Wednesday, August 28, 2013

I dream of Sandy Hook

I had a reoccurring dream about the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting last night. I've had the dream perhaps 40 or 50 times since that horrible day. In the dream, I watch what I visualize as the shooting take place while I am a shade floating around the school. I try to warn people. I try save kids. I try to stop the shooter, who in my dream is a giant with a huge gun. All my efforts fail. Everybody dies. I grow frustrated and feel helpless.

I woke up from the dream at 3:00 am. My trusty dog Rufio was licking my face. I'm was hot and angry. I walked out to my back yard and spent 20 minutes looking up at the night sky before I could return to bed. I've done this so many times that it has become routine. Sandy Hook made an impression on me. The dream will be with me for a long time to come.

I am a responsible gun owner. I believe it is our right to own a gun, but I am not a member of the NRA, nor will I ever be. In fact, I do know how long I will continue to own a gun. I've come to the conclusion because of my dreams, that I am part of the problem. It is not because I own a gun, but because I don't do anything to confront the issue. I just carry one and let others fight the good fight. I think that I do this because the people who would fix the problem, scare me as much as the NRA. Why are we so polarized? 

I don't know how to fix this. Sandy Hook should not have happened. Teaching kids to duck and cover when there is an active shooter on campus or arming teachers, is focused on the wrong end of the problem. People like Adam Lanza should not own guns. Some types of guns should not be sold. Gun buy back programs, background checks, better registration systems… all of these things should be on the table. Yet the NRA fights them all and our political leaders cave to pressure. Instead of fixing the root of the problem, we instead teach children to hide from shooters. How does this solve the problem? During the next attack will fewer kids will be slaughtered?  I don't get it. Fuck the NRA.

This made me laugh - Cimate Name Change

Monday, August 26, 2013

So this Christian youth counselor touched a boy with his penis

A Christian youth counselor allegedly sexually assaulted a young boy at church summer camp by rubbing his penis on a young boys crotch in what sounds like simulated gay sex. His father, the church's pastor, calls it horseplay gone wrong. The alleged perpetrator is Zachary Anderle of the Vineyard Community Church in Chattanooga, Tennessee

The Chattanooga Times Free Press reported on Thursday that Vineyard Community Church in Chattanooga had taken the action after court documents emerged detailing Zachary Anderle’s arrest last month for two counts of third-degree cruelty to children and sexual assault while he was serving as counselor at the church’s camp in Carroll County, Ga.

The affidavits alleged that “Anderle climbed on top of a 13-year-old camper and placed his penis on top of the boy’s crotch while other boys were watching,” the Times Free Press noted. “Anderle also slapped the child’s face, the report states.”

Source: Tennessee church says camp counselor putting penis on boy is ‘horseplay gone wrong’

The failure mode in this story should be obvious by now. An adult male was allowed to bunk with adolescent boys without another adult present. This is a huge violation of what should be common sense. The Vineyard should know better and so should its church camp.  The Vineyard must have no real policy which protects its children. When you add that the church thinks the whole thing is just horseplay, it is clear that the church does not view issue in the proper context. Why was an adult male allowed to be nude in the presence of young boys at a secluded church camp without supervision? Hello civil lawsuit.

Plus, the Vineyard is a large Christian cult anyway…  so what can one expect?

He's a good priest and a holy priest...

He's a good priest and a holy priest who happens to have be arrested and charged with child molestation and victim tampering. We support Rev. Joseph Liang… or so suggests congregants from Catherdral Basilica of St. Louis as they tried to organize an official event showing their support for the alleged pedophile Catholic priest. SNAP put an end to it.
Earlier this week, local victims' rights advocates were outraged when they saw an invitation to a meet-up at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis to pray for the "defense and exoneration" of Father Xiu Hui "Joseph" Jiang, a priest accused of repeatedly molesting a teenage girl. Representatives of the Archdiocese of St. Louis said they were not aware of the event until Daily RFT reached out. They ultimately canceled it and had the listing removed.
Source: Chruchgoers Defend St. Louis Priest Accused of Sex Abuse, Pray in Private Meetup Group by Sam Levin
Oh you foolish people! Why would you support this man? Is it because he is a man of God? I think by now we all understand that priest are men who have the same weaknesses as other men, but much more access to power and children, which makes them more susceptible to abuse. Jiang will go to prison over these allegations. In fact, I predict a 30 year sentence. The evidence is damning. And now, Archbishop Robert Carlson has been Subpoenaed in the case. I smell a cover up!
"Child-molesting clerics may perform the actual assault alone, but almost always there are coverups involving other church officials, usually supervisors," David Clohessy, executive director of the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, tells Daily RFT. "We can't predict what Carlson will be asked or answer under oath. But simply the fact that he has to face tough questions under oath in a pending criminal case is encouraging to us."
Source: Fr. Xiu Hui "Joseph" Jiang: Archbishop Robert Carlson Subpoenaed in Priest Sex Abuse Case by Sam Levin
Archbishop Robert Carlson denied the allegation. I cannot wait to see Carlson testify, so I hope the court rules in the victim's favor. The question I want Carlson to answer, why did he bail out Rev. Joseph Liang?

I am a huge fan of SNAP. They fight the good fight and do a good job of holding the church and priests accountable. What I like most is the help they provide the victims. I would also like to thank Sam Levin of the Riverfront Times for his outstanding reporting.

Update 7/1/2015 - I looks like the charges were dropped. See this article for more information.

What is a church anyway?

Linda Cooper found out about her church recently. She was kicked out after six decades of membership for failing to publicly denounce her daughter's lifestyle. Linda's daughter is lesbian.

“My mother was up here and she sat beside me. That's it,” Kat Cooper said, acccording to The Daily Mail. “Literally, they're exiling members for unconditionally loving their children - and even extended family members.”

The Coopers have attended the church for decades, reports the New York Daily News. Linda Cooper was raised in the church, and her father’s plaque hangs on the walls of the church.

“This is not just some casual church they dropped in on," said Hunt Cooper, the father of Kat and husband of Linda.

Source: Ridgedale Church Of Christ Exiles Member Linda Cooper For Supporting Lesbian Daughter

The hate in this story is self evident. I do not need to explore the obvious. Instead, I want to comment on what a I think a church really is.  I've been thinking about this for a long time. A church is social construct whose primary focus is on establishing a moral norm and then enforcing compliant behavior on its members through a variety of techniques; including the heavy-handed method used in this story. Further, since each independent church has its own leader, morality is defined within the pastor social and political mindset. There is a vast difference between a liberal and conservative. What most of these conservative churches have in common is a break away from the word of Jesus toward the rules and laws of the Old Testament, which gives structure as apposed to the Golden Rule, which gives direction. If one interprets that actions of Linda and Kat Cooper through the words of Jesus, does one really kick an old lady to the curb? I don't think so, but then again, I am an atheist and my expectations are not skewed by a pastor with a political agenda. 

I am most disappointed with the other members of Linda Cooper's former church. Members of the Ridgedale Church of Christ should support Linda Cooper. They should walk out of the church along side their longtime friend instead of pointing the finger of shame at her. They do not know what it means to be a friend. They do not understand that the bonds we share with people are more important than the political rantings of a pastor focused on enforcing moral purity. Pastor Ken Willis is a putz. His congregation should abandon him. 

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Baptist pedophile Ernest Willis to stay in prison

Ernest Willis, profiled here, raped a 15-year-old girl, impregnated her, and then worked with his pastor to have his victim apologize for her own rape and have her child adopted. He and his pastor, Charles Phelps, are the worst sort of Christians. The pair is the answer to the question of why do I do this. My answer is Willis and Phelps.

Willis had appealed his conviction. It did not go well him.

The state Supreme Court has unanimously upheld the rape and sexual assault convictions against Ernest Willis who is serving a 15-to-30 year prison sentence for forcibly raping his teenage babysitter, whom he knew through Trinity Baptist Church in Concord, twice in 1997.

The girl, who became pregnant, was later made to stand before their congregation apologize by then-pastor Chuck Phelps. A Merrimack County jury convicted Ellis of three counts of rape and one count of felonious sexual assault in 2011.

Source: N.H. Supreme Court upholds Ernest Willis’s rape convictions by Annmarie Timmins

Willis will continue to serve his 15 to 30 year sentence. I hope his victim, Tina Anderson, can feel safe.

One part of the case has always bothered me. The police were investigating and then they stopped. 

The Concord police investigation into Willis’s conduct was closed when the department lost touch with Anderson. The case was reopened in 2010, leading to a trial the following year where Willis was convicted of multiple rape counts. After that trial, Willis’s attorneys appealed his convictions on several grounds, including the admission of testimony from Phelps.

Source:  Supreme Court upholds rape conviction, rejects religious privilege argument by Tricia L. Nadolny (2013)

They stopped investigating because Pastor Charles Phelps moved Tina Anderson out of state. Pastor Phelps should be in prison too. 

Other posts and links on this case:


Friday, August 23, 2013

How to spot a sociopath

I met Jim Jones when I was 16 or 17. I could not tell he was a sociopath at the time. I'm not sure if understanding a sociopath's red flags would have helped me, but at least it was an interesting read.

One of the more offensive duties of being an investigative journalist is taking out the trash -- exposing liars, fraudsters, con artists and scammers for the people they truly are. Each time we investigate a sociopath, we find that they always have a little cult group following of spellbound worshippers who consider that particular sociopath to be a "guru" or "prophet."

Sociopaths are masters at influence and deception. Very little of what they say actually checks out in terms of facts or reality, but they're extremely skillful at making the things they say sound believable, even if they're just making them up out of thin air. Here, I'm going to present quotes and videos of some legendary sociopaths who convinced everyday people to participate in mass suicides. And then I'm going to demonstrate how and why similar sociopaths are operating right now... today.

Source: How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job

Jim Jones was a charismatic man. I liked him on first meeting. I'm happy I did not jump on board the crazy train. I'd be dead now.

Evangelicals urged to confront abuse

Before I get started, let me state that I firmly believe Evangelicals should confront sex abuse via transparency and accountability. Having said that, I give you this…

Evangelical churches need to confront sexual abuse and cover-ups within their own ranks, according to a statement signed by more than 1,500 people worldwide and promoted by a former sex-crimes prosecutor.

The “Public Statement Concerning Sexual Abuse in the Church of Jesus Christ” was prompted in part by a Maryland lawsuit filed by 11 people against Sovereign Grace Ministries, a denomination now based in Louisville, alleging a cover-up of abuse within its churches.

Source: Faith & Works | Evangelical churches urged to confront abuse, cover-ups

I'm cynical. I know this article means well, but it is essentially a commercial for GRACE, or the Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment, which sells its services to Christian organization in need. I hope some good comes of it, but I do not think a group on the inside can be any more effective that the Catholic church is at investigating its own crimes. GRACE - please provide a list of cases which have been forwarded to the proper authorities for investigation. Show your worth. Hold the bastards accountable. 

No weaves for you

One of the problems I have with Christianity is that every church has its own brand of Christianity. Sometimes the differences are significant, like the differences between Southern Baptists and Baptists,  and sometimes they are trivial. In this case, I'll come down on the side of trivial. Pastor A.J. Aamir told his Waco based African American church that females must not wear weaves. I'm not kidding. Weaves are evil, or is that the women who are evil? I lose track.

Aamir told America Preachers: “Our black women are getting weaves trying to be something and someone they are not. Be real with yourself is all I’m saying.”

Aamir, who grew up in a strict Muslim household says he wants his congregation, where the average age of members is just 22 years old, to focus on what he deems as more important things than the hair on their heads. Aamir is also concerned that his parishioners are spending too much money on hair.

“Long hair don’t care. What kind of mess is that? I don’t want my members so focused on what’s on their heads and not IN their heads. I lead a church where our members are struggling financially. I mean really struggling. Yet, a 26 year old mother in my church has a $300 weave on her head. NO. I will not be quiet about this.”

Source: Unbeweaveable! Pastor bans weaves from his church
Original Source: Pastor says NO to women wearing weaves in church

Pastor Aamir leads the Resurrecting Faith Church in Waco, Texas. I'm sure Aamir is one of those pastors who wants his women to sit down and shut up. What's next? A burka?

GOP Fail - Eric Bodenweiser

Eric Bodenweiser, a GOP political candidate from Delaware, was arrested on 113 counts of child molestation related crimes. Keep in mind that Bodenweiser was a rabid anti-gay activist and a GOP state senate candidate.

A 30-year-old victim of Bodenweister came forward with unknown, but apparently damning enough, evidence to convince authorities to arrest the popular political candidate. The victim, whose identity has not been released, claims to have been molested by Eric Bodenweister between Oct. 1 1987 and Aug. 31, 1990.

It has been reported by that Bodenweister's indictment included 74 counts of unlawful sexual contact, a felony in the second degree. Also attached were 39 first-degree felony counts of unlawful sexual intercourse.

Source:Pedophile GOP senate candidate arrested on 113 counts
Original source:Bodenweiser, indicted on sex charges, makes bail

Is Eric Bodenweiser a Christian? Hell yes! Up until his arrest, Bodenweiser was associated with Delaware Family Policy Council. It is a right wing evangelical Christian organization which lobbies for things like banning divorces, making reproduction a marital requirement, and fighting against marriage equality. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

WWJD? Open carry madness

This post is not about the right to keep and bear arms. It is about a pastor with an assault rifle. When I saw video, my first thought was that if Jesus existed, I doubt he would walk about with a broadsword strapped to his back. How is it that any pastor act exactly opposite to the values his God exemplifies and do so without his fellow Christians giving him hell?

The pastor is Terry Holcomb. He is on a mission to get people talking about gun laws. I must ask, Is Jesus really a supporter of gun rights? Was that something covered in the bible? I don't think so. Do you?

Holcomb said customers and business owners didn’t complain until he got to Walmart. Within minutes a manager asked him to leave. Holcomb didn’t argue and walked out of the store as requested.
“Well, the Walmart in Huntsville definitely doesn’t honor 2nd Amendment rights,” he said in the video as he walked into the store parking lot.

“And that is their absolute right,” Holcomb told us in an interview a week after he posted the videos. “I respect their right just as much as I want them to respect mine.”

Source: Pastor carries rifle in Hunstville to raise awareness of open carry laws

hat tip: Think Progress

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Good photography takes practice

A walking interview with street photographer John Free.

Scott Walker wanted to arrest spectators?

Scott Walker has presidential aspirations. It is important that we remember how petty and small-minded his actions were when we are in the thick of the 2016 election cycle. The man embodies values that I think are anti-American. Watch this and tell me what you think. Under Gov. Scott Walker's administration in Wisconsin, a citizen can be arrested for watching a peaceful demonstration. A police officer was actually warning tourists. Is this America? Is Scott Walker a viable presidential candidate? I don't think so. Do you? Hat tip:

Richard Rinaldi's "Touching Strangers"

A worthy photography project. I wish I had thought of it. More here: Touching Strangers: Photographs by Richard Renaldi

Where were you when Elvis died?

I'm listening to a CBS Sunday Morning piece on the 36th anniversary of Elvis Presley's death. It dredged up a memory from the 70s. I was 17 at the time and driving with my friend Craig to his cousin's house for a game of basketball. We were listening to KMET when the news broke. We pulled over to listen to the story. I remember sitting on a treelined street in Yellow VW bug and thinking, "How is this possible?"

Where were you?