This is a historical document with links to even more historical documents. If you're interested in what Minicon is like now, you should visit the main Minicon page and follow the links there to read about recent and upcoming Minicons.

Minicon 34 Proposals

The revised High Resolution proposal for Minicon 34 was selected by the Minn-StF Board of Directors. You can read the press release as well as the accepted version of the High Resolution proposal for Minicon 34 (and beyond). For official, current, information about Minicon 34, please go to the Minicon 34 webpage.

Other Proposals

The High Resolution Proposal has been selected for both Minicon 34 and Minicon 35. But we'll keep these "old proposals" around for historical reference.

The Minn-StF Board of Directors made their decision after careful consideration of a recommendation from an Exec Selection Committee consisting of the current and two past years' Minicon execs. The people active on the ESC are Victor Raymond, Martin Schafer, Erik Baker, Cat Ocel, Glenn Tenhoff, and Kay Drache. The ESC recommended a Continuity proposal by Erik Baker, Victor Raymond, and Martin Schafer.

The original (now obsolete) High Resolution Proposal was presented to the ESC and the Board by David Dyer-Bennet, Alice Bentley, Steven Brust, Karen Cooper, Liz Cooper, Beth Friedman, Fred A. Levy Haskell, Susan B. Levy Haskell, Lydia Nickerson, and Geri Sullivan (calling themselves the High Resolutionary Council).

Martin Schafer, working for the Exec Selection Committee (ESC), prepared a considerably revised proposal, based on the original HRC proposal.

Cat Ocel, also working for the Exec Selection Committee, prepared another proposal melding many of the good ideas from Minicon 33, the HRC proposal, and other documents and discussions.

A Focus Statement for Minicon 34 and future Minicons was tentatively agreed to by the ESC and HRC members on 13-Sep-97. This was part of one of the plans presented to the Board. It's now obsolete.

There is also a proposal for a major change to the organization of the Minicon committee and its relationship to Minn-StF.

[Minn-StF] [Minicon] [Minicon 33] [Minicon 34]

Last modified Tuesday, 11-Nov-97 14:55:58 CST.
Laurel Krahn
from a document by David Dyer-Bennet

This is a historical document with links to even more historical documents. If you're interested in what Minicon is like now, you should visit the main Minicon page and follow the links there to read about recent and upcoming Minicons.