg and others sued the government to enjoin the NDAA’s allowance of the indefinite detention of Americans – the judge asked the government attorneys 5 times whether journalists like Hedges could be indefinitely detained simply for interviewing and then writing about bad guys. The government refused to promise that journalists like Hedges won’t be thrown in a dungeon for the rest of their lives without any right to talk to a judge
The Department of Justice has also tapped Congressional phones, and a high-level NSA whistleblower says that the NSA is spying on – and blackmailing – top government officials and military officers including all 9 Supreme Court justices.
It’s not just the Executive Branch which has attacked the courts. For example, Congress passed a bill stripping courts of the power to review issues related to genetically modified foods.
The Constitution is mortally mounded. While the “war on terror” is commonly cited as the excuse, most of the attacks on our rights started before 9/11. Indeed, the Founding Fathers warned 200 years ago that open-ended wars give the Executive an excuse to take away our liberties.
Two former U.S. Supreme Court Justices have warned that America is sliding into tyranny. A former U.S. President, and many other high-level American officials agree.
In addition to attacks on the judiciary by the White House and Congress, judges are voluntarily gutting the justice system … and laying down in lapdog-obeisance to D.C.
For example, the Supreme Court ruled that if judges don’t like plaintiffs’ allegations of bad government actions, the judge can simply pre-judge and throw out the lawsuit before even allowing the party to conduct any discovery to prove their claims. This guts 220 years of Constitutional law, and makes it extremely difficult to challenge harmful government action in court.
America has a “dual justice system … one for ordinary people and then one for people with money and enormous wealth and power”.
Indeed, most Americans have less access to justice than Botswanans … and are more abused by police than Kazakhstanis.
Washington's Blog
Fields Taylor, Age 3 Speaks For The First Time After Eating A High Fat, Low Sugar Diet
3 Year Old Girl with Rare Genetic Disorder Speaks for First Time After Starting Ketogenic Diet
Girl, 3, with rare genetic disorder speaks first words after starting diet that involves eating a kilo of CREAM CHEESE each week
By Rachel Reilly
Daily Mail UK, 22 July 2013
A girl with a rare genetic condition has finally spoken her first words thanks to a diet that involves eating four tubs of cream cheese a week. Three-year-old Fields Taylor from Melton Mowbray in Leicestershire, suffers from a disorder called Glut1 Deficiency Syndrome, which affects her ability to speak. But miraculously, after starting a high-fat, low-sugar diet – which includes eating almost a kilo of Philadelphia a week – she has finally spoken her first words.
Delighted mother, Stevie, 34, said: “The first time I heard Fields say “Mum” it was just wonderful.I didn’t really believe that something so simple as changing her diet could make such a big difference.”
Fields suffers from an extremely rare syndrome called Glut1 Deficiency (GD1). Fewer than 300 cases have been reported since the disease was identified in 1991 and there are only 25 known cases in the UK. GD1 is a genetic condition that primarily affects the brain and is caused by a defect in the SLC2A1 gene, which is responsible for making a protein called the glucose transporter protein type 1 (GLUT1). This protein is responsible for transporting glucose (a simple sugar) from the blood into the cells for energy. This causes the brain to be starved of energy which can result in a variety of symptoms. Most, but not all, patients develop seizures within the first few months of life. These seizures are very difficult to treat with the common anti-seizure medications. Other symptoms include learning disabilities, stiffness, difficulty in coordinating movements, speech abnormalities, fatigue, muscle twitches and headaches.
[M]any people have reported a great reduction in symptoms from the Ketogenic Diet. The diet is a very restrictive calorie-limited, high-fat diet. No sugar is allowed and minimal carbohydrate is included. The diet is so precise that children on it must avoid even topical ingredients – such as medications or toothpastes – that might contain sugar. Strict compliance with this diet causes the liver to produce ketones which are used by the brain as an alternative fuel source.
Stevie said: “At first I was pretty dubious about the diet – I didn’t see how food could make such a big difference. But within weeks you could see it working, she was more alert and her personality seemed to come out a bit more. Then, one morning I was in the kitchen and all of a sudden I heard this little voice shout ‘mum’. I dropped what I was doing and ran into the direction of Fields and just couldn’t believe what I was hearing. There’s been times that I never thought I’d hear her speak. I was just over the Moon.”
Finish reading the story here: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2368362/Girl-3-rare-genetic-disorder-speaks-words-starting-diet-involves-eating-kilo-CREAM-CHEESE-week.html
See Also: Is the Ketogenic Diet the Cure for Multiple Diseases?
More info on the Ketogenic Diet.
My Source:
Health Impact News Daily
Note: Best wishes to dear little Fields and Mamma Stevie for continued improvement in the dear little ones health. I suppose there are several remedies that may be of help if one takes the time to look and see to the best of ones child as Mamma Stevie did in this case.
The Many Uses & Benefits Of Hydrogen Proxide
28 Amazing Benefits and Uses for Hydrogen Peroxide
By Andrea Harper
Wake Up World
Hydrogen peroxide is the only germicidal agent composed only of water and oxygen. Like ozone, it kills disease organisms by oxidation! Hydrogen peroxide is considered the worlds safest all natural effective sanitizer. It kills microorganisms by oxidizing them, which can be best described as a controlled burning process. When Hydrogen peroxide reacts with organic material it breaks down into oxygen and water.
1. Whiten Clothes – An Alternative to Beach
Add a cup of Peroxide to white clothes in your laundry to whiten them. Peroxide is great to get rid of blood stains on clothes and carpets. If there is blood on clothing, just pour directly on the spot, let it sit for about a minute, then rub and rinse with cold water. Repeat if necessary.
2. Health
Your body makes Hydrogen peroxide to fight infection which must be present for our immune system to function correctly. White blood cells are known as Leukocytes. A sub-class of Leukocytes called Neutrophils produce hydrogen peroxide as the first line of defense against toxins, parasites, bacteria, viruses and yeast.
3. Rejuvenating Detoxifying Bath
Use about 2 quarts 3% Hydrogen peroxide to a tub of warm water. Soak at least 1/2 hour, adding hot water as needed to maintain a comfortable water temperature.
4. Foot Fungus
To cure a foot fungus, simply spray a 50/50 mixture of Hydrogen peroxide and water on them (especially the toes) every night and let dry.
5. Douche
Add 2 capfuls of 3% Hydrogen peroxide in warm distilled water once to twice a week to remove even chronic yeast infections.
6. Colonic or Enema
For a colonic, add 1 cup (8 ozs.) 3% H202 to 5 gallons warm water. (Do not exceed this amount) For an enema, add 1 tablespoon of 3% H202 to a quart of warm distilled water.
7. Infections
Soak any infections or cuts in 3% for five to ten minutes several times a day. Even gangrene that would not heal with any medicine has been healed by soaking in Hydrogen peroxide. Put half a bottle of hydrogen peroxide in your bath to help rid boils, fungus or other skin infections.
8. Bird Mites Infections
Patients infected by tiny mites report that hydrogen peroxide effectively kills the mites on their skins. They spray it on their skin a couple of times (with a few minutes in between the applications) with amazing results.
9. Sinus Infections
A tablespoon of 3% Hydrogen peroxide added to 1 cup of non-chlorinated water can be used as a nasal spray. Depending on the degree of sinus involvement, one will have to adjust the amount of peroxide used.
10. Wound Care
3% H2O2 is used medically for cleaning wounds, removing dead tissue, and as an oral debriding agent. Peroxide stops slow (small vessel) wound bleeding/oozing, as well.
Some sources recommend soaking infections or cuts for five to ten minutes several times a day. However, washing and rinsing action is sufficient. You shouldn’t leave the solution on open tissue for extended periods of time as, like many oxidative antiseptics, Hydrogen peroxide causes mild damage to tissue in open wounds. Therefore it is important to use with caution.
Personal Care
Mouthwash / Tooth Care
Healing Properties: Take one capful (the little white cap that comes with the bottle) and hold in your mouth for 10 minutes daily, then spit it out. You will not have canker sores and your teeth will be whiter. If you have a terrible toothache and cannot get to a dentist right away, put a capful of 3% Hydrogen peroxide into your mouth and hold it for 10 minutes several times a day. The pain will lessen greatly.
11. Mouthwash
Many people don’t realize that hydrogen peroxide makes a very effective and inexpensive mouthwash. Use 3% H202 – add a dash of liquid chlorophyll for flavoring if desired.
12. Toothpaste
Use baking soda and add enough 3% H202 to make a paste.
13. Toothbrush
Or, just dip your brush in 3% H202 and brush. Soak your toothbrush in Hydrogen peroxide to keep them free of germs.
14. Tooth Ache
Hydrogen peroxide is not a pain killer; however, as an anti-viral, antibacterial and anti-fungal agent, it is effective at treating the pathogen that is causing the infection. The following is from my own personal experience: My dentist wanted to give me a root canal some time ago as one tooth was inflamed and, in her opinion, would die. I felt some discomfort but told her that I would give it chance to heal. I rinsed with hydrogen peroxide (several times a day) as well ascoconut oil (once a day). The discomfort went away and I have had no further problems with the tooth.
15. Tooth Whitening
Having used 3% Hydrogen peroxide as a mouth wash for sometime ago, I am thrilled to note that my teeth have been beautifully and effortlessly whitened. I used to pay so much for professional whitening, those silly strips and uncomfortable trays. Live and learn.
NOTE: Do not swallow any peroxide. When the peroxide rinse is done, be sure to rinse out your mouth with water.
16. Hair Lightening
Peroxide is a bleaching agent and is used for lightened hair. Dilute 3% Hydrogen peroxide with water (50 / 50) and spray the solution on your wet hair after a shower and comb it through. You will not have the peroxide burnt blonde hair like the hair dye packages, but more natural highlights if your hair is a light brown, faddish, or dirty blonde. It also lightens gradually so it’s not a drastic change.
17. Contact Lenses
Hydrogen peroxide is used as a disinfectant in CIBA Vision’s Clear Care no rub contact lens cleaning solution, due to its ability to break down the proteins that build up on the lense from the eye’s immune response, resulting in increased comfort for those with sensitive eyes.
Sanitizing / Disinfectant / Cleaning
18. Straight or Diluted Hydrogen Peroxide
Clean your counters and table tops with hydrogen peroxide to kill germs and leave a fresh smell. Simply put a little on your dishrag when you wipe, or spray it on the counters. Use hydrogen peroxide to clean glass and mirrors with no smearing.
Keep a spray bottle of 3% (straight) to disinfect the interior of the refrigerator and kids’ school lunch boxes.
19. In the Dishwasher
Add 2 oz. of 3% Hydrogen peroxide to your regular washing formula.
Fill a spray bottle with a 50/50 mixture of 3% Hydrogen peroxide and water and keep it in every bathroom to disinfect without harming your septic system like bleach or most other disinfectants will. After rinsing off your wooden cutting board, pour or spray hydrogen peroxide (and then vinegar) on it to kill salmonella and other bacteria.
I use peroxide to clean my mirrors with, there is no smearing.
Combination of vinegar and hydrogen peroxide make a cheap, effective and non-toxic disinfectant agent and is said to be more effective at killing pathogens than bleach. As it is non-toxic, you can use it to disinfect fruits and vegetables, as well as pet toys, equipment and cages. In tests run at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, pairing Vinegar and Hydrogen Peroxide mists, kills virtually all Salmonella, Shigella, or E. coli bacteria on heavily contaminated food and surfaces.
You need TWO spray bottles. DO NOT MIX the solutions together. Put straight vinegar in one and straight Hydrogen peroxide in the other spray bottle.
NOTE: Light destroys peroxide rather quickly. It’s best to leave it in its original bottle and screw in a spray head. DO NOT DILUTE THEM.
Remember for any sanitizer to work properly, the surface has to be clean before you use it.
When you want to sanitize a surface (vegetables, cutting board, counters, sink, cages, toys. toilets, floors, etc.), spray one (it doesn’t matter which one you use first) on the surface, then you spray on the other. When they mix, for a brief time the chemical action of the two make a very powerful sanitizer. You can rinse off the surface afterwards, if you want, but the result is non-toxic.
Fortunately it is cheap. BTW, we use it in the bathroom to sanitize the counters, toilets, floors, etc.
20. Mold
Clean with Hydrogen peroxide when your house becomes a biohazard after its invaded by toxic mold, such as those with water damage.
21. Humidifiers/Steamers
Use 1 pint 3% Hydrogen peroxide to 1 gallon of water.
22. Laundry / Stain Removing
Stain Remover
3% Hydrogen peroxide is the best stain lifter if used fairly soon – although blood stains as old as 2 days have been successfully lifted with Hydrogen Peroxide. Although it will bleach or discolor many fabrics. If a little peroxide is poured onto the stain it will bubble up in the area of the blood, due to a reaction with catalase. After a few minutes the excess liquid can be wiped up with a cloth or paper towel and the stain will be gone.
3% H2O2 must be applied to clothing before blood stains can be accidentally “set” with heated water. Cold water and soap are then used to remove the peroxide treated blood.
23. Washing/Laundry
You can also add a cup of hydrogen peroxide instead of bleach to a load of whites in your laundry to whiten them. If there is blood on clothing, pour directly on the soiled spot. Let it sit for a minute, then rub it and rinse with cold water. Repeat if necessary.
Peroxide is a perfect alternate solution to keep those clothes white. Also, when chlorinating clothes, they tend to wear out faster – peroxide won’t do that.
Food Preparation
24. Vegetable Soak
Use as a vegetable wash or soak to kill bacteria and neutralize chemicals. Add 1/4 cup 3% H202 to a full sink of cold water. Soak light skinned (light lettuce) 20 minutes, thicker skinned (like cucumbers) 30 minutes. Drain, dry and refrigerate. Prolongs freshness.
If time is a problem, spray vegetables (and fruits) with a solution of 3%. Let stand for a few minutes, rinse and dry.
25. Meat Sanitizing
You can also use it to rinse off your meat before cooking.
26. Leftover tossed salad
Spray with a solution of 1/2 cup water and 1 Tbsp. 5%. Drain, cover and refrigerate.
27. Marinade
Place meat, fish or poultry in a casserole (avoid using aluminium pans). Cover with a dilute solution of equal parts of water and 3% H202. Place loosely covered in refrigerator for 1/2 hour. Rinse and cook.
28. Sprouting Seeds
Add 1 ounce 3% Hydrogen peroxide to 1 pint of water and soak the seeds overnight. Add the same amount of hydrogen peroxide each time you rinse the seeds.
Grades of Hydrogen Peroxide
A) 3.5% Pharmaceutical Grade: This is the grade sold at your local drugstore or supermarket. This product is not recommended for internal use. It contains an assortment of stabilizers which shouldn’t be ingested. Various stabilizers include: acetanilide, phenol, sodium stanate and tertrasodium phosphate.
B) 6% Beautician Grade: This is used in beauty shops to color hair and is not recommended for internal use.
C) 30% Reagent Grade: This is used for various scientific experimentation and also contains stabilizers. It is also not for internal use.
D) 30% to 32% Electronic Grade: This is used to clean electronic parts and not for internal use.
E) 35% Technical Grade: This is a more concentrated product than the Reagent Grade and differs slightly in that phosphorus is added to help neutralize any chlorine from the water used to dilute it.
F) 35% Food Grade: This is used in the production of foods like cheese, eggs, and whey-containing products. It is also sprayed on the foil lining of aseptic packages containing fruit juices and milk products. THIS IS THE ONLY GRADE RECOMMENDED FOR INTERNAL USE.
G) 90%: This is used as an oxygen source for rocket fuel.
Only 35% Food Grade hydrogen peroxide is recommended for internal use. At this concentration, however, hydrogen peroxide is a very strong oxidizer and if not diluted, it can be extremely dangerous or even fatal. Any concentrations over 10% can cause neurological reactions and damage to the upper gastrointestinal tract. There have been two known fatalities in children who ingested 27% and 40% concentrations of H202. Another reports tells of a 26 month old female who swallowed one mouthful of 35% H202. She immediately began vomiting, followed by fainting and respiratory arrest. Fortunately, she was under emergency room care and although she experienced erosion and bleeding of the stomach and esophagus, she survived the incident. When she was re-examined 12 days later, the areas involved had healed (J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 90;28(1):95-100).
Personal note: As with ANY food, drug, or supplement, using the product according to instructions is key to safety. If someone uses too much, then of course ramifications may be felt. We’ve NEVER heard of ANY harmful side effects from the correct usage of Food Grade hydrogen peroxide. |
35% Food Grade H202 must be….
1. handled carefully (direct contact will burn the skin- immediate flushing with water is recommended).
2. diluted properly before use.
3. stored safely and properly (after making a dilution the remainder should be stored tightly sealed in the freezer).
One of the most convenient methods of dispensing 35% H202 is from a small glass eye dropper bottle. These can be purchased at your local drugstore. Fill this with the 35% H202 and store the larger container in the freezer compartment of your refrigerator until more is needed. Store the eye dropper bottle in the refrigerator. The drops are mixed with either 6 to 8 ounces of distilled water, juice, aloe vera juice or gel.
(Don’t use chlorinated tap water to dilute the peroxide!)
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My Source:
Wake Up World
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